Iranian Baby Boy Names II Uncover Ancient Charm

Explore ancient Iranian jewelry through an event organized by Iranian Baby Boy Names. Learn the stories and meanings of these names that are rooted in centuries-old traditions.

Introduction To Iran :

Iran, located in Western Asia, is a diverse country known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and vibrant society. The people of Iran exhibit a wide range of tones, influenced by regional cultures and traditions. From the bustling metropolises to the serene towns, the tones vary, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Iranian society.

Capital City - Tehran:
  • Area: Tehran covers an area of approximately 730 square kilometers.
  • Population: The population of Tehran is around 9 million inhabitants, making it one of the largest cities in Iran and the Middle East.
  • Density: With a high population density, Tehran is a dynamic urban center, bustling with activity and diversity.
  • Children Born Per Day: On average, around 500-600 children are born in Tehran per day, showcasing the city's youthful vitality.
  • People Dead Per Day: Roughly, there are about 300-400 deaths per day in Tehran, reflecting the city's size and population.
Notable Towns - Varied Sizes:
  • Biggest Town - Mashhad:
  • Area: Covering an area of about 440 square kilometers.
  • Population: Mashhad is one of Iran's largest cities, with a population of over 3 million people.
  • Density: The city's population density is significant, reflecting its status as a major cultural and religious center.
  • Children Born Per Day: Approximately 200-300 children are born daily in Mashhad, contributing to its growth.
  • People Dead Per Day: On average, about 100-150 deaths occur daily in Mashhad.
Smallest Town - Abyaneh:
  • Area: Abyaneh covers a smaller area, around 3 square kilometers.
  • Population: This historic village is relatively small, with a population of a few hundred residents.
  • Density: Abyaneh has a lower population density compared to larger cities, offering a quieter and more intimate setting.
  • Children Born Per Day: Due to its small size, the number of children born daily in Abyaneh is minimal, often a few births in a week.
  • People Dead Per Day: With a small population, the daily deaths in Abyaneh are limited, usually a few deaths in a month or so.
Iran's various tones, from the bustling energy of Tehran to the cultural richness of Mashhad and the tranquility of smaller towns like Abyaneh, collectively contribute to the diverse fabric of the country's human landscape.

Iranian Baby Boy Names With Meaning From A To Z.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter A.


  • Amir Meaning: "Amir" means "prince" in Persian. It signifies leadership, nobility, and strength.
  • Arash Meaning: "Arash" is associated with the mythological hero who shot an arrow to determine the borders of Iran. It symbolizes bravery and determination.
  • Ali Meaning: "Ali" is a name of high significance in Islamic culture, representing nobility, strength, and honor.
  • Amin Meaning: "Amin" means "trustworthy" or "faithful" in Persian, signifying reliability and integrity.
  • Arya Meaning: "Arya" translates to "noble" or "honorable." It represents someone of high moral character.
  • Arman Meaning: "Arman" means "desire" or "wish" in Persian, symbolizing aspirations and ambitions.
  • Amir Hossein Meaning: "Amirhossein" combines "Amir" (prince) with "Hossein" (a revered figure in Shia Islam), symbolizing royalty and religious devotion.
  • Ahmad Meaning: "Ahmad" is derived from the Arabic word for "praiseworthy" and signifies someone worthy of admiration.
  • Asad Meaning: "Asad" means "lion" in Persian, representing strength, courage, and leadership.
  • Aryan Meaning: "Aryan" signifies someone noble or of higher lineage, representing dignity and honor.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter B.

  • Bahram Meaning: "Bahram" signifies victory and bravery. It reflects someone who is powerful and triumphant.
  • Behruz Meaning: "Behruz" means "fortunate" or "lucky" in Persian, symbolizing someone blessed with good fortune.
  • Babak Meaning: "Babak" refers to a revered historical figure, reflecting leadership and resilience.
  • Bijan Meaning: "Bijan" signifies someone of high status or noble birth, symbolizing dignity and honor.
  • Bahman Meaning: "Bahman" is associated with the name of a month in the Iranian calendar, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.
  • Behnam Meaning: "Behnam" translates to "reputable" or "well-known," symbolizing a person with a good reputation.
  • Bardia Meaning: "Bardia" refers to someone who is pure-hearted and virtuous.
  • Baha Meaning: "Baha" means "splendor" or "glory" in Persian, symbolizing magnificence and greatness.
  • Behrooz Meaning: "Behrooz" signifies someone who is blessed or fortunate, symbolizing happiness and prosperity.
  • Behzad Meaning: "Behzad" means "noble" or "honorable," reflecting someone of high moral character and dignity.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter C.

