Iraqi Baby Boy Names II Find Your Favorite Now

Get enchanted by an arrangement of overwhelming Iraqi kid names that bring out allure and importance. Inside, your ideal name may be sitting tight for you.

Introduction To Iraq : 

Iraq, a country wealthy in history and social legacy, resounds with different human tones across its scenes. Baghdad, its dynamic capital, remains a demonstration of the country's flexibility and soul.

Baghdad is a bustling metropolis that covers 204 square miles and has over 9 million people. Amid historic landmarks and contemporary developments, life pulsates with vitality here.

Among the remarkable towns, Mosul stands out as one of the biggest in Iraq, covering an area of around 81 square miles and obliging a population of around 1.5 million.

Running against the norm, the town of Rawanduz remains one of the littlest, settled in a space of approximately 9 square miles and home to a populace of around 30,000 individuals.

In Iraq, the populace thickness fluctuates across locales, with Baghdad displaying a higher thickness because of its status as the capital. Overall, the nation encounters a birth rate of roughly 2.9 births per 1,000 individuals each day.

And a death rate of around 4.7 passings per 1,000 individuals each day. These numbers show how life is always changing and how the country's population is changing.

Iraqi Baby Boy Names With Meaning From A To Z.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter A.


  • Abbas (عباس): Derived from Arabic, it means "lion" symbolizing strength and courage, a name fit for a bold and resilient soul.
  • Amin (أمين): Meaning "trustworthy" in Arabic, it reflects honor and reliability, traits that resonate deeply in Iraqi culture.
  • Amer (عامر): This name signifies "prosperous" or "long-lived," embodying hope and a prosperous future for the bearer.
  • Ali (علي): A name of Arabic origin, it translates to "high" or "elevated," symbolizing greatness and nobility.
  • Ahmed (أحمد): Derived from the Arabic word for "praised" or "commendable," it reflects admiration and respect.
  • Adnan (عدنان): Meaning "settler" or "someone who stays on the right path," it represents resilience and steadfastness.
  • Aziz (عزيز): Signifying "beloved" or "dear," it embodies affection and cherished value.
  • Amir (أمير): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "prince" or "commander," reflecting leadership and authority.
  • Anwar (أنور): Meaning "bright" or "luminous," it symbolizes enlightenment and positivity.
  • Ayman (أيمن): Signifying "blessed" or "fortunate," it represents blessings and good fortune for the bearer.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter B.

    • Bashar (بشار): Meaning "bringer of good news," this name embodies hope and positivity, symbolizing a bearer of joyful tidings.
    • Bilal (بلال): Derived from Arabic, it signifies "water" or "refreshing," symbolizing purity and revitalization.
    • Basim (باسم): Signifying "smiling" or "cheerful," it reflects a joyful and optimistic disposition.
    • Badr (بدر): This name translates to "full moon," symbolizing brightness, clarity, and completeness.
    • Basil (باسل): Meaning "brave" or "courageous," it embodies strength and fearlessness in the face of adversity.
    • Bakr (بكر): Signifying "young" or "fresh," it symbolizes youthfulness and vitality.
    • Baha (بهاء): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "splendor" or "glory," representing magnificence and brilliance.
    • Bayan (بيان): Meaning "manifestation" or "clear explanation," it embodies clarity and eloquence.
    • Badrin (بدرين): Signifying "two full moons," it reflects abundance and completeness.
    • Barraq (براق): This name means "shining" or "gleaming," symbolizing brightness and radiance.

    Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter C.

