Iranian Baby Girl Names II Unveil Beauty

Follow up with the latest models in the Iranian Baby Girl Names for the year 2024. Check out a set that combines the current sweetness with the usual pleasure and offers your child a name that is identified.

Introduction To Iran :

Iran, located in Western Asia, is a diverse country known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and vibrant society. The people of Iran exhibit a wide range of tones, influenced by regional cultures and traditions. From the bustling metropolises to the serene towns, the tones vary, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Iranian society.

Capital City - Tehran:
  • Area: Tehran covers an area of approximately 730 square kilometers.
  • Population: The population of Tehran is around 9 million inhabitants, making it one of the largest cities in Iran and the Middle East.
  • Density: With a high population density, Tehran is a dynamic urban center, bustling with activity and diversity.
  • Children Born Per Day: On average, around 500-600 children are born in Tehran per day, showcasing the city's youthful vitality.
  • People Dead Per DayRoughly, there are about 300-400 deaths per day in Tehran, reflecting the city's size and population.
Notable Towns - Varied Sizes:
  • Biggest Town - Mashhad:
  • Area: Covering an area of about 440 square kilometers.
  • Population: Mashhad is one of Iran's largest cities, with a population of over 3 million people.
  • Density: The city's population density is significant, reflecting its status as a major cultural and religious center.
  • Children Born Per Day: Approximately 200-300 children are born daily in Mashhad, contributing to its growth.
  • People Dead Per Day: On average, about 100-150 deaths occur daily in Mashhad.
Smallest Town - Abyaneh:
  • Area: Abyaneh covers a smaller area, around 3 square kilometers.
  • Population: This historic village is relatively small, with a population of a few hundred residents.
  • Density: Abyaneh has a lower population density compared to larger cities, offering a quieter and more intimate setting.
  • Children Born Per Day: Due to its small size, the number of children born daily in Abyaneh is minimal, often a few births in a week.
  • People Dead Per Day: With a small population, the daily deaths in Abyaneh are limited, usually a few deaths in a month or so.
Iran's various tones, from the bustling energy of Tehran to the cultural richness of Mashhad and the tranquility of smaller towns like Abyaneh, collectively contribute to the diverse fabric of the country's human landscape.

Iranian Baby Girl Names With Meaning From A To Z.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter A.


  • Ava Meaning: "Ava" translates to "voice" or "sound" in Persian, symbolizing a melodious presence.Anahita Meaning: "Anahita" is the name of a Persian goddess of fertility, water, and beauty, representing grace and femininity.
  • Ariana Meaning: "Ariana" signifies someone holy or pure, reflecting innocence and purity.
  • Aida Meaning: "Aida" means "reward" or "present" in Persian, symbolizing something given with love.
  • Arezoo Meaning: "Arezoo" translates to "wish" or "desire," reflecting aspirations and dreams.
  • Azar Meaning: "Azar" refers to the ninth month of the Iranian calendar, symbolizing warmth and passion.
  • Atena Meaning: "Atena" is inspired by the Greek goddess Athena, representing wisdom, knowledge, and strength.
  • Afsaneh Meaning: "Afsaneh" means "legend" or "myth" in Persian, symbolizing storytelling and imagination.
  • Anousha Meaning: "Anousha" signifies someone who brings happiness and joy.
  • Ayda Meaning: "Ayda" translates to "moonlight" in Persian, symbolizing beauty and illumination.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter B.

  • Banafsheh Meaning: "Banafsheh" refers to a wild violet flower, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Bahar Meaning: "Bahar" translates to "spring" in Persian, symbolizing renewal, freshness, and beauty.
  • Behnaz Meaning: "Behnaz" means "charming" or "captivating," symbolizing someone enchanting and attractive.
  • Bita Meaning: "Bita" signifies someone unique and special, symbolizing individuality and distinction.
  • Baran Meaning: "Baran" refers to rain in Persian, symbolizing life, fertility, and nourishment.
  • Bardia Meaning: Similar to the boy's name, "Bardia" for girls signifies purity and virtue.
  • Baharak Meaning: "Baharak" refers to a small spring flower, symbolizing delicacy and beauty.
  • Berenji Meaning: "Berenji" refers to rice, symbolizing nourishment and sustenance.
  • BaharehMeaning: "Bahareh" means "spring" as well, symbolizing beauty, renewal, and growth.
  • Borna Meaning: "Borna" signifies someone strong and courageous, symbolizing bravery and resilience.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter C.