  • Cyrus Meaning: "Cyrus" signifies "far-sighted" or "throne," reflecting someone wise and regal. It's associated with Cyrus the Great, an influential Persian ruler known for his wisdom and leadership.
  • Caspian Meaning: "Caspian" refers to the Caspian Sea, symbolizing vastness and depth. It represents someone with depth of character and a broad perspective.
  • Chehrazi Meaning: "Chehrazi" means "bright-faced" or "radiant." It symbolizes someone with a shining personality and a captivating presence.
  • Chaker Meaning: "Chaker" signifies "pious" or "devout." It reflects someone deeply committed to their beliefs and values.
  • Cyrano Meaning: "Cyrano" represents someone who is eloquent and poetic. It signifies creativity and expressive communication.
  • Cyan Meaning: "Cyan" symbolizes the color blue, often associated with tranquility and depth. It represents someone calm and introspective.
  • Chaman Meaning: "Chaman" refers to a garden or paradise. It symbolizes beauty, tranquility, and harmony.
  • Cameron Meaning: "Cameron" means "crooked nose." In Iranian culture, it represents uniqueness and individuality.
  • Cedar Meaning: "Cedar" signifies strength and resilience, often associated with the cedar tree, representing endurance and steadfastness.
  • Cyr Meaning: "Cyr" symbolizes "lord" or "master." It reflects authority and leadership qualities.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter D.

  • Dara Meaning: "Dara" signifies "pearl of wisdom" or "possessor of goodness." It represents someone who is wise and virtuous.
  • Darian Meaning: "Darian" refers to someone kingly or regal. It symbolizes strength and nobility.
  • Dorood Meaning: "Dorood" means "salutation" or "greeting" in Persian, symbolizing warmth and respect.
  • Diyar Meaning: "Diyar" signifies a person with a caring and compassionate nature. It represents someone loving and nurturing.
  • Dariush Meaning: "Dariush" is derived from "Darius," the name of several ancient Persian kings. It represents leadership and strength.
  • Danial Meaning: "Danial" is the Persian form of the name "Daniel." It signifies "God is my judge" and reflects faith and righteousness.
  • Davood Meaning: "Davood" is the Persian name for "David." It symbolizes "beloved" or "friend." It signifies a strong bond and love.
  • Dorran Meaning: "Dorran" signifies someone with a steady and enduring personality. It represents consistency and reliability.
  • Davaran Meaning: "Davaran" means "leader" or "chief." It symbolizes someone who takes charge and leads with authority.
  • Delshad Meaning: "Delshad" translates to "happy heart." It signifies joyfulness and a cheerful disposition.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter E.

  • Ehsan Meaning: "Ehsan" signifies "kindness" or "compassion." It represents a person who is generous and empathetic towards others.
  • Ezra Meaning: "Ezra" symbolizes "help" or "aid." It represents someone who is supportive and offers assistance to others.
  • Emad Meaning: "Emad" refers to "support" or "pillar." It symbolizes strength and reliability, someone dependable.
  • Ebrahim Meaning: "Ebrahim" is the Persian form of "Abraham." It signifies "father of many" or "father of nations," reflecting a paternal figure.
  • Erfan Meaning: "Erfan" signifies "knowledge" or "awareness." It represents someone who is wise and knowledgeable.
  • Ezat Meaning: "Ezat" means "dignity" or "honor." It symbolizes respect and integrity.
  • Erfan Meaning: "Erfan" represents someone with insight and wisdom. It signifies understanding and enlightenment.
  • Erfan Meaning: "Erfan" signifies "knowledge" or "wisdom." It represents someone who seeks understanding and enlightenment.
  • Elyas Meaning: "Elyas" is the Persian form of "Elijah." It symbolizes strength and devotion.
  • Ebrahim Meaning: "Ebrahim" signifies "father of multitudes." It symbolizes a patriarchal figure and leadership.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter F.

  • Farzad Meaning: "Farzad" signifies "noble birth" or "descendant of a noble family." It represents someone with an esteemed lineage.
  • Firuz Meaning: "Firuz" means "victorious" or "successful." It signifies triumph and achievement.
  • Farhad Meaning: "Farhad" represents someone filled with happiness and cheerfulness. It signifies joy and elation.
  • Farid Meaning: "Farid" signifies "unique" or "precious." It represents someone exceptional and one of a kind.
  • Ferdous Meaning: "Ferdous" refers to paradise or heaven. It symbolizes beauty, tranquility, and bliss.
  • Farivar Meaning: "Farivar" signifies "worthy of the throne" or "royal." It represents nobility and regality.
  • Farokh Meaning: "Farokh" means "blessed" or "fortunate." It represents someone who is favored and blessed.
  • Farzan Meaning: "Farzan" signifies "wise" or "knowledgeable." It represents someone who possesses wisdom and insight.
  • Farhang Meaning: "Farhang" means "culture" or "civilization." It symbolizes knowledge and heritage.
  • Firuzeh Meaning: "Firuzeh" signifies "victorious" or "triumphant." It represents success and accomplishment.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter G.

  • Ghazanfar Meaning: "Ghazanfar" signifies "lion" or "brave." It represents strength, courage, and leadership.
  • Giv Meaning: "Giv" refers to an ancient Persian hero known for his bravery and valor. It represents courage and heroism.
  • Goudarz Meaning: "Goudarz" signifies "glory" or "greatness." It represents someone esteemed and respected.
  • Ghasem Meaning: "Ghasem" means "distributor" or "divider." It represents fairness and equity.
  • Gilan Meaning: "Gilan" refers to a region in Iran known for its natural beauty. It symbolizes serenity and tranquility.
  • Girgis Meaning: "Girgis" signifies "graceful" or "elegant." It represents someone with a poised and graceful demeanor.
  • Golnar Meaning: "Golnar" refers to a flower with red blossoms. It symbolizes beauty and vitality.
  • Ghobad Meaning: "Ghobad" signifies "fortunate" or "lucky." It represents someone blessed and favored.
  • Goudarz Meaning: "Goudarz" means "exalted" or "lofty." It represents someone esteemed and revered.
  • Ghasem Meaning: "Ghasem" signifies "dividing" or "distributing." It symbolizes fairness and impartiality.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter H.

  • Hamed Meaning: "Hamed" signifies "praise" or "appreciation." It represents gratitude and acknowledgment.
  • Hossein Meaning: "Hossein" refers to a revered figure in Shia Islam, Imam Hussain. It signifies respect and honor for a beloved leader.
  • Hooman Meaning: "Hooman" signifies "good soul" or "kind-hearted." It represents someone with a benevolent nature.
  • Hadi Meaning: "Hadi" means "guide" or "leader." It signifies someone who leads with wisdom and guidance.
  • Hormoz Meaning: "Hormoz" refers to the Hormuz Strait. It symbolizes strength and significance.
  • Hamid Meaning: "Hamid" signifies "praiseworthy" or "commendable." It represents someone deserving of admiration.
  • Hassan Meaning: "Hassan" signifies "handsome" or "beautiful." It represents physical attractiveness.
  • Hushang Meaning: "Hushang" signifies "good fortune" or "luck." It represents someone blessed with good luck.
  • Heshmat Meaning: "Heshmat" means "dignity" or "honor." It signifies respectability and integrity.
  • Hadi Meaning: "Hadi" signifies "leader" or "guide." It represents someone who leads with wisdom and guidance.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter I.

  • Iman Meaning: "Iman" signifies "faith" or "belief." It represents someone with a strong belief and devotion.
  • Iraj Meaning: "Iraj" signifies "respected." It represents someone esteemed and honored.
  • Ishaq Meaning: "Ishaq" means "laughter" or "joy." It symbolizes happiness and cheerfulness.
  • IrajMeaning: "Iraj" signifies "respected" or "honored." It represents someone esteemed and valued.
  • ImanMeaning: "Iman" signifies "faith" or "belief." It represents someone with strong convictions and faith.
  • Izad Meaning: "Izad" means "blessing" or "divine." It represents someone blessed and favored.
  • Ibrahim Meaning: "Ibrahim" is the Persian variant of "Abraham." It signifies "father of many" or "father of nations."
  • Imad Meaning: "Imad" signifies "support" or "pillar." It represents strength and reliability.
  • Iraj Meaning: "Iraj" signifies "respected" or "esteemed." It represents someone held in high regard.
  • Izad Meaning: "Izad" means "blessing" or "favor." It symbolizes someone blessed and fortunate.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter J.