      • Caytoor (كيتور): Meaning "courageous lion," this name embodies bravery and strength, symbolizing resilience in the face of challenges.
      • Cahir (كاهر): Signifying "victorious" or "triumphant," it represents overcoming obstacles with determination and success.
      • Cahim (كهيم): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "wise" or "intelligent," symbolizing wisdom and intellect.
      • Camil (كامل): Meaning "perfect" or "complete," it embodies a sense of wholeness and excellence.
      • Cahel (كاهل): Signifying "hopeful" or "optimistic," it represents a positive outlook and resilience in adversity.
      • Cadi (كادي): This name means "judge" or "fair," symbolizing principles of justice and righteousness.
      • Cabil (كبيل): Meaning "noble" or "dignified," it embodies a sense of honor and respect.
      • Cafur (كفور): Signifying "forgiving" or "merciful," it represents a compassionate and kind-hearted nature.
      • Cahid (كاهد): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "devoted" or "dedicated," symbolizing commitment and loyalty.
      • Cadim (كديم): Meaning "eternal" or "everlasting," it embodies enduring strength and timeless character.

      Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter D.

        • Daham (دحام): Meaning "strong" or "robust," this name embodies resilience and inner strength, symbolizing fortitude in challenges.
        • Dakhil (داخل): Signifying "open-hearted" or "welcoming," it represents warmth and hospitality, essential values in Iraqi culture.
        • Dalal (دلال): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "gentleness" or "tenderness," symbolizing kindness and compassion.
        • Dargham (درغام): Meaning "brave lion," it embodies courage and fearlessness, reflecting bravery in adversity.
        • Daud (داود): Signifying "beloved" or "cherished," it represents endearment and affection in relationships.
        • Dayyan (ديان): This name means "just" or "fair," symbolizing integrity and righteousness in actions and decisions.
        • Dhahir (ظاهر): Meaning "manifest" or "apparent," it embodies transparency and honesty, reflecting clarity of character.
        • Dhiya (ضياء): Signifying "light" or "radiance," it represents positivity and brightness in one's presence.
        • Dilshad (دلشاد): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "happy heart" or "joyous," symbolizing a cheerful and contented nature.
        • Dirar (درار): Meaning "free" or "liberated," it embodies a sense of independence and freedom of spirit.

        Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter E.

          • Ezzo (عزو): Meaning "respected" or "esteemed," this name embodies honor and reverence, symbolizing dignity in character.
          • Eli (إيل): Signifying "ascendancy" or "exalted," it represents elevation and strength in identity.
          • Elias (إلياس): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "the Lord is my God," symbolizing faith and devotion.
          • Emad (عماد): Meaning "pillar of support," it embodies reliability and stability, symbolizing strength in relationships.
          • Ehab (إيهاب): Signifying "gift" or "bestowal," it represents blessings and generosity.
          • Eldin (الدين): This name means "of the faith" or "religious," symbolizing devoutness and commitment.
          • Eskander (إسكندر): Meaning "defender of mankind," it embodies valor and protection, symbolizing bravery.
          • Essam (عصام): Signifying "safeguard" or "protector," it represents guardianship and security.
          • Ewan (إيوان): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "perfection" or "completeness," symbolizing excellence.
          • Ezzat (عزة): Meaning "glory" or "honor," it embodies prestige and distinction, symbolizing pride.

          Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter F.

            • Fadil (فاضل): Meaning "virtuous" or "excellent," this name embodies integrity and moral excellence, symbolizing goodness in character.
            • Fahad (فهد): Signifying "cheetah" or "swift," it represents agility and strength, symbolizing vitality and speed.
            • Faris (فارس): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "knight" or "horseman," symbolizing bravery and chivalry.
            • Fawaz (فواز): Meaning "successful" or "victorious," it embodies accomplishment and triumph, symbolizing achievement.
            • Firas (فراس): Signifying "perspicacious" or "intelligent," it represents wisdom and cleverness.
            • Fahim (فهيم): This name means "understanding" or "knowledgeable," symbolizing insight and wisdom.
            • Fadwa (فدوى): Meaning "sacrifice" or "selflessness," it embodies altruism and generosity.
            • Fahmi (فهمي): Signifying "perceptive" or "discerning," it represents keen understanding and sensitivity.
            • Faraj (فرج): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "relief" or "solution," symbolizing hope and resolution.
            • Fahd (فهد): Meaning "lynx" or "panther," it embodies stealth and grace, symbolizing agility and power.

            Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter G.

              • Ghanim (غانم): Meaning "successful" or "victorious," this name embodies triumph and accomplishment, symbolizing achievement.
              • Ghassan (غسان): Signifying "youth" or "young," it represents vitality and vigor, symbolizing the exuberance of youth.
              • Ghazi (غازي): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "conqueror" or "warrior," symbolizing bravery and courage.
              • Ghalib (غالب): Meaning "victorious" or "dominant," it embodies strength and prevailing power.
              • Ghali (غالي): Signifying "precious" or "dear," it represents cherished value and significance.
              • Ghassim (غسيم): This name means "distributor" or "provider," symbolizing generosity and giving.
              • Ghaith (غيث): Meaning "rain" or "precipitation," it symbolizes blessing and abundance.
              • Ghiyath (غياث): Signifying "savior" or "supporter," it embodies assistance and guidance.
              • Gharib (غريب): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "stranger" or "unfamiliar," symbolizing uniqueness and individuality.
              • Ghunaim (غنيم): Meaning "spoils" or "booty," it symbolizes achievement and success.

              Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter H.

                • Haider (هيدر): Meaning "lion" or "brave," this name embodies courage and strength, symbolizing resilience in adversity.
                • Hadi (هادي): Signifying "guide" or "leader," it represents wisdom and direction, guiding others with insight.
                • Hassan (حسن): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "handsome" or "good," symbolizing beauty and virtue.
                • Hussein (حسين): Meaning "good" or "handsome," it represents dignity and integrity, signifying honorable character.
                • Hayder (حيدر): Signifying "lively" or "vivacious," it embodies liveliness and energy, symbolizing a vibrant spirit.
                • Hakim (حكيم): This name means "wise" or "judicious," symbolizing sagacity and thoughtful decision-making.
                • Haitham (هيثم): Meaning "lion cub," it symbolizes courage and strength, representing youthful bravery.
                • Hamza (حمزة): Signifying "strong" or "steadfast," it embodies resilience and unwavering determination.
                • Hazar (هزار): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "vigorous" or "lively," symbolizing vitality and enthusiasm.
                • Hatem (حاتم): Meaning "decisive" or "resolute," it represents firmness and determination in actions.

                Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter I.

                  • Ibrahim (إبراهيم): Meaning "father of nations," it embodies leadership and guidance, symbolizing strength and wisdom.
                  • Ihsan (إحسان): Signifying "excellence" or "goodness," it represents virtuous behavior and kindness towards others.
                  • Imad (عماد): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "pillar of support," symbolizing reliability and stability in relationships.
                  • Issam (عصام): Meaning "safeguard" or "protector," it embodies a sense of guardianship and security.
                  • Isam (عصم): Signifying "safeguard" or "protection," it represents a shield against harm or adversity.
                  • Iyad (إياد): This name means "support" or "reinforcement," symbolizing assistance and reliance in challenging times.
                  • Ihab (إيهاب): Meaning "gift" or "present," it embodies blessings and gratitude, symbolizing a precious offering.
                  • Izzat (عزة): Signifying "glory" or "honor," it represents prestige and dignity, symbolizing pride.
                  • Idrees (إدريس): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "studious" or "learned," symbolizing a quest for knowledge.
                  • Ismail (إسماعيل): Meaning "heard by God," it embodies divine attention and signifies being favored.

                  Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter J.