  • Celia Meaning: "Celia" signifies "heavenly" or "celestial." It represents someone with a divine or ethereal presence.
  • Charmine Meaning: "Charmine" symbolizes "charming" or "captivating." It signifies someone who attracts and enchants others.
  • Cyrine Meaning: "Cyrine" signifies "like the sun." It represents warmth, radiance, and brightness.
  • Chakameh Meaning: "Chakameh" refers to someone with a captivating and pleasant personality. It signifies charm and grace.
  • CassiaMeaning: "Cassia" signifies "cinnamon." In Persian culture, it represents warmth, sweetness, and pleasantness.
  • Chamanara Meaning: "Chamanara" combines "chaman" (garden) and "ara" (ornament). It symbolizes someone who beautifies the environment, akin to a garden ornament.
  • Carmen Meaning: "Carmen" represents someone who is poetic and expressive. It signifies creativity and artistic inclinations.
  • Celine Meaning: "Celine" signifies "heaven" or "sky." It symbolizes a connection to higher ideals and spiritual aspects.
  • Chakavak Meaning: "Chakavak" refers to the nightingale, often associated with beauty, love, and melodiousness.
  • Cleora Meaning: "Cleora" symbolizes "glory" or "splendor." It reflects someone with a magnificent and glorious presence.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter D.

  • Darya Meaning: "Darya" means "sea" in Persian, symbolizing depth, vastness, and strength.
  • Dorna Meaning: "Dorna" refers to a mythical bird in Persian folklore, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Dilshad Meaning: "Dilshad" means "happy heart" or "cheerful." It represents someone with a joyful and optimistic nature.
  • Dorsa Meaning: "Dorsa" signifies someone with an affectionate and loving personality. It symbolizes tenderness and care.
  • Daneen Meaning: "Daneen" signifies "princess." It represents someone of royal and regal demeanor.
  • Donya Meaning: "Donya" means "world" in Persian, symbolizing universality and vastness.
  • Delara Meaning: "Delara" translates to "adorning the heart." It signifies someone who brings joy and beauty to others.
  • Davina Meaning: "Davina" represents someone cherished or beloved. It symbolizes endearment and affection.
  • Diba Meaning: "Diba" refers to a beautiful, magnificent lady. It signifies elegance and beauty.
  • Daneh Meaning: "Daneh" means "grain" or "seed." It symbolizes growth, fertility, and potential.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter E.

  • Elaheh Meaning: "Elaheh" means "goddess." It symbolizes divinity and gracefulness.
  • Elnaz Meaning: "Elnaz" signifies "sweetheart" or "beloved." It represents someone cherished and loved.
  • Eti Meaning: "Eti" refers to a star. It symbolizes brightness and guidance.
  • Elham Meaning: "Elham" signifies "inspiration" or "revelation." It represents creativity and inspiration.
  • Elina Meaning: "Elina" symbolizes "bright" or "shining." It represents someone radiant and luminous.
  • Ezzat Meaning: "Ezzat" means "honor" or "dignity." It signifies respect and integrity.
  • Esmat Meaning: "Esmat" signifies "purity" or "chastity." It represents someone pure-hearted and virtuous.
  • Eshrat Meaning: "Eshrat" means "sign" or "indication." It symbolizes guidance and direction.
  • Eila Meaning: "Eila" signifies "guardian" or "protector." It represents someone who watches over others.
  • Email Meaning: "Esmaila" signifies "God hears." It represents someone whose prayers are heard and answered.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter F.

  • Fariba Meaning: "Fariba" signifies "captivating" or "enticing." It represents someone charming and alluring.
  • Fereshteh Meaning: "Fereshteh" means "angel" or "celestial being." It symbolizes purity and grace.
  • Farnaz Meaning: "Farnaz" signifies "glorified" or "praiseworthy." It represents someone honored and respected.
  • Fatemeh Meaning: "Fatemeh" is a revered name in Islamic culture, associated with Prophet Muhammad's daughter. It signifies "one who abstains," reflecting self-discipline and piety.
  • Fahimeh Meaning: "Fahimeh" means "intelligent" or "wise." It represents someone with intellect and insight.
  • Forough Meaning: "Forough" signifies "light" or "brightness." It represents illumination and radiance.
  • Farnoush Meaning: "Farnoush" refers to someone who spreads knowledge or wisdom. It signifies an educator or a guide.
  • Farahnaz Meaning: "Farahnaz" signifies "joyful coquetry" or "delightful charm." It represents someone joyous and delightful.
  • Firoozeh Meaning: "Firoozeh" means "turquoise" or "precious stone." It symbolizes beauty and rarity.
  • Fahmida Meaning: "Fahmida" signifies "intelligent" or "learned." It represents someone knowledgeable and wise.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter G.

  • Golnaz Meaning: "Golnaz" signifies "charming flower." It represents beauty and elegance.
  • Gita Meaning: "Gita" signifies "song" or "melody." It represents someone melodious and harmonious.
  • Golshan Meaning: "Golshan" refers to a garden or a place with flowers. It symbolizes beauty and serenity.
  • Golara Meaning: "Golara" signifies "flower-adorned." It represents someone adorned with grace and beauty.
  • Golnar Meaning: "Golnar" refers to a pomegranate blossom. It symbolizes fertility and vitality.
  • Golbarg Meaning: "Golbarg" signifies "petal of a rose." It represents delicate beauty and elegance.
  • Golrokh Meaning: "Golrokh" means "face as beautiful as a flower." It symbolizes charm and attractiveness.
  • Ghazal Meaning: "Ghazal" refers to a poetic form in Persian literature. It symbolizes lyrical beauty and grace.
  • Golchehreh Meaning: "Golchehreh" signifies "cheek like a flower." It represents natural beauty.
  • Golnar Meaning: "Golnar" signifies "pomegranate blossom." It symbolizes fertility and vitality.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter H.

  • Home Meaning: "Homa" refers to a mythical bird in Persian folklore, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Hedieh Meaning: "Hedieh" signifies "gift" or "present." It represents something given with love and affection.
  • Haleh Meaning: "Haleh" signifies "halo" or "aura." It represents someone with a radiant and glowing presence.
  • Hasti Meaning: "Hasti" signifies "existence" or "being." It represents life and existence.
  • Honda Meaning: "Hoda" means "guidance" or "divine guidance." It represents someone who leads with wisdom and spirituality.
  • Haleh Meaning: "Haleh" signifies "halo" or "aura." It represents someone with a radiant and glowing presence.
  • Houri Meaning: "Houri" signifies "beautiful companion." It represents beauty and charm.
  • Homa Meaning: "Homa" refers to a mythical bird in Persian folklore, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Homa Meaning: "Homa" refers to a mythical bird in Persian folklore, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Hadiyah Meaning: "Hadiyah" means "gift" or "present." It represents something given with love and affection.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter I.

  • Irandokht Meaning: "Irandokht" signifies "daughter of Iran." It represents a strong connection to Iranian heritage.
  • Iran Meaning: "Iran" represents the "land of the Aryans" or "land of noble people." It signifies pride in Iranian culture.
  • Irene Meaning: "Irene" signifies "peace." It represents tranquility and harmony.
  • Iris Meaning: "Iris" refers to the flower iris. It symbolizes beauty and elegance.
  • IzadMeaning: "Izad" means "blessing" or "favor." It represents someone blessed and fortunate.
  • Imani Meaning: "Imani" signifies "faith" or "belief." It represents strong convictions and faithfulness.
  • Iran Meaning: "Iran" represents the "land of the Aryans" or "land of noble people." It signifies pride in Iranian culture.
  • Izara Meaning: "Izara" signifies "star." It represents brightness and guidance.
  • Irina Meaning: "Irina" signifies "peace." It represents tranquility and harmony.
  • Izara Meaning: "Izara" signifies "star." It represents brightness and guidance.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter J.