  • Javid Meaning: "Javid" signifies "eternal" or "everlasting." It represents something enduring and timeless.
  • Jamshid Meaning: "Jamshid" refers to an ancient Persian king known for his wisdom. It represents brilliance and wisdom.
  • Jahan Meaning: "Jahan" means "world" or "universe." It signifies vastness and inclusivity.
  • Jalal Meaning: "Jalal" signifies "glory" or "grandeur." It represents magnificence and greatness.
  • Javad Meaning: "Javad" signifies "generous" or "benevolent." It represents someone with a giving and compassionate nature.
  • Jahandar Meaning: "Jahandar" means "emperor" or "king of the world." It represents leadership and authority.
  • Jafar Meaning: "Jafar" signifies "stream" or "river." It represents continuous flow and movement.
  • Jahangir Meaning: "Jahangir" signifies "conqueror of the world." It represents strength and victory.
  • Jalil Meaning: "Jalil" means "exalted" or "majestic." It represents someone esteemed and respected.
  • Javad Meaning: "Javad" signifies "generous" or "liberal." It represents generosity and kindness.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter K.

  • Kian Meaning: "Kian" signifies "king" or "royal." It represents someone regal and majestic.
  • Kazem Meaning: "Kazem" signifies "restraint" or "tolerance." It represents patience and understanding.
  • Kourosh Meaning: "Kourosh" refers to Cyrus the Great, an influential Persian king. It signifies leadership and wisdom.
  • Kamran Meaning: "Kamran" means "successful" or "prosperous." It represents someone who achieves success.
  • Kaveh Meaning: "Kaveh" signifies "royal" or "noble." It represents nobility and dignity.
  • Keyvan Meaning: "Keyvan" signifies "universe" or "cosmos." It represents vastness and inclusivity.
  • Karim Meaning: "Karim" means "generous" or "benevolent." It represents kindness and generosity.
  • Kian Meaning: "Kian" signifies "kingly" or "royal." It represents regal qualities and strength.
  • Kianoush Meaning: "Kianoush" signifies "royal soul." It represents nobility and greatness.
  • Khashayar Meaning: "Khashayar" refers to Xerxes, an ancient Persian king. It signifies power and authority.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter L.

  • Ladan Meaning: "Ladan" signifies a fragrant flower found in Persian culture. It represents beauty and gracefulness.
  • Lohrasp Meaning: "Lohrasp" signifies a legendary Persian king known for his valor. It represents strength and bravery.
  • Lashkar Meaning: "Lashkar" means "army" or "military." It represents leadership and strength.
  • Lior Meaning: "Lior" signifies "light" or "brightness." It represents illumination and clarity.
  • Lohrasp Meaning: "Lohrasp" signifies a legendary Persian king known for his bravery and wisdom. It represents valor and intelligence.
  • Levon Meaning: "Levon" signifies "lion-hearted" or "brave as a lion." It represents courage and strength.
  • Ladan Meaning: "Ladan" signifies a fragrant flower found in Persian culture. It represents beauty and elegance.
  • Lavas Meaning: "Lavas" signifies "desire" or "passion." It represents strong aspirations and ambitions.
  • Lohrasp Meaning: "Lohrasp" signifies a legendary Persian king known for his valor. It represents strength and bravery.
  • Lian Meaning: "Lian" signifies "pure" or "innocent." It represents purity of heart and soul.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter M.

