Islamic Baby Boy 3,000 Names

3,000 Beautiful Islamic Baby Boy Names-From A To Z

Dear Reader, are you searching name your new born baby according to Islam. Here we have found the best name for your baby boy with each letter of the alphabet and tried to present the name complete with meaning, correct pronunciation and cultural relevance Ultimately, a good name will feel right for your family. Without further ado, here are some of the most popular Baby Boy names for each letter of the alphabet..

01. " A " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Aadil - Just or upright
  • Aahil - Leader
  • Aalam - World
  • Aalee - Sublime, high
  • Aalim - Scholar
  • Aamil - Doer, worker
  • Aamir - Prosperous
  • Aaqib - Follower
  • Aarib - Handsome
  • Aariz - Respectable man
  • Aaryan - Of utmost strength
  • Aashif - Bold, courageous
  • Aashir - Living, spending a life
  • Aasif - An able minister
  • Aatif - Kind, compassionate
  • Aazim - Determined, resolved
  • Abbas - Stern, lion
  • Abdallah - Servant of Allah
  • Abdul - Knowledgeable servant of Allah
  • Abdul-Aleem - Servant of the Omniscient
  • Abdul-Aliyy - Servant of the Most High
  • Abdul-Azim - Servant of the Mighty
  • Abdul-Baari - Servant of the Creator
  • Abdul-Baasit - Servant of the Extender
  • Abdul-Fattah - Servant of the Opener
  • Abdul-Ghaffar - Servant of the Forgiver
  • Abdul-Hadi - Servant of the Guide
  • Abdul-Hafeez - Servant of the Protector
  • Abdul-Hakam - Servant of the Arbitrator
  • Abdul-Hakim - Servant of the Wise
  • Abdul-Halim - Servant of the Mild
  • Abdul-Hameed - Servant of the Praiseworthy
  • Abdul-Hamid - Servant of the Praised One
  • Abdul-Haq - Servant of the Truth
  • Abdul-Jabbar - Servant of the Compeller
  • Abdul-Jaleel - Servant of the Great
  • Abdul-Kareem - Servant of the Most Generous
  • Abdul-Khaliq - Servant of the Creator
  • Abdul-Lateef - Servant of the Kind
  • Abdul-Majeed - Servant of the Glorious
  • Abdul-Malik - Servant of the King
  • Abdul-Muhaimin - Servant of the Protector
  • Abdul-Mujeeb - Servant of the Responsive
  • Abdul-Mumin - Servant of the Guardian of Faith
  • Abdul-Muqtadir - Servant of the Powerful
  • Abdul-Nasser - Servant of the Helper
  • Abdul-Qadir - Servant of the Capable
  • Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of the Subduer
  • Abdul-Qayyum - Servant of the Self-Subsisting
  • Abdul-Rahim - Servant of the Merciful