  • Jaleh Meaning: "Jaleh" signifies "dew" or "morning dew." It represents freshness and purity.
  • Jasmin Meaning: "Jasmin" refers to the jasmine flower. It symbolizes grace and elegance.
  • Jila Meaning: "Jila" signifies "charm" or "attraction." It represents someone captivating and alluring.
  • Jinan Meaning: "Jinan" means "heaven" or "paradise." It signifies beauty and tranquility.
  • Jaleh Meaning: "Jaleh" signifies "dew" or "morning dew." It represents freshness and purity.
  • Jasmin Meaning: "Jasmin" refers to the jasmine flower. It symbolizes grace and elegance.
  • Jinan Meaning: "Jinan" means "heaven" or "paradise." It signifies beauty and tranquility.
  • Jazmin Meaning: "Jazmin" refers to the jasmine flower. It symbolizes grace and delicacy.
  • Jale Meaning: "Jale" signifies "attractive" or "captivating." It represents charm and allure.
  • Jila Meaning: "Jila" signifies "charm" or "attraction." It represents someone captivating and alluring.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter K.

  • Kiana Meaning: "Kiana" signifies "divine" or "royal." It represents someone with grace and elegance.
  • Kimia Meaning: "Kimia" signifies "alchemy" or "transformation." It represents change and transformation.
  • Khatereh Meaning: "Khatereh" means "memory" or "remembrance." It signifies something unforgettable.
  • Kiana Meaning: "Kiana" signifies "divine" or "royal." It represents someone with a noble spirit.
  • Kimiya Meaning: "Kimiya" signifies "alchemy" or "magic." It represents something mystical and transformative.
  • Kamand Meaning: "Kamand" signifies "intrepid" or "fearless." It represents bravery and courage.
  • Khashayar Meaning: "Khashayar" refers to a woman of power and authority, inspired by Xerxes, an ancient Persian king.
  • Kiana Meaning: "Kiana" signifies "divine" or "royal." It represents someone with grace and elegance.
  • Kimiya Meaning: "Kimiya" signifies "alchemy" or "magic." It represents something mystical and transformative.
  • Khatereh Meaning: "Khatereh" means "memory" or "remembrance." It signifies something unforgettable.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter L.

  • Laleh Meaning: "Laleh" signifies a tulip, representing beauty and elegance.
  • Leila Meaning: "Leila" signifies "night" or "dark beauty." It represents mystery and allure.
  • Ladan Meaning: "Ladan" signifies a fragrant flower found in Persian culture. It represents beauty and gracefulness.
  • Lina Meaning: "Lina" signifies "tender" or "delicate." It represents gentleness and sensitivity.
  • Ladan Meaning: "Ladan" signifies a fragrant flower found in Persian culture. It represents beauty and elegance.
  • Layla Meaning: "Layla" signifies "night" or "dark beauty." It represents mystery and enchantment.
  • Livia Meaning: "Livia" signifies "blue" or "envious." It represents depth and contemplation.
  • Laleh Meaning: "Laleh" signifies a tulip, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  • Lara Meaning: "Lara" signifies "cheerful" or "light-hearted." It represents a joyful disposition.
  • Ladan Meaning: "Ladan" signifies a fragrant flower found in Persian culture. It represents beauty and elegance.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter M.