                    • Jabbar (جبار): Meaning "mighty" or "powerful," it embodies strength and resilience, symbolizing robustness in character.
                    • Jamal (جمال): Signifying "beauty" or "grace," it represents elegance and attractiveness, symbolizing inner and outer beauty.
                    • Jasim (جاسم): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "strong" or "unyielding," symbolizing unwavering determination.
                    • Jawad (جواد): Meaning "generous" or "kind-hearted," it embodies a spirit of giving and compassion towards others.
                    • Jumah (جمعة): Signifying "Friday," it holds significance in Islamic culture, symbolizing a day of communal prayer and blessings.
                    • Jassim (جاسم): This name means "protector" or "defender," symbolizing a guardian's role and commitment.
                    • Jirjis (جرجس): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "George," symbolizing bravery and valor.
                    • Jalal (جلال): Meaning "majesty" or "glory," it embodies a sense of grandeur and splendor.
                    • Jabal (جبل): Signifying "mountain," it represents strength and steadfastness, symbolizing resilience.
                    • Jawdat (جودة): This name means "excellence" or "goodness," symbolizing virtuous and noble qualities.

                    Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter K.

                      • Kareem (كريم): Meaning "generous" or "noble-hearted," it embodies a spirit of kindness and magnanimity towards others.
                      • Khalid (خالد): Signifying "eternal" or "immortal," it represents lasting endurance and timeless strength.
                      • Karar (كرار): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "free" or "liberated," symbolizing independence and freedom.
                      • Kasim (قاسم): Meaning "divider" or "distributor," it represents fairness and impartiality in judgments.
                      • Karam (كرم): Signifying "benevolence" or "grace," it embodies a generous and compassionate nature.
                      • Kamal (كمال): This name means "perfection" or "excellence," symbolizing completeness and brilliance.
                      • Kaisar (قيصر): Meaning "emperor," it symbolizes strength and authority, signifying leadership qualities.
                      • Kazim (كاظم): Signifying "restrainer" or "calm," it embodies patience and self-control in challenging situations.
                      • Khair (خير): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "goodness" or "blessing," symbolizing positive virtues.
                      • Kadhim (كاظم): Meaning "calm" or "composed," it represents tranquility and peacefulness in demeanor.

                      Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter L.

                        • Laith (ليث): Meaning "lion" or "brave," it embodies courage and strength, symbolizing resilience in facing challenges.
                        • Layth (ليث): Signifying "lion" or "courageous," it represents valor and fearlessness in the face of adversity.
                        • Lamees (لميس): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "soft to the touch" or "gentle," symbolizing tenderness and kindness.
                        • Lutfi (لطفي): Meaning "kind" or "gentle-hearted," it embodies compassion and empathy towards others.
                        • Luay (لؤي): Signifying "shining" or "radiant," it represents brightness and positivity in character.
                        • Lamei (لميع): This name means "shiny" or "glowing," symbolizing brightness and radiant nature.
                        • Lubaid (لبيد): Meaning "friendly" or "amiable," it embodies warmth and affability in relationships.
                        • Latif (لطيف): Signifying "gentle" or "kind," it represents a tender and considerate disposition towards others.
                        • Lazim (لاظم): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "necessary" or "essential," symbolizing importance and significance.
                        • Laqin (لقين): Meaning "intelligent" or "clever," it embodies wisdom and sharpness of mind.

                        Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter M.

                          • Mahir (ماهر): Meaning "skilled" or "competent," it embodies proficiency and talent, symbolizing mastery in endeavors.
                          • Majid (ماجد): Signifying "glorious" or "magnificent," it represents grandeur and excellence, symbolizing greatness.
                          • Mansour (منصور): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "victorious" or "triumphant," symbolizing success and accomplishment.
                          • Muhsin (محسن): Meaning "doer of good" or "beneficent," it embodies kindness and generosity towards others.
                          • Mustafa (مصطفى): Signifying "chosen" or "preferred," it represents being favored or selected.
                          • Majid (ماجد): This name means "glorious" or "distinguished," symbolizing magnificence and eminence.
                          • Mahmoud (محمود): Meaning "praised" or "commendable," it embodies recognition and appreciation.
                          • Murtadha (مرتضى): Signifying "satisfied" or "content," it represents a state of fulfillment and satisfaction.
                          • Muayad (مؤيد): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "supporter" or "upholder," symbolizing steadfastness.
                          • Mohammed (محمد): Meaning "praised" or "commendable," it symbolizes being highly regarded and esteemed.