02. " B " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Baahir: Dazzling, brilliant
  • Baari: Creator, one who brings things into existence
  • Babar: Lion
  • Bader: Full moon
  • Baha: Beautiful, magnificent
  • Bahadur: Brave, bold
  • Bakht: Fortune, luck
  • Bakr: Camel, first born
  • Baqir: Deeply learned, erudite
  • Baraa: Innocent
  • Barak: Blessing, white one
  • Barir: Faithful
  • Bashar: Bringer of glad tidings
  • Bashir: Bringer of good news
  • Basil: Brave
  • Bassam: Smiling
  • Bathaar: Lion, king of beasts
  • Batin: Hidden, inward
  • Baz: Falcon
  • Bazam: It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Salih
  • Bazan: The one who takes care
  • Bazgar: Falconer
  • Bazil: Brave
  • Bazir: One who keeps eagles
  • Bazl: Reward, generosity
  • Bazri: Myrtle, evergreen
  • Bilal: Moisture, water
  • Bishr: Joy
  • Borhan: Proof
  • Borhanuddin: Proof of the religion
  • Boulos: Arabic form of Paul
  • Boutros: Arabic form of Peter
  • Budail: Name of a companion of the Prophet
  • Budur: Full moons
  • Buhayyah: Living
  • Buhthah: Seeker of truth
  • Bukhari: Name of one of the most authentic collections of Hadith
  • Bulbul: Nightingale
  • Buraq: Lightning
  • Burak: Horse of the Prophet
  • Burhan: Proof, evidence
  • Burhanuddin: Proof of the religion
  • Burum: Blossoms
  • Bushr: Joy, happiness
  • Butrus: Arabic form of Peter
  • Buzurg: Great, respected
  • Badr al Din: Full moon of the faith
  • Badr al Din al Baghdadi: Full moon of the faith from Baghdad
  • Baha al Din: Magnificence of the faith
  • Baha ud Dawlah: Magnificence of the state
  • Bahadur: Brave, bold
  • Bahauddin: Magnificence of the religion
  • Bahij: Joyful, delightful
  • Bahjat: Splendor, magnificence
  • Bahir: Dazzling, brilliant
  • Bakht: Fortune, luck
  • Bakhtawar: Fortunate, lucky
  • Bakr: Camel, first born
  • Bakri: One who starts work early
  • Balaagh: Eloquent, well-spoken
  • Balagh: Eloquent, well-spoken
  • Baleegh: Eloquent, well-spoken
  • Baleegha: Eloquent, well-spoken
  • Baleeghah: Eloquent, well-spoken
  • Baqir: Deeply learned, erudite
  • Baraa: Innocent
  • Barak: Blessing, white one
  • Barakat: Blessings, abundance
  • Barakatullah: Blessings of Allah
  • Baraq: Lightning
  • Baraz: Height, elevation
  • Bari: Creator, one who brings things into existence
  • Barid: Messenger, courier
  • Barik: Blessed
  • Barir: Faithful
  • Barkaat: Blessings, abundance
  • Barkat: Blessings, abundance
  • Barni: Noble, respectable
  • Barraq: Shining, glittering
  • Basam: Smiling
  • Basem: Smiling
  • Bashar: Bringer of glad tidings
  • Bashir: Bringer of good news
  • Basil: Brave
  • Basim: Smiling
  • Basir: One who sees clearly
  • Bassam: Smiling
  • Bathaar: Lion, king of beasts
  • Batin: Hidden, inward
  • Baz: Falcon
  • Bazam: It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Salih
  • Bazan: The one who takes care
  • Bazgar: Falconer
  • Bazil: Brave
  • Bazir: One who keeps eagles
  • Bazl: Reward, generosity
  • Bazri: Myrtle, evergreen

03. " C " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Cahil: Inexperienced and young, young at heart
  • Cai: Rejoice, Arthur's brother, scared of Allha
  • Caleb: Faithful
  • Chams: Sun
  • Chishti: Refers to a famous Muslim saint known for his compassion and tolerance
  • Charagh: Light, the sun, lamp
  • Chaman: Garden, full of life
  • Chawish: Legions herald
  • Chand: The moon

04. " D " Boy Name.

  • Daaim: Everlasting, perpetual
  • Daanish: Knowledge, wisdom
  • Dabir: Secretary, clerk
  • Dafi: One who repels, defender
  • Dahab: Gold
  • Daim: Everlasting, perpetual
  • Dakhil: Foreigner, stranger
  • Daleel: Guide, model, example
  • Daler: Brave, valiant
  • Dalil: Guide, model, example
  • Damin: Guarantor, surety
  • Danish: Knowledge, wisdom
  • Danyal: Prophet Daniel
  • Dar: Pearl
  • Dara: Possessor, sovereign
  • Darim: Name of a narrator of Hadith
  • Dawar: Ruler, judge
  • Dawood: Prophet David
  • Dayyan: A mighty ruler, judge
  • Deen: Religion, faith
  • Dhakir: One who remembers Allah frequently
  • Dhakiy: Intelligent, bright
  • Dhakwan: Intelligent
  • Dhul Fiqar: Name of the Prophet's sword
  • Dhul Kifl: Name of a Prophet
  • Dhulfiqar: Name of the Prophet's sword
  • Dhul-Qarnayn: Name of a great Muslim king
  • Dildar: Charming, beloved
  • Dinar: Gold coin
  • Diwan: Royal court, tribunal
  • Diyar: Settlement, abode
  • Dost: Friend, companion
  • Dua: Prayer, supplication

05. " E " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Ehsan: Benevolence, kindness
  • Ehtisham: Modesty, decency
  • Eisa: Prophet Jesus
  • Ejaz: Miracle, wonder
  • Ejazuddin: Miracle of the religion
  • Ejazul Haq: Miracle of truth
  • Ejazul Islam: Miracle of Islam
  • Ejazullah: Miracle of Allah
  • Ejbar: Compulsion, force
  • Ejlatun: A type of tree
  • Ejzal: To separate, to distinguish
  • Ejzuddeen: Distinguished in the religion
  • Ejzul Haq: Distinguished by truth
  • Ejzul Islam: Distinguished by Islam
  • Ejzullah: Distinguished by Allah
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Elahi: A name of Allah
  • Elham: Inspiration
  • Eshan: Desiring
  • Ehab: Gift
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Elahi: A name of Allah
  • Elham: Inspiration
  • Eshan: Desiring
  • Ehab: Gift
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Elahi: A name of Allah
  • Elham: Inspiration
  • Eshan: Desiring
  • Ehab: Gift
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Elahi: A name of Allah
  • Elham: Inspiration
  • Eshan: Desiring
  • Ehab: Gift
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Ehan: Full Moon
  • Ebrahim: Abraham
  • Ehsan: Benevolence
  • Elahi: A name of Allah
  • Elham: Inspiration
  • Eshan: Desiring
  • Ehab: Gift

06. " F " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Fadil: Generous, honorable
  • Fahad: Panther, leopard
  • Faisal: Decisive, resolute
  • Faiz: Grace, favor
  • Fakhri: Honorary, glorious
  • Fakhrul: Pride, glory
  • Falah: Success, prosperity
  • Faraz: Ascent, height
  • Farhan: Happy, joyful
  • Farid: Unique, precious
  • Faris: Horseman, knight
  • Faruq: One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
  • Fasih: Eloquent, fluent
  • Fateh: Victory, triumph
  • Fathi: Conqueror, victor
  • Fawad: Heart, soul
  • Fawaz: Successful, victorious
  • Fawzan: Successful, victorious
  • Fayaz: Generous, beneficent
  • Faysal: Decisive, resolute
  • Fazal: Grace, favor
  • Fazl: Favor, grace
  • Fazle: Kindness, grace
  • Fazle Rabbi: Grace of the Lord

07. " G " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Ghaffar: Forgiver, merciful
  • Ghafur: Forgiving, merciful
  • Ghani: Self-sufficient
  • Ghazan: Holy war fighter
  • Ghazanfar: Lion
  • Ghazi: Conqueror
  • Ghiyas: Deliverance from hardships
  • Ghulam: Servant, boy, youth
  • Gohar: Diamond
  • Gulzar: Flourishing

08. " H " Boy Name.

  • Haadi: The guide, director, leader
  • Haady: Guiding to the right
  • Haafiz: Protector
  • Haajib: Doorkeeper, chamberlain, eyebrow
  • Haakim: Wise, intelligent
  • Haamid: Praising (God), loving (God)
  • Haaris: Ploughman, cultivator, friend, vigilant, watchman, guardian, protector
  • Haaroon: A prophet's name
  • Haashim: Generosity, decisive
  • Habeeb: Beloved, sweetheart, darling
  • Habib: Beloved, darling, sweetheart
  • Habibur: Beloved of the Prophet
  • Habibullah: Beloved of Allah
  • Hadi: Guide, leader
  • Hafiz: Protector, one who has memorized the Quran
  • Haidar: Lion, title of Ali
  • Haikal: Tale
  • Hakim: Wise, intelligent, judge
  • Halim: Gentle, generous, compassionate
  • Hamid: Praising (God), loving (God), friend, praiseworthy
  • Hamza: Lion, competent, brazen, brave man
  • Hanif: Devotee of Islam, orthodox, pious
  • Hannan: Merciful, compassionate
  • Haris: Ploughman, cultivator, friend, vigilant, watchman, guardian, protector
  • Haroon: Lofty or exalted, a prophet's name (Aaron), warrior lion
  • Hasan: Handsome, good
  • Hashim: Generosity, decisive
  • Hasib: Respected, esteemed, accountant, avenger
  • Hassan: Very handsome
  • Hatem: Judge, justice
  • Hawwa: Eve, the first woman
  • Hayat: Life
  • Hayder: Lion
  • Haytham: Son of eagle
  • Hazim: Strict, decisive
  • Hazrat: Prophet, messenger of God
  • Haziq: Intelligent, skillful, wise
  • Hemal: Golden
  • Hidayat: Guidance, instruction
  • Hifzur: Guardian of the Quran
  • Hilal: Crescent, moon
  • Himel: Ice
  • Hira: Mount Hira, a place near Mecca where the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation
  • Hisham: Generous, companion of Prophet Muhammad
  • Hossain: Good-looking

09. " I " Boy Name.

  • Ibad: Servants, slaves
  • Ibadat: Ibadat means 'to worship'
  • Ibadullah: Servants of God
  • Ibraheem: A prophet's name
  • Ibraheim: Father of a multitude, father of nations
  • Ibrahim: Fathering many, name of a Prophet of Islam, earth
  • Id: It is another variant of the Muslim festival Eid
  • Idrak: Idrak means intellect
  • Idrees: Name of a well-known Messenger of Allah
  • Ihtisham: Magnificence, glory
  • Ihtsham: It is a Muslim name that means 'strength' and 'power'
  • Ikhlaas: Sincerity, purity, love, tenderness, pure friendship, great affection, selfless adoration or worship
  • Ikraam: Honoring treating with attention, and ceremony, esteem, veneration, respect, deference, kindness, favor
  • Ikram: Honor, tribute, kindness
  • Ikrimah: A female pigeon
  • Ilahi: Divine
  • Iliyas
  • Illiyas
  • Iltifaat: Host, prosperity, population, strong
  • Imroz: Today
  • Imrul Qais: Man of the Qais, an Arab sacred place
  • Imsaal: Muslim boy's name that means unique or one of a kind
  • Imthyaz: Imthyaz means the chosen one
  • Imtiaz: Power of discrimination
  • Imtinan: Imtinan means gratefulness
  • Imtiyaaz: Excellence, distinction, honor, preference
  • Inamul: Prosperity
  • Inas: Capable, sociability
  • Inban: Enjoying person
  • Inbanathan: Happy
  • Indaresh: Lord Vishnu
  • Inder: Lord of the gods
  • Indra: God of the sky, rain, and thunder
  • Intaj: King, magnificent
  • Intekhab: Chosen, selected
  • Intezar: Wait, expectation
  • Iqbal: Prosperity, good fortune
  • Iqra: To read, recite
  • Irfan: Knowledge, awareness
  • Isa: Prophet Jesus
  • Isam: Protector, safeguard
  • Isar: Selflessness, sacrifice
  • Ishaq: One who laughs, a Prophet's name
  • Ishfaq: Sympathy, compassion
  • Ishrat: Society, familiarity
  • Ishtiaq: Longing, craving
  • Iskandar: Defender of mankind
  • Ismaeel: A Prophet's name
  • Ismail: A Prophet's name
  • Ispahani: A river in Iran
  • Istakhri: A person who collects taxes
  • Istiak: One who seeks help
  • Istiaq: Longing, craving
  • Istikhar: Pray, request
  • Istilah: Term, expression
  • Istiyak: One who seeks help
  • Itisham: Decency, decorum
  • Iwadh: Substitute, repentant

10. " J " Boy Name.

  • Jabbar: Mighty, one who has ascendancy, king; one who consoles the bereaved
  • Jabir: Consolation, supportive, restorer
  • Jafar: Rivulet, stream, a small river
  • Jahangir: Holder of the world
  • Jahid: Hardworking, industrious, active
  • Jahiz: With prominent eyes, with beautiful eyeballs
  • Jahm: Sullen, frowning
  • Jahmal: Beautiful
  • Jahmil: Beautiful
  • Jalaal: Grandeur, greatness, eminence, glory, majesty
  • Jalal: Grandeur, splendour, glory, majesty
  • Jalaluddaulah: Splendour of the kingdom
  • Jalaluddin: Splendour of the religion
  • Jaleed: Powerful
  • Jalil: Superb
  • Jalis: Companion, chum, a fast friend
  • JamaalUddeen: Beauty of the faith
  • Jamael: Handsome
  • Jamal: Handsome, lovely
  • Jameel: Beautiful, lovely
  • Janab: An honorific title
  • Jareed: Hawk, messenger, herald
  • Jareem: Praising
  • Jareer: Corpulent, one who can pull, name of a famous Arab poet
  • Jari: Powerful, brave
  • Jasham: Eagle
  • Jasmir: Strong
  • Jasim: Great and famous
  • Jasser: Fearless
  • Jauhar: Pearl
  • Javed: Immortal
  • Jaza: Reward
  • Jazel: Good attitude, good manners
  • Jazi: To take revenge
  • Jazib: Attractive
  • Jawdan: Goodness
  • Jawhar: Jewel
  • Jehfil: Strong
  • Jemal: Handsome
  • Jericho: City of moon
  • Jibril: Archangel of Allah (Gabriel)
  • Jibran: Reward
  • Jidan: Abundance
  • Jihad: Holy war
  • Jihan: Leaping, the universe, the world
  • Jnhih: Sun
  • Juber: Brave warrior
  • Jumal: Good looking
  • Junaid: Warrior

11. " K " Boy Name.


  • Kabir: Great, large
  • Kadeen: Friend, companion
  • Kadeer: Green or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence)
  • Kadin: Friend, companion
  • Kafeel: Responsible, guarantor
  • Kahil: Friend, lover
  • Kaiser: Emperor, king
  • Kalam: Speech, conversation
  • Kaleem: Speaker, talker
  • Kamal: Perfection, excellence
  • Kamran: Successful, fortunate
  • Karam: Generosity, kindness
  • Kareem: Generous, noble
  • Karim: Generous, noble
  • Kashif: Discoverer, revealer
  • Kasim: Distributor, one who gives to others
  • Kausar: River in paradise
  • Kawthar: River in paradise
  • Kazim: Restrainer of anger
  • Khaldoon: Old Arabic name
  • Khalid: Eternal, immortal
  • Khalif: Successor, caliph
  • Khalil: Friend, companion
  • Khayr: Goodness, welfare
  • Khayri: Charitable, beneficent
  • Khazin: Treasurer
  • Khurram: Cheerful, happy
  • Khursheed: Sun
  • Khushal: Perfect, happy
  • Kifayat: Enough, sufficient
  • Kilab: Dog
  • Kiram: Generous, noble
  • Kishwar: Region, country
  • Kubra: Great, senior
  • Kumail: Name of a companion of the Prophet
  • Kurayb: Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name
  • Kutaybah: A narrator of Hadith

11. " L" Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Labib: Sensible, intelligent
  • Lahab: Flame, blaze
  • Laiq: Deserving, worthy, capable
  • Lamih: Shining
  • Lateef: Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly
  • Latif: Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly
  • Layth: Lion
  • Luqman: A Prophet's name
  • Luqman: A Prophet's Name
  • Laith: Lion
  • Labib: Sensible
  • Lamees: Soft to the Touch
  • Luqmaan: A Prophet's Name
  • Luqman: A Prophet's Name
  • Laith: Lion
  • Labib: Sensible
  • Lamees: Soft to the Touch
  • Laa'iq: Adept
  • Laith: Lion
  • Lutf: Kindness
  • Lami: Bright
  • Latif: Kind
  • Layth: Lion
  • Labeeb: Sensible
  • Lu'ay: Shield
  • Lutfi: Kind
  • Lu'ay: Shield
  • Lutfi: Kind
  • Labeeb: Sensible
  • Luqman: A Prophet's Name
  • Laa'iq: Adept
  • Lami: Bright
  • Latif: Kind
  • Layth: Lion
  • Labib: Sensible
  • Lamees: Soft to the Touch
  • Luqmaan: A Prophet's Name
  • Luqman: A Prophet's Name
  • Laith: Lion
  • Labib: Sensible
  • Lamees: Soft to the Touch
  • Laa'iq: Adept
  • Laith: Lion
  • Lutf: Kindness
  • Lami: Bright
  • Latif: Kind
  • Layth: Lion
  • Labeeb: Sensible
  • Lu'ay: Shield
  • Lutfi: Kind
  • Lu'ay: Shield
  • Lutfi: Kind
  • Labeeb: Sensible
  • Luqman: A Prophet's Name
  • Laa'iq: Adept
  • Lami: Bright
  • Latif: Kind
  • Layth: Lion

12. " M " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Maajid: Glorious, honorable
  • Maaz: Brave man
  • Mabruk: Blessed
  • Machmud: Praised, commendable
  • Madani: Urban, civilized
  • Madih: Praiseworthy
  • Mahad: Great, nice
  • Mahboob: Beloved, dear
  • Mahdi: Guided to the right path
  • Mahfuz: Safe, protected
  • Mahir: Skilled, expert
  • Mahmood: Praised, commendable
  • Mahmud: Praised, commendable
  • Majd: Glory, honor
  • Majdi: Glorious, honorable
  • Majid: Glorious, honorable
  • Makki: Pertaining to Makkah
  • Malik: King, master
  • Mamduh: Praised, commendable
  • Mamoon: Secure, fearless
  • Manaf: One who prevents harm
  • Manzoor: Approved, accepted
  • Maqbool: Accepted, agreeable
  • Maqsood: Intended, aimed at
  • Maruf: Known, accepted
  • Masood: Fortunate, happy
  • Masoud: Fortunate, happy
  • Masroor: Happy, joyful
  • Masud: Fortunate, happy
  • Mateen: Strong, solid
  • Mazhar: Appearance, manifestation
  • Mazin: Cloud that carries rain
  • Mehboob: Beloved, dear
  • Mehdi: Guided to the right path
  • Mehmood: Praised, commendable
  • Mehmud: Praised, commendable
  • Mehran: Kind, benevolent
  • Mian: Gentleman
  • Miftah: Key
  • Mikaeel: Angel of Allah (Michael)
  • Mikhail: One of the main angels of Allah (Michael)
  • Mina: Precious blue stone, fish
  • Mir: Chief, leader
  • Mirza: Prince
  • Misbah: Lamp, light
  • Miskeen: Humble, poor
  • Mohammed: Praised, commendable
  • Moiz: Respectful, honorable
  • Momin: Believer
  • Moneeb: Repentant, returning to Allah
  • Monsur: Victorious
  • Mooen: Helper, supporter
  • Mosa: A Prophet's name (Moses)
  • Mounir: Shining, bright
  • Muadh: Protected, guided
  • Muaz: Protected, guided
  • Mubarak: Blessed
  • Mubeen: Clear, evident
  • Mubin: Clear, evident
  • Mudassir: Wrapped in, enveloped
  • Mueen: Helper, supporter
  • Mufti: Jurist, scholar of Islamic law
  • Mughira: Name of a companion of the Prophet
  • Muhammad: Praised, commendable
  • Muhsin: Beneficent, charitable
  • Muhtadi: Rightly guided
  • Muhtashim: One who is generous
  • Mujahid: Fighter, warrior
  • Mujeeb: Responsive, answerable
  • Mujtaba: Chosen, selected
  • Mukarram: Honