500+ Hebrew Boy Names / Unlock Meaningful

Good luck with this year’s fast-paced Jewish youth names. Explore our top reviews and find a name that plays with customization and development.

Introduction To Isreal :

Israel, a different country arranged in the Center East, throbs with a varied blend of human tones that epitomize its rich history and energetic present. The capital city, Jerusalem, remains an image of social and strict importance, a mixture where customs intertwine with innovation.


Jerusalem: The core of Israel, Jerusalem, traversing roughly 125 square kilometers, has a populace of north of 900,000 occupants. Its dynamic scene repeats the country's unpredictable embroidery, lodging notable tourist spots and filling in as a profound community with different beliefs.


Tel Aviv: Among the biggest urban communities, Tel Aviv, covering around 52 square kilometers, remains a flourishing center point with more than 450,000 occupants. It oozes a cosmopolitan emanation, known for its development, sea shores, and throbbing nightlife.

Zikhron Ya'akov: Settled amid the open country, Zikhron Ya'akov is one of the more modest towns, crossing around 7.7 square kilometers, with a populace of around 23,000. This pleasant town holds its fascination with grape plantations, notable locales, and a quiet mood.


Populace Thickness: The general populace thickness in Israel is around 400 individuals for each square kilometer.

All things considered, roughly 400 children are conceived every day in Israel, featuring a constant pattern of new life and development.

Individuals Dead Each Day: The country records a normal of around 150 passings each day, denoting the progression of time and the tradition of those who've added to Israel's story.

Hebrew Baby Boy Names With Meaning From A To Z.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter A.


  • Adam: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Adam" means "man" or "human being." It symbolizes humanity and earthly origins.
  • Ariel: Signifying the "lion of God" or "lioness of God," "Ariel" embodies strength and divine connection.
  • Avi: Reflecting "my father" or "my father's joy," "Avi" symbolizes paternal love and happiness.
  • Amos: Meaning "burdened" or "carried," "Amos" embodies a sense of responsibility.
  • Arieh: Derived from Hebrew, "Arieh" means "lion." It symbolizes courage and strength.
  • Ari: Reflecting "lion" or "eagle," "Ari" symbolizes bravery and power.
  • Asher: Meaning "fortunate" or "happy," "Asher" embodies blessings and joy.
  • Aaron: Derived from Hebrew, "Aaron" means "high mountain" or "exalted." It symbolizes strength and elevation.
  • Adam: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Adam" means "man" or "human being." It symbolizes humanity and earthly origins.
  • Ariel: Signifying the "lion of God" or "lioness of God," "Ariel" embodies strength and divine connection.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter B.

  • Benjamin (Ben): Derived from Hebrew, "Benjamin" means "son of the right hand" or "son of the south." It signifies being favored or fortunate.
  • Baruch: Meaning "blessed" or "fortunate," "Baruch" reflects a sense of gratitude and divine favor.
  • Boaz: Signifying "strength" or "swiftness," "Boaz" embodies qualities of resilience and agility.
  • Binyamin: Similar to "Benjamin," "Binyamin" also means "son of the right hand," symbolizing a favored or cherished son.
  • Bezalel: Reflecting "in the shadow of God," "Bezalel" signifies being under divine protection or guidance.
  • Betzalel: Similar to "Bezalel," "Betzalel" signifies being in God's shadow or care.
  • Barak: Meaning "lightning" or "spark," "Barak" embodies suddenness and brightness.
  • Bari: Translating to "innocent" or "clear," "Bari" represents purity and honesty.
  • Boyan: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Boyan" signifies "to come" or "to arrive," symbolizing hope and anticipation.
  • Boruch: Another form of "Baruch," "Boruch" carries the meaning of being blessed or fortunate.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter C.