                          Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter N.

                            • Nadia (نادية): Signifying "delicate" or "tender," it embodies a gentle and caring disposition, symbolizing tenderness.
                            • Noura (نورة): Meaning "light" or "illumination," it represents brightness and positivity, symbolizing enlightenment.
                            • Najla (نجلاء): Signifying "noble" or "distinguished," it embodies gracefulness and elegance.
                            • Nawal (نوال): Meaning "gift" or "bestowal," it symbolizes blessings and generosity, symbolizing a precious offering.
                            • Nisreen (نسرين): Signifying "wild rose," it represents beauty and gracefulness, symbolizing natural elegance.
                            • Nouran (نوران): Meaning "two lights," it embodies radiance and brilliance, symbolizing a shining presence.
                            • Nahla (نهلة): Signifying "drink" or "quenching thirst," it symbolizes satisfaction and fulfillment.
                            • Nasrin (نسرين): Meaning "wild rose," it embodies beauty and gracefulness, symbolizing natural elegance.
                            • Nada (ندى): Signifying "dew" or "moisture," it represents freshness and vitality, symbolizing rejuvenation.
                            • Najat (نجاة): Meaning "salvation" or "rescue," it symbolizes hope and deliverance.

                            Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter O.

                              • Omar (عمر): Meaning "flourishing" or "long-lived," it embodies longevity and vitality, symbolizing a flourishing life.
                              • Othman (عثمان): Signifying "wise" or "intelligent," it represents sagacity and astuteness, symbolizing wisdom.
                              • Osama (أسامة): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "lion" or "strong," symbolizing bravery and strength.
                              • Omar (عمر): Meaning "flourishing" or "long-lived," it embodies longevity and vitality, symbolizing a flourishing life.
                              • Omar (عمر): Signifying "flourishing" or "long-lived," it represents growth and endurance, symbolizing a thriving existence.
                              • Osman (عثمان): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "wise" or "intelligent," symbolizing sagacity and astuteness.
                              • Othman (عثمان): Meaning "wise" or "intelligent," it embodies wisdom and keen insight, symbolizing knowledge.
                              • Odeh (عودة): Signifying "return" or "homecoming," it represents a sense of reunion and belonging.
                              • Othman (عثمان): Meaning "wise" or "intelligent," it symbolizes astuteness and knowledge, signifying wisdom.
                              • Osama (أسامة): Derived from Arabic, it translates to "lion" or "strong," symbolizing bravery and strength.

                              Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter P.

                                • Parosh (پاروش): Meaning "breeze" or "gentle wind," it embodies a calming and soothing nature, symbolizing tranquility.
                                • Pirman (پيرمان): Signifying "respected" or "honored," it represents dignity and reverence, symbolizing respect.
                                • Pasha (پاشا): Derived from Turkish, it translates to "lord" or "ruler," symbolizing authority and leadership.
                                • Pervin (پروين): Meaning "star," it embodies brightness and guidance, symbolizing a shining presence.
                                • Parman (پارمان): Signifying "prominent" or "outstanding," it represents eminence and distinction.
                                • Paiman (پيمان): Derived from Persian, it translates to "promise" or "commitment," symbolizing trustworthiness.
                                • Pakdar (پاکدار): Meaning "pure-hearted," it embodies sincerity and purity, symbolizing genuine intentions.
                                • Pakshan (پاکشان): Signifying "clear" or "transparent," it represents honesty and clarity, symbolizing truthfulness.
                                • Pareshan (پريشان): Derived from Persian, it translates to "troubled" or "worried," symbolizing sensitivity and depth of emotions.
                                • Padshah (پادشاه): Meaning "king" or "monarch," it embodies regality and authority, symbolizing sovereignty.