  • Mitra Meaning: "Mitra" signifies "friend" or "companion." It represents friendship and solidarity.
  • Mahsa Meaning: "Mahsa" signifies "like the moon." It represents beauty and gracefulness.
  • Marjan Meaning: "Marjan" signifies "coral." It represents rarity and preciousness.
  • MelikaMeaning: "Melika" signifies "queen" or "royalty." It represents regal qualities and leadership.
  • Mina Meaning: "Mina" signifies "enamel" or "precious stone." It represents beauty and uniqueness.
  • Mehrnoosh Meaning: "Mehrnoosh" signifies "listener to the sun." It represents someone who appreciates and understands brightness.
  • Maryam Meaning: "Maryam" is the Persian variant of "Mary." It signifies purity and innocence.
  • Mahrokh Meaning: "Mahrokh" signifies "moon-faced." It represents beauty and charm.
  • Mehraneh Meaning: "Mehraneh" signifies "kindness" or "compassion." It represents a caring and empathetic nature.
  • Mitra Meaning: "Mitra" signifies "friend" or "companion." It represents friendship and solidarity.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter N.

  • Nasrin Meaning: "Nasrin" signifies "wild rose." It represents beauty and delicacy.
  • Neda Meaning: "Neda" signifies "voice" or "calling." It represents expression and communication.
  • Nava Meaning: "Nava" signifies "melody" or "tune." It represents musicality and harmony.
  • Nika Meaning: "Nika" signifies "good" or "pure." It represents goodness and purity.
  • Narmin Meaning: "Narmin" signifies "gentle" or "soft-spoken." It represents a gentle and kind-hearted nature.
  • Noura Meaning: "Noura" signifies "light" or "radiance." It represents brightness and positivity.
  • Nazanin Meaning: "Nazanin" signifies "charming" or "captivating." It represents someone captivating and alluring.
  • Narjes Meaning: "Narjes" signifies "narcissus flower." It represents beauty and elegance.
  • Nika Meaning: "Nika" signifies "good" or "pure." It represents goodness and purity.
  • Neda Meaning: "Neda" signifies "voice" or "calling." It represents expression and communication.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter O.

  • Orkideh Meaning: "Orkideh" signifies "orchid." It represents delicate beauty and uniqueness.
  • Ozra Meaning: "Ozra" signifies "pure" or "untouched." It represents purity and innocence.
  • Olya Meaning: "Olya" signifies "high" or "exalted." It represents someone esteemed and respected.
  • Omida Meaning: "Omida" signifies "hope" or "expectation." It represents optimism and positivity.
  • Oshin Meaning: "Oshin" signifies "ocean." It represents vastness and depth.
  • Orina Meaning: "Orina" signifies "peaceful" or "calm." It represents tranquility and serenity.
  • Orkideh Meaning: "Orkideh" signifies "orchid." It represents delicate beauty and grace.
  • Ozra Meaning: "Ozra" signifies "pure" or "untouched." It represents innocence and purity.
  • Olya Meaning: "Olya" signifies "high" or "exalted." It represents someone esteemed and respected.
  • Oshin Meaning: "Oshin" signifies "ocean." It represents vastness and depth.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter P.

  • Parisa Meaning: "Parisa" signifies "like a fairy" or "angelic." It represents beauty and gracefulness.
  • Pari Meaning: "Pari" signifies "fairy" or "sprite." It represents a mystical and enchanting presence.
  • Parvin Meaning: "Parvin" signifies "cluster of stars" or "constellation." It represents brightness and uniqueness.
  • Parastoo Meaning: "Parastoo" signifies a bird (swallow) in Persian culture. It represents freedom and grace.
  • Parisa Meaning: "Parisa" signifies "like a fairy" or "angelic." It represents beauty and elegance.
  • Pegah Meaning: "Pegah" signifies "dawn" or "early morning." It represents a new beginning and freshness.
  • Pardis Meaning: "Pardis" signifies "paradise." It represents beauty and tranquility.
  • Peyton Meaning: "Peyton" signifies "chief" or "leader." It represents leadership and strength.
  • Parnian Meaning: "Parnian" signifies "silk" or "silky." It represents softness and delicacy.
  • Parvin Meaning: "Parvin" signifies "cluster of stars" or "constellation." It represents brightness and uniqueness.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter Q.

  • Qamar Meaning: "Qamar" signifies "moon." It represents beauty and gracefulness.
  • Qadria Meaning: "Qadria" signifies "capable" or "powerful." It represents strength and competence.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter R.