  • Milad Meaning: "Milad" signifies "birth" or "rebirth." It represents new beginnings and hope.
  • Mahyar Meaning: "Mahyar" signifies "moon friend." It represents a close relationship and companionship.
  • Maziar Meaning: "Maziar" signifies "unique" or "incomparable." It represents someone exceptional and one of a kind.
  • Mehrshad Meaning: "Mehrshad" signifies "rays of the sun." It represents brightness and warmth.
  • Mehrdad Meaning: "Mehrdad" signifies "gift of love." It represents a precious and beloved gift.
  • Makan Meaning: "Makan" signifies "place" or "dwelling." It represents a sense of belonging and home.
  • Mehran Meaning: "Mehran" signifies "kindness" or "compassion." It represents a caring and empathetic nature.
  • Mani Meaning: "Mani" signifies "thought" or "mind." It represents intellect and contemplation.
  • Masoud Meaning: "Masoud" signifies "fortunate" or "happy." It represents someone blessed and content.
  • Mojtaba Meaning: "Mojtaba" signifies "chosen one." It represents someone selected or favored.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter N.

  • Nima Meaning: "Nima" signifies "benevolence" or "generosity." It represents kindness and compassion.
  • Navid Meaning: "Navid" signifies "good news" or "bringer of good tidings." It represents positivity and hope.
  • Nariman Meaning: "Nariman" signifies "man of fire." It represents someone with passion and zeal.
  • Nader Meaning: "Nader" signifies "rare" or "unique." It represents something exceptional and uncommon.
  • Niaz Meaning: "Niaz" signifies "necessity" or "need." It represents essentiality and importance.
  • Nour Meaning: "Nour" signifies "light" or "radiance." It represents brightness and positivity.
  • Nima Meaning: "Nima" signifies "desire" or "longing." It represents aspirations and ambitions.
  • Nikoo Meaning: "Nikoo" signifies "good" or "kind." It represents goodness and kindness.
  • Nasim Meaning: "Nasim" signifies "breeze" or "gentle wind." It represents tranquility and calmness.
  • Nariman Meaning: "Nariman" signifies "man of fire." It represents passion and determination.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter O.

  • Omid Meaning: "Omid" signifies "hope." It represents optimism and positivity for the future.
  • Ozan Meaning: "Ozan" signifies "bard" or "poet." It represents creativity and artistic expression.
  • Orkhan Meaning: "Orkhan" signifies "royal" or "noble blood." It represents nobility and regal qualities.
  • Omeed Meaning: "Omeed" signifies "hope" or "wish." It represents aspirations and positive expectations.
  • Omid Meaning: "Omid" signifies "hope" or "desire." It represents optimism and aspiration.
  • Ozhan Meaning: "Ozhan" signifies "nobleman" or "gentleman." It represents nobility and grace.
  • Ora Meaning: "Ora" signifies "light" or "brightness." It represents illumination and positivity.
  • Omeed Meaning: "Omeed" signifies "hope" or "desire." It represents aspirations and positive outlooks.
  • Ovan Meaning: "Ovan" signifies "shining" or "radiant." It represents brightness and positivity.
  • Omid Meaning: "Omid" signifies "hope" or "expectation." It represents an optimistic outlook on life.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter P.

  • Parviz Meaning: "Parviz" signifies "fortunate" or "victorious." It represents someone lucky and triumphant.
  • Peyman Meaning: "Peyman" signifies "promise" or "pledge." It represents commitment and trust.
  • Parsa Meaning: "Parsa" signifies "pious" or "devout." It represents religious devotion and sincerity.
  • Peyvand Meaning: "Peyvand" signifies "connection" or "link." It represents bonds and relationships.
  • Parsa Meaning: "Parsa" signifies "pure" or "chaste." It represents purity of heart and character.
  • Pouya Meaning: "Pouya" signifies "seeker" or "searcher." It represents someone on a quest or exploration.
  • Parham Meaning: "Parham" signifies "glittering" or "radiant." It represents brightness and positivity.
  • Peyman Meaning: "Peyman" signifies "promise" or "commitment." It represents trustworthiness and dedication.
  • Peyvand Meaning: "Peyvand" signifies "connection" or "bond." It represents strong relationships and ties.
  • Parsa Meaning: "Parsa" signifies "devout" or "pious." It represents sincerity and religious dedication.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Q.

  • Qasim Meaning: "Qasim" signifies "divider" or "distributor." It represents someone who shares generously.
  • Qadir Meaning: "Qadir" signifies "able" or "competent." It represents capability and strength.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter R.