                                Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Q.

                                  • Qasim (قاسم): Meaning "divider" or "distributor," it symbolizes fairness and impartiality, signifying balance.
                                  • Qais (قيس): Signifying "firm" or "determined," it represents strength of character and resilience.
                                  • Qutaiba (قتيبة): Meaning "conqueror" or "victorious," it embodies triumph and success.
                                  • Qadim (قديم): Signifying "ancient" or "time-honored," it represents heritage and tradition.
                                  • Qusay (قصي): Meaning "distant" or "far-reaching," it symbolizes vision and farsightedness.
                                  • Qadir (قادر): Signifying "capable" or "competent," it embodies strength and capability.
                                  • Qutaibah (قطيبة): Meaning "determined" or "resolute," it symbolizes perseverance and determination.
                                  • Qaisar (قيصر): Signifying "emperor," it represents leadership and authority.
                                  • Qassim (قاسم): Meaning "divider" or "distributor," it embodies fairness and equity.
                                  • Qahtan (قحطان): Signifying "brave" or "courageous," it represents valor and bravery.

                                  Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter R.

                                    • Rahim (رحيم): Meaning "compassionate" or "kind-hearted," it embodies empathy and warmth, symbolizing a caring nature.
                                    • Rafiq (رفيق): Signifying "friend" or "companion," it represents camaraderie and support, symbolizing friendship.
                                    • Rashid (راشد): Meaning "guided" or "rightly guided," it embodies wisdom and guidance, symbolizing direction.
                                    • Rasul (رسول): Signifying "messenger" or "prophet," it represents leadership and inspiration, symbolizing guidance.
                                    • Rami (رامي): Meaning "archer" or "thrower," it symbolizes precision and focus, signifying determination.
                                    • Rakan (ركن): Signifying "pillar" or "support," it embodies stability and strength, symbolizing reliability.
                                    • Raid (رائد): Meaning "pioneer" or "explorer," it represents innovation and courage, symbolizing trailblazing qualities.
                                    • Ramzi (رمزي): Signifying "symbolic" or "representative," it embodies significance and importance.
                                    • Riyad (رياض): Meaning "gardens" or "meadows," it symbolizes beauty and serenity, signifying tranquility.
                                    • Rahman (رحمان): Signifying "merciful" or "compassionate," it represents kindness and benevolence, symbolizing empathy.

                                    Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter S.

                                      • Saad (سعد): Meaning "happiness" or "contentment," it embodies joy and fulfillment, symbolizing a cheerful disposition.
                                      • Salman (سلمان): Signifying "safe" or "secure," it represents protection and safety, symbolizing guardianship.
                                      • Sami (سامي): Meaning "elevated" or "sublime," it embodies distinction and excellence, symbolizing eminence.
                                      • Sadeq (صادق): Signifying "truthful" or "sincere," it represents honesty and authenticity, symbolizing genuineness.
                                      • Sarmad (سرمد): Meaning "eternal" or "everlasting," it embodies permanence and endurance, symbolizing continuity.
                                      • Saeed (سعيد): Signifying "fortunate" or "blessed," it represents good fortune and happiness, symbolizing blessings.
                                      • Saif (سيف): Meaning "sword" or "blade," it symbolizes strength and valor, signifying courage.
                                      • Sulaiman (سليمان): Signifying "peaceful" or "tranquil," it embodies calmness and serenity, symbolizing peace.
                                      • Saud (سعود): Meaning "fortune" or "luck," it symbolizes luck and prosperity, signifying good fortune.
                                      • Shakir (شاكر): Signifying "grateful" or "thankful," it represents appreciation and gratitude, symbolizing acknowledgment.

                                      Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter T.