  • Caleb (Kalev): Meaning "faithful" or "devotion to God," "Caleb" signifies loyalty and dedication in Hebrew culture.
  • Chaim: Translating to "life," "Chaim" represents vitality and the celebration of life.
  • Cyril (Tzuril): While not entirely Hebrew, "Cyril" has ties to "Tzuril," which means "rock" or "strength." It symbolizes resilience and steadfastness.
  • Carmi: Signifying "my vineyard" or "vine dresser," "Carmi" reflects agricultural symbolism and care.
  • Cohen: Derived from the Hebrew word for "priest," "Cohen" signifies a spiritual leader or someone dedicated to religious duties.
  • Cyrus (Koresh): Reflecting "like the sun" or "throne," "Cyrus" embodies regality and brightness, similar to "Koresh" in Hebrew.
  • Chanan: Meaning "gracious" or "compassionate," "Chanan" represents kindness and mercy.
  • Caius (Gaius): While not strictly Hebrew, "Caius" resonates with "Gaius," which signifies "rejoice" or "gladness."
  • Cheskel: Translating to "vision of God," "Cheskel" represents divine inspiration and perception.
  • Carmel: Signifying "garden" or "vineyard," "Carmel" embodies beauty and fertility in Hebrew culture.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter D.

  • Daniel (Dan): Derived from Hebrew, "Daniel" means "God is my judge." It signifies seeking guidance and wisdom from a higher power.
  • David: Meaning "beloved" or "uncle," "David" symbolizes love, strength, and leadership, often associated with the biblical King David.
  • Dov: Translating to "bear," "Dov" embodies qualities of strength, protection, and courage.
  • Doron: Signifying "gift" or "present," "Doron" represents gratitude and appreciation for blessings.
  • Danilo: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Danilo" embodies the meaning of "God is my judge," akin to "Daniel."
  • Dagan: Meaning "grain" or "corn," "Dagan" symbolizes agricultural prosperity and sustenance.
  • Dvir: Reflecting "holy place" or "sanctuary," "Dvir" embodies sacredness and spirituality.
  • Dassi: Derived from Hebrew origins, "Dassi" signifies "myrtle tree," symbolizing peace and tranquility.
  • Dovber: Combining "Dov" meaning "bear" and "ber" meaning "son," "Dovber" signifies a bear-like son, symbolizing strength and protection.
  • Dariel: While not strictly Hebrew, "Dariel" resonates with "Dar" meaning "dwelling" and "El" representing God, symbolizing a dwelling place of God.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter E.

  • Eitan: Meaning "strong" or "steadfast," "Eitan" represents resilience and determination.
  • Elazar: Signifying "God has helped" or "God has aided," "Elazar" embodies divine assistance and support.
  • Eli: Derived from Hebrew, "Eli" means "ascension" or "my God." It signifies a connection to the divine.
  • Ephraim: Meaning "fruitful" or "productive," "Ephraim" embodies abundance and fertility.
  • Ezra: Signifying "helper" or "aid," "Ezra" represents someone who assists or supports others.
  • Eliezer: Reflecting "God is my help" or "God is my strength," "Eliezer" signifies reliance on divine assistance.
  • Emmanuel: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Emmanuel" means "God is with us," symbolizing divine presence and comfort.
  • Ehud: Signifying "united" or "joining together," "Ehud" embodies the idea of unity and coherence.
  • Eran: Meaning "vigilant" or "watchful," "Eran" represents attentiveness and awareness.
  • Erez: Reflecting the "cedar tree," "Erez" symbolizes strength, endurance, and stability.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter F.

  • Fisher (Dag): While not entirely Hebrew, "Fisher" has ties to "Dag," which means "fish" in Hebrew, symbolizing abundance and prosperity.
  • Felix (Pele): Though not purely Hebrew, "Felix" resonates with "Pele," which signifies "wonder" or "miracle."
  • Fadel (Nadeev): While not strictly Hebrew, "Fadel" has similarities to "Nadeev," meaning "generous" or "noble."
  • Feivel: Meaning "bright" or "shining," "Feivel" embodies radiance and illumination.
  • Faran (Parsil): Though not purely Hebrew, "Faran" shares connections with "Parsil," signifying a "blossom" or "flower."
  • Farid (Yafeh): While not entirely Hebrew, "Farid" resonates with "Yafeh," which means "beautiful" or "handsome."
  • Fadiel: Derived from Hebrew, "Fadiel" signifies "the redeemer of God," embodying divine assistance and aid.
  • Faramond (Parnas): Though not strictly Hebrew, "Faramond" shares similarities with "Parnas," signifying "a leader" or "guide."
  • Feivel: Meaning "bright" or "shining," "Feivel" embodies radiance and illumination.
  • Ferris (Adir): While not entirely Hebrew, "Ferris" aligns with "Adir," which means "mighty" or "strong."