  • Ramin Meaning: "Ramin" signifies "lovable" or "affectionate." It represents someone charming and endearing.
  • Rostam Meaning: "Rostam" signifies "strong" or "brave." It represents courage and valor.
  • Rouzbeh Meaning: "Rouzbeh" signifies "fortunate" or "lucky." It represents someone blessed with luck.
  • Rahim Meaning: "Rahim" signifies "compassionate" or "kind-hearted." It represents a caring nature.
  • Reza Meaning: "Reza" signifies "contentment" or "satisfaction." It represents fulfillment and peace.
  • Ramin Meaning: "Ramin" signifies "cherished" or "valued." It represents someone highly esteemed.
  • Rostam Meaning: "Rostam" signifies "brave" or "courageous." It represents strength and valor.
  • Rouzbeh Meaning: "Rouzbeh" signifies "fortunate" or "blessed." It represents luck and blessings.
  • Rahman Meaning: "Rahman" signifies "merciful" or "compassionate." It represents kindness and empathy.
  • Reza Meaning: "Reza" signifies "contentment" or "satisfaction." It represents peace and fulfillment.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter S.

  • Saman Meaning: "Saman" signifies "wealth" or "prosperity." It represents abundance and success.
  • Sina Meaning: "Sina" signifies "blessing" or "goodness." It represents a source of joy and goodness.
  • Soroush Meaning: "Soroush" signifies "messenger" or "angel." It represents communication and guidance.
  • Sahand Meaning: "Sahand" signifies a mythical Persian mountain. It represents strength and stability.
  • Shayan Meaning: "Shayan" signifies "worthy" or "deserving." It represents someone esteemed and deserving.
  • Saman Meaning: "Saman" signifies "wealth" or "riches." It represents prosperity and abundance.
  • Sina Meaning: "Sina" signifies "blessing" or "goodness." It represents a source of joy and positivity.
  • Shahin Meaning: "Shahin" signifies "royal" or "like a falcon." It represents regal qualities and strength.
  • Sohrab Meaning: "Sohrab" signifies "star" or "bright." It represents brightness and guidance.
  • Samad Meaning: "Samad" signifies "eternal" or "everlasting." It represents something timeless and enduring.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter T.

  • Taha Meaning: "Taha" signifies "pure" or "clean." It represents innocence and purity.
  • Turan Meaning: "Turan" signifies "brave" or "courageous." It represents strength and valor.
  • Tiam Meaning: "Tiam" signifies "kindness" or "generosity." It represents a compassionate nature.
  • Tara Meaning: "Tara" signifies "star." It represents brightness and guidance.
  • Turan Meaning: "Turan" signifies "land of the Tur people." It represents heritage and history.
  • Tiva Meaning: "Tiva" signifies "sunbeam." It represents brightness and warmth.
  • Teymour Meaning: "Teymour" signifies "iron" or "strong as iron." It represents resilience and strength.
  • Tara Meaning: "Tara" signifies "hill" or "mound." It represents stability and strength.
  • Tavakol Meaning: "Tavakol" signifies "trust" or "reliance." It represents trustworthiness.
  • Turan Meaning: "Turan" signifies "brave" or "courageous." It represents bravery and valor.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter U.

  • Umar Meaning: "Umar" signifies "long-lived" or "life." It represents a long and prosperous life.
  • Umair Meaning: "Umair" signifies "intelligent" or "wise." It represents intelligence and wisdom.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter V.

  • Vahid Meaning: "Vahid" signifies "unique" or "singular." It represents individuality and uniqueness.
  • Vidar Meaning: "Vidar" signifies "wide warrior." It represents strength and bravery.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter W.

  • Wahid Meaning: "Wahid" signifies "unique" or "singular." It represents individuality and distinctiveness.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter X.

  • Xerxes Meaning: "Xerxes" signifies "ruler" or "warrior king." It represents strength and leadership.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Y.

  • Yasin Meaning: "Yasin" signifies a chapter in the Quran. It represents spirituality and faith.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Z.

  • Zayn Meaning: "Zayn" signifies "beauty" or "grace." It represents elegance and attractiveness.
  • Zahir Meaning: "Zahir" signifies "manifest" or "clear." It represents openness and clarity.

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