                                        • Tariq (طارق): Meaning "morning star" or "guiding light," it embodies guidance and enlightenment, symbolizing a shining presence.
                                        • Talal (طلال): Signifying "kindness" or "generosity," it represents compassion and benevolence, symbolizing a giving nature.
                                        • Tawfiq (توفيق): Meaning "success" or "achievement," it embodies accomplishment and triumph, symbolizing achievement.
                                        • Taha (طه): Signifying "pure" or "clean," it represents purity of heart and spirit, symbolizing innocence.
                                        • Tayyib (طيب): Meaning "good" or "virtuous," it embodies goodness and righteousness, symbolizing moral integrity.
                                        • Tariq (طارق): Signifying "morning star" or "guiding light," it represents enlightenment and guidance, symbolizing illumination.
                                        • Thamer (ثامر): Meaning "fruitful" or "productive," it embodies abundance and prosperity, symbolizing richness.
                                        • Thaer (ثائر): Signifying "rebel" or "revolutionary," it represents courage and resilience, symbolizing bravery.
                                        • Talib (طالب): Meaning "seeker" or "searcher," it embodies curiosity and quest for knowledge, symbolizing curiosity.
                                        • Tareef (تعريف): Signifying "description" or "definition," it represents understanding and clarity, symbolizing comprehension.

                                        Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter U.

                                          • Uday (عدي): Meaning "rising" or "ascending," it embodies growth and progress, symbolizing advancement.
                                          • Umar (عمر): Signifying "long-lived" or "flourishing," it represents longevity and vitality, symbolizing endurance.
                                          • Usama (أسامة): Meaning "lion" or "strong," it symbolizes bravery and strength, signifying courage.
                                          • Usman (عثمان): Signifying "wise" or "intelligent," it embodies sagacity and astuteness, symbolizing wisdom.
                                          • Uthman (عثمان): Meaning "wise" or "intelligent," it represents knowledge and discernment, symbolizing insight.
                                          • Uday (عدي): Signifying "rising" or "ascent," it embodies progress and elevation, symbolizing growth.
                                          • Umar (عمر): Meaning "flourishing" or "prospering," it symbolizes vitality and expansion, signifying growth.
                                          • Usama (أسامة): Signifying "lion" or "courageous," it embodies bravery and valor, symbolizing fearlessness.
                                          • Usman (عثمان): Meaning "wise" or "perceptive," it represents astuteness and intelligence, symbolizing discernment.
                                          • Uthman (عثمان): Signifying "wise" or "clever," it embodies wisdom and understanding, symbolizing insightfulness.

                                          Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter V.

                                            • Vahid (واحد): Meaning "unique" or "singular," it symbolizes individuality and distinctiveness, signifying uniqueness.
                                            • Vian (فيان): Signifying "full of life" or "lively," it embodies vivacity and energy, symbolizing liveliness.
                                            • Vian (فيان): Meaning "clear stream" or "flowing water," it represents purity and clarity, symbolizing transparency.
                                            • Vareq (فارق): Signifying "distinct" or "different," it embodies uniqueness and separation, symbolizing individuality.
                                            • Vahid (واحد): Meaning "one" or "singular," it symbolizes unity and singularity, signifying uniqueness.
                                            • Vareq (فارق): Signifying "separating" or "differentiating," it represents distinction and uniqueness, symbolizing individuality.
                                            • Vivan (فيفان): Meaning "lively" or "vibrant," it embodies energy and dynamism, symbolizing liveliness.
                                            • Vahid (واحد): Signifying "unique" or "exclusive," it represents distinctiveness and individuality, symbolizing singularity.
                                            • Vivan (فيفان): Meaning "full of life" or "animated," it symbolizes vitality and vigor, signifying liveliness.
                                            • Vian (فيان): Signifying "full of life" or "lively," it embodies vibrancy and energy, symbolizing liveliness.

                                            Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter W.