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter G.

  • Gavriel (Gabriel): Derived from Hebrew roots, "Gavriel" means "God is my strength." It symbolizes divine protection and empowerment.
  • Gideon: Meaning "mighty warrior" or "hewer," "Gideon" embodies strength, courage, and determination.
  • Gilad: Reflecting "eternal joy" or "happiness," "Gilad" represents everlasting happiness and jubilation.
  • Gavriil: Similar to "Gavriel," "Gavriil" signifies "God is my strength," emphasizing divine support.
  • Guy (Gai): While not strictly Hebrew, "Guy" shares connections with "Gai," signifying "rejoice" or "gladness."
  • Gershon: Meaning "exile" or "stranger," "Gershon" embodies a sense of wanderer or sojourner.
  • Gidon: Similar to "Gideon," "Gidon" signifies a "mighty warrior" or someone who hews or cuts down obstacles.
  • Gal: Reflecting "wave" or "billow," "Gal" symbolizes fluidity, movement, and vitality.
  • Gavriel: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Gavriel" means "God is my strength." It symbolizes divine protection and empowerment.
  • Gilead: Signifying "hill of testimony" or "mound of witness," "Gilead" represents a place of remembrance and significance.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter H.

  • Hanan: Meaning "grace" or "mercy," "Hanan" embodies compassion and kindness.
  • Harel: Signifying "mountain of God" or "God's mountain," "Harel" represents divine strength and stability.
  • Hillel: Reflecting "praise" or "to praise," "Hillel" embodies admiration and celebration.
  • Hezi: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Hezi" signifies "God is my strength," mirroring divine support.
  • Haim: Translating to "life," "Haim" represents vitality and the celebration of life.
  • Hadar: Meaning "glory" or "splendor," "Hadar" embodies beauty and magnificence.
  • Hanan: Reflecting "grace" or "favor," "Hanan" signifies divine favor and kindness.
  • Hanan: Meaning "compassionate" or "gracious," "Hanan" embodies a gentle and caring nature.
  • Hadar: Signifying "glory" or "splendor," "Hadar" represents beauty and magnificence.
  • Harun: Similar to "Aaron," "Harun" signifies "high mountain" or "exalted."

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter I.

  • Itai: Meaning "friendly" or "lively," "Itai" embodies a sociable and spirited nature.
  • Ilan: Signifying "tree" or "oak tree," "Ilan" represents strength, growth, and rootedness.
  • Itamar: Reflecting "palm island" or "island of date palms," "Itamar" symbolizes a serene and tranquil presence.
  • Immanuel: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Immanuel" means "God is with us," symbolizing divine presence and assurance.
  • Ishai: Meaning "gift," "Ishai" embodies the concept of being a precious or valuable offering.
  • Ilan: Signifying "tree" or "oak tree," "Ilan" represents strength, growth, and rootedness.
  • Ilan: Reflecting "tree" or "oak tree," "Ilan" symbolizes strength, stability, and longevity.
  • Ithamar: Meaning "land of palms" or "coast of palms," "Ithamar" represents a place of natural beauty and abundance.
  • Ira: Signifying "watchful" or "vigilant," "Ira" embodies attentiveness and awareness.
  • Isaac: Derived from Hebrew, "Isaac" means "laughter" or "he will laugh," symbolizing joy and happiness.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter J.