  • Roxana Meaning: "Roxana" signifies "bright" or "dawn." It represents brightness and new beginnings.
  • Rana Meaning: "Rana" signifies "delightful" or "charming." It represents someone captivating.
  • Roshan Meaning: "Roshan" signifies "bright" or "radiant." It represents illumination and positivity.
  • Royaa Meaning: "Royaa" signifies "dream" or "vision." It represents aspirations and hopes.
  • Razan Meaning: "Razan" signifies "satisfied" or "content." It represents inner peace and fulfillment.
  • Roxana Meaning: "Roxana" signifies "dawn" or "bright." It represents new beginnings and positivity.
  • Rana Meaning: "Rana" signifies "delightful" or "joyful." It represents a joyful and charming nature.
  • Roshan Meaning: "Roshan" signifies "bright" or "shining." It represents brightness and optimism.
  • Royaa Meaning: "Royaa" signifies "dream" or "vision." It represents aspirations and hopes for the future.
  • Razan Meaning: "Razan" signifies "satisfied" or "content." It represents inner peace and contentment.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter S.

  • Sara Meaning: "Sara" signifies "pure" or "untouched." It represents innocence and purity.
  • Shirin Meaning: "Shirin" signifies "sweet" or "pleasant." It represents a charming and delightful personality.
  • SetarehMeaning: "Setareh" signifies "star." It represents brightness and guidance.
  • Sahar Meaning: "Sahar" signifies "dawn" or "early morning." It represents new beginnings and freshness.
  • Samira Meaning: "Samira" signifies "companion in evening conversation." It represents someone engaging and friendly.
  • Sara Meaning: "Sara" signifies "noble" or "princess." It represents regal qualities and dignity.
  • Shadi Meaning: "Shadi" signifies "joyful" or "happy." It represents a joyful and cheerful nature.
  • Sahar Meaning: "Sahar" signifies "dawn" or "early morning." It represents new beginnings and a fresh start.
  • Soraya Meaning: "Soraya" signifies "princess" or "gem." It represents grace and elegance.
  • Sima Meaning: "Sima" signifies "face" or "appearance." It represents beauty and attractiveness.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter T.

  • Tala Meaning: "Tala" signifies "gold." It represents value and preciousness.
  • Tara Meaning: "Tara" signifies "star." It represents brightness and guidance.
  • Tannaz Meaning: "Tannaz" signifies "charming" or "captivating." It represents a captivating presence.
  • Tina Meaning: "Tina" signifies "river" or "flowing water." It represents fluidity and adaptability.
  • Tala Meaning: "Tala" signifies "gold." It represents value and preciousness.
  • Tara Meaning: "Tara" signifies "hill" or "mound." It represents stability and strength.
  • Tiva Meaning: "Tiva" signifies "sunbeam." It represents brightness and warmth.
  • Tara Meaning: "Tara" signifies "star." It represents illumination and guidance.
  • Tahmine hMeaning: "Tahmineh" signifies "charming" or "endearing." It represents a charming personality.
  • Tina Meaning: "Tina" signifies "river" or "flowing water." It represents adaptability and resilience.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter U.

  • Usha Meaning: "Usha" signifies "dawn" or "sunrise." It represents new beginnings and brightness.
  • Uma Meaning: "Uma" signifies "tranquility" or "peace." It represents calmness and serenity.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter V.

  • Vina Meaning: "Vina" signifies "melody" or "musical instrument." It represents musicality and harmony.
  • Viona Meaning: "Viona" signifies "violet flower." It represents beauty and elegance.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter W.

  • Wida Meaning: "Wida" signifies "farewell." It represents a bittersweet departure or leaving.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter X.

  • Xena Meaning: "Xena" signifies "hospitable" or "welcoming." It represents a friendly and inviting nature.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter Y.

  • Yasmin Meaning: "Yasmin" signifies "jasmine flower." It represents beauty and delicacy.

Here are some popular names for baby girls that begin with the letter Z.

  • Zara Meaning: "Zara" signifies "princess" or "flower." It represents dignity and beauty.
  • Ziba Meaning: "Ziba" signifies "beautiful." It represents grace and charm.

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