                                              • Wahib (واهب): Meaning "giver" or "bestower," it embodies generosity and kindness, symbolizing a giving nature.
                                              • Waleed (وليد): Signifying "newborn" or "child," it represents innocence and new beginnings, symbolizing purity.
                                              • Widad (وداد): Meaning "affection" or "love," it embodies warmth and fondness, symbolizing affectionate feelings.
                                              • Wassim (وسيم): Signifying "handsome" or "graceful," it represents elegance and charm, symbolizing attractiveness.
                                              • Wahib (واهب): Meaning "donor" or "grantor," it symbolizes generosity and benevolence, signifying giving nature.
                                              • Waleed (وليد): Signifying "newborn" or "infant," it represents innocence and purity, symbolizing new beginnings.
                                              • Widad (وداد): Meaning "love" or "fondness," it embodies affection and care, symbolizing loving sentiments.
                                              • Wassim (وسيم): Signifying "good-looking" or "attractive," it represents charm and allure, symbolizing attractiveness.
                                              • Waleed (وليد): Meaning "innocent" or "pure-hearted," it embodies purity and sincerity, symbolizing innocence.
                                              • Wadood (وادود): Signifying "loving" or "affectionate," it represents warmth and care, symbolizing affection.

                                              Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter X.

                                                • Xalid (خالد): Meaning "eternal" or "immortal," it embodies everlasting strength, symbolizing enduring legacy.
                                                • Xamir (خمير): Signifying "flourishing" or "prosperous," it represents growth and vitality, symbolizing abundance.

                                                Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Y.

                                                  • Yasin (ياسين): Meaning "good and calm," it embodies tranquility and goodness, symbolizing peace.
                                                  • Yousef (يوسف): Signifying "God will add," it represents divine blessings and addition, symbolizing grace.
                                                  • Yaqub (يعقوب): Meaning "supplanter" or "replacement," it embodies resilience and adaptability, symbolizing strength.
                                                  • Yazan (يزن): Signifying "to live and exist," it represents vitality and existence, symbolizing life.
                                                  • Yunus (يونس): Meaning "dove," it embodies purity and peace, symbolizing innocence.
                                                  • Yahya (يحيى): Signifying "God's gift," it represents divine blessings and favor, symbolizing gracefulness.
                                                  • Yasser (ياسر): Meaning "easy" or "blessed," it embodies simplicity and blessings, symbolizing ease.
                                                  • Yahya (يحيى): Signifying "alive" or "living," it represents vitality and liveliness, symbolizing life.
                                                  • Yaseen (يسين): Meaning "good" or "noble," it embodies goodness and nobility, symbolizing virtue.
                                                  • Yousif (يوسف): Signifying "God will add," it represents divine favor and addition, symbolizing gracefulness.

                                                  Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Z.

                                                    • Zaid (زيد): Meaning "growth" or "abundance," it embodies progress and expansion, symbolizing flourishing.
                                                    • Zaki (زكي): Signifying "pure" or "innocent," it represents purity and sincerity, symbolizing innocence.
                                                    • Zuhair (زهير): Meaning "shining" or "radiant," it embodies brightness and brilliance, symbolizing luminosity.
                                                    • Zayn (زين): Signifying "beauty" or "ornament," it represents elegance and attractiveness, symbolizing beauty.
                                                    • Zakaria (زكريا): Meaning "remembering God," it embodies spirituality and devotion, symbolizing faithfulness.
                                                    • Zaid (زيد): Signifying "growth" or "progress," it represents development and advancement, symbolizing flourishing.
                                                    • Zaki (زكي): Meaning "pure-hearted" or "virtuous," it symbolizes goodness and sincerity, signifying purity.
                                                    • Zuhair (زهير): Signifying "bright" or "radiant," it represents illumination and brilliance, symbolizing luminosity.
                                                    • Zayn (زين): Meaning "beautiful" or "elegant," it embodies charm and grace, symbolizing attractiveness.
                                                    • Zakaria (زكريا): Signifying "God remembers," it represents divine remembrance, symbolizing spirituality.

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