  • Jacob (Yaakov): Derived from Hebrew, "Jacob" means "supplanter" or "one who follows." It symbolizes strength and perseverance.
  • Jonathan (Yonatan): Signifying "God has given," "Jonathan" embodies the gift of God's grace and blessings.
  • Joel (Yoel): Meaning "Yahweh is God" or "Yahweh is willing," "Joel" represents devotion and faithfulness to God.
  • Judah (Yehudah): Reflecting "praise" or "thanks," "Judah" embodies gratitude and celebration.
  • Jaron: Signifying "singing" or "rejoicing," "Jaron" represents joy and jubilation.
  • Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu): Meaning "God will exalt" or "God will uplift," "Jeremiah" symbolizes divine elevation and honor.
  • Joshua (Yehoshua): Derived from Hebrew roots, "Joshua" means "God is salvation" or "Yahweh saves."
  • Jesse (Yishai): Reflecting on "gift" or "wealth," "Jesse" embodies a sense of blessing and abundance.
  • Jedidiah (Yedidyah): Signifying "beloved of God," "Jedidiah" embodies divine affection and favor.
  • Jonah (Yonah): Meaning "dove," "Jonah" symbolizes peace and tranquility.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter K.

  • Kobi (Koby): Meaning "like God" or "as the Lord," "Kobi" symbolizes a likeness to divine qualities.
  • Kalev (Caleb): Signifying "devotion to God" or "faithful," "Kalev" embodies loyalty and dedication.
  • Kfir: Reflecting on "lion cub," "Kfir" represents strength and courage, akin to the characteristics of a lion.
  • Keren: Meaning "ray" or "horn," "Keren" symbolizes radiance or strength, akin to a horn's power.
  • Kobi (Koby): Meaning "like God" or "as the Lord," "Kobi" symbolizes a likeness to divine qualities.
  • Kfir: Reflecting on "lion cub," "Kfir" represents strength and courage, akin to the characteristics of a lion.
  • Kobi (Koby): Meaning "like God" or "as the Lord," "Kobi" symbolizes a likeness to divine qualities.
  • Kfir: Reflecting on "lion cub," "Kfir" represents strength and courage, akin to the characteristics of a lion.
  • Kobi (Koby): Meaning "like God" or "as the Lord," "Kobi" symbolizes a likeness to divine qualities.
  • Kalev (Caleb): Signifying "devotion to God" or "faithful," "Kalev" embodies loyalty and dedication.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter L.

  • Levi: Derived from Hebrew, "Levi" means "attached" or "joined." It symbolizes a connection or devotion.
  • Lior: Signifying "light" or "my light," "Lior" embodies brightness and illumination.
  • Lavi: Reflecting on "lion," "Lavi" symbolizes strength, courage, and leadership.
  • Lior: Meaning "light" or "my light," "Lior" embodies brightness and illumination.
  • Lev: Signifying "heart" or "courage," "Lev" represents inner strength and bravery.
  • Lavi: Reflecting on "lion," "Lavi" symbolizes strength, courage, and leadership.
  • Liran: Meaning "my song" or "joyful," "Liran" embodies happiness and celebration.
  • Lev: Signifying "heart" or "courage," "Lev" represents inner strength and bravery.
  • Lior: Reflecting "light" or "my light," "Lior" embodies brightness and illumination.
  • Lev: Signifying "heart" or "courage," "Lev" represents inner strength and bravery.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter M.

  • Matan: Derived from Hebrew, "Matan" means "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Micah (Mikhael): Signifying "who is like God," "Micah" embodies a comparison to divine qualities.
  • Meir: Reflecting "light" or "illuminated," "Meir" represents brightness and enlightenment.
  • Mordechai: Meaning "warrior" or "servant of Marduk," "Mordechai" embodies strength and dedication.
  • Matan: Derived from Hebrew, "Matan" means "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Moshe (Moses): Signifying "drawn out" or "saved from the water," "Moshe" embodies rescue and deliverance.
  • Meir: Reflecting "light" or "illuminated," "Meir" represents brightness and enlightenment.
  • Matan: Derived from Hebrew, "Matan" means "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Micah (Mikhael): Signifying "who is like God," "Micah" embodies a comparison to divine qualities.
  • Moshe (Moses): Signifying "drawn out" or "saved from the water," "Moshe" embodies rescue and deliverance.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter N.

  • Nathan: Derived from Hebrew, "Nathan" means "given" or "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Nadav: Signifying "generous" or "noble," "Nadav" embodies a sense of generosity and dignity.
  • Nehemiah: Meaning "comforted by God" or "Yahweh comforts," "Nehemiah" symbolizes divine solace.
  • Noam: Reflecting "pleasantness" or "charm," "Noam" embodies grace and agreeableness.
  • Natan: Derived from Hebrew, "Natan" means "given" or "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Nir: Signifying "plowed field" or "cultivated land," "Nir" represents fertility and growth.
  • Netanel: Reflecting "gift of God," "Netanel" symbolizes divine blessings and offerings.
  • Natan: Derived from Hebrew, "Natan" means "given" or "gift." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Nadav: Signifying "generous" or "noble," "Nadav" embodies a sense of generosity and dignity.
  • Noam: Reflecting "pleasantness" or "charm," "Noam" embodies grace and agreeableness.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter O.

  • Oren: Derived from Hebrew, "Oren" means "pine tree" or "cedar." It symbolizes strength and resilience.
  • Omri: Signifying "sheaf of grain" or "fruitful," "Omri" embodies fertility and abundance.
  • Osher: Reflecting "happiness" or "joy," "Osher" symbolizes a sense of delight and contentment.
  • Oz: Meaning "strength" or "courage," "Oz" embodies inner power and resilience.
  • Ofir: Signifying "gold" or "precious stone," "Ofir" symbolizes value and preciousness.
  • Omer: Reflecting on "sheaf of grain" or "harvest," "Omer" embodies agricultural abundance.
  • Ovadia: Meaning "servant of God" or "worshiper of God," "Ovadia" symbolizes devotion and piety.
  • Oren: Derived from Hebrew, "Oren" means "pine tree" or "cedar." It symbolizes strength and resilience.
  • Omri: Signifying "sheaf of grain" or "fruitful," "Omri" embodies fertility and abundance.
  • Osher: Reflecting "happiness" or "joy," "Osher" symbolizes a sense of delight and contentment.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter P.

  • Pinchas: Derived from Hebrew, "Pinchas" means "flame" or "ardent." It symbolizes passion and fervor.
  • Paz: Signifying "gold" or "pure gold," "Paz" embodies value and preciousness.
  • Palti: Reflecting "deliverance" or "escape," "Palti" symbolizes freedom and liberation.
  • Peretz: Meaning "burst forth" or "breach," "Peretz" embodies breakthrough and success.
  • Pini: Signifying "pearl" or "precious stone," "Pini" symbolizes value and rarity.
  • Paz: Reflecting "gold" or "pure gold," "Paz" embodies value and preciousness.
  • Palti: Reflecting "deliverance" or "escape," "Palti" symbolizes freedom and liberation.
  • Peretz: Meaning "burst forth" or "breach," "Peretz" embodies breakthrough and success.
  • Pini: Signifying "pearl" or "precious stone," "Pini" symbolizes value and rarity.
  • Paz: Reflecting "gold" or "pure gold," "Paz" embodies value and preciousness.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Q.

  • Quinn (Kohen): While not directly Hebrew, "Quinn" has a similar sound to "Kohen," meaning "priest" in Hebrew. It symbolizes spiritual leadership and service.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter R.

  • Ronen: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Ronen" means "song" or "joy." It symbolizes happiness and melody.
  • Rafi: Signifying "God has healed," "Rafi" embodies the concept of divine healing and restoration.
  • Ran: Reflecting "joy" or "exultation," "Ran" symbolizes jubilation and celebration.
  • Reuven: Meaning "behold, a son," "Reuven" embodies the idea of a precious child.
  • Ronen: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Ronen" means "song" or "joy." It symbolizes happiness and melody.
  • Rafi: Signifying "God has healed," "Rafi" embodies the concept of divine healing and restoration.
  • Ran: Reflecting "joy" or "exultation," "Ran" symbolizes jubilation and celebration.
  • Reuven: Meaning "behold, a son," "Reuven" embodies the idea of a precious child.
  • Ronen: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Ronen" means "song" or "joy." It symbolizes happiness and melody.
  • Rafi: Signifying "God has healed," "Rafi" embodies the concept of divine healing and restoration.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter S.

  • Shai: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Shai" means "gift" or "presents." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Shalom: Signifying "peace," "Shalom" embodies tranquility and harmony.
  • Shmuel: Meaning "heard of God" or "God has heard," "Shmuel" symbolizes divine attentiveness.
  • Saul: Reflecting on "asked for" or "prayed for," "Saul" embodies a heartfelt request or desire.
  • Shai: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Shai" means "gift" or "presents." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Shalom: Signifying "peace," "Shalom" embodies tranquility and harmony.
  • Shmuel: Meaning "heard of God" or "God has heard," "Shmuel" symbolizes divine attentiveness.
  • Saul: Reflecting on "asked for" or "prayed for," "Saul" embodies a heartfelt request or desire.
  • Shai: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Shai" means "gift" or "presents." It symbolizes a precious blessing.
  • Shalom: Signifying "peace," "Shalom" embodies tranquility and harmony.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter T.

  • Tzvi: Derived from Hebrew, "Tzvi" means "deer" or "gazelle." It symbolizes grace and swiftness.
  • Tal: Signifying "dew" or "morning dew," "Tal" embodies freshness and purity.
  • Tzion: Reflecting "Zion" or "a sign," "Tzion" symbolizes a significant or marked presence.
  • Tamir: Meaning "tall" or "upright," "Tamir" embodies stature and integrity.
  • Tzvi: Derived from Hebrew, "Tzvi" means "deer" or "gazelle." It symbolizes grace and swiftness.
  • Tal: Signifying "dew" or "morning dew," "Tal" embodies freshness and purity.
  • Tzion: Reflecting "Zion" or "a sign," "Tzion" symbolizes a significant or marked presence.
  • Tamir: Meaning "tall" or "upright," "Tamir" embodies stature and integrity.
  • Tzvi: Derived from Hebrew, "Tzvi" means "deer" or "gazelle." It symbolizes grace and swiftness.
  • Tal: Signifying "dew" or "morning dew," "Tal" embodies freshness and purity.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter U.

  • Uriel: Derived from Hebrew roots, "Uriel" means "God is my light." It symbolizes divine illumination and guidance.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter V.

  • Vidal: Derived from Hebrew, "Vidal" means "life." It symbolizes vitality and energy.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Y.

  • Yoav (Yoab): While not starting with "W," "Yoav" means "God is father" or "Yahweh is father." It signifies a connection to God and paternal guidance.
  • Yosef (Joseph): Derived from Hebrew, "Yosef" means "God shall add" or "may He add." It symbolizes increase and addition.
  • Yair: Signifying "he will illuminate" or "one who shines," "Yair" embodies brightness and radiance.
  • Yonatan (Jonathan): Reflecting "God has given" or "gift of God," "Yonatan" symbolizes divine blessings.
  • Yitzhak (Isaac): Meaning "he will laugh" or "laughter," "Yitzhak" embodies joy and happiness.
  • Yosef (Joseph): Derived from Hebrew, "Yosef" means "God shall add" or "may He add." It symbolizes increase and addition.
  • Yair: Signifying "he will illuminate" or "one who shines," "Yair" embodies brightness and radiance.
  • Yonatan (Jonathan): Reflecting "God has given" or "gift of God," "Yonatan" symbolizes divine blessings.
  • Yitzhak (Isaac): Meaning "he will laugh" or "laughter," "Yitzhak" embodies joy and happiness.
  • Yosef (Joseph): Derived from Hebrew, "Yosef" means "God shall add" or "may He add." It symbolizes increase and addition.
  • Yair: Signifying "he will illuminate" or "one who shines," "Yair" embodies brightness and radiance.

Here are some popular names for baby boys that begin with the letter Z.

  • Zev: Derived from Hebrew, "Zev" means "wolf." It symbolizes strength, agility, and loyalty.
  • Zachariah: Signifying "God remembers" or "Yahweh has remembered," "Zachariah" embodies divine remembrance.
  • Zvi: Reflecting "deer" or "gazelle," "Zvi" symbolizes gracefulness and swiftness.
  • Zohar: Meaning "light" or "brightness," "Zohar" embodies illumination and radiance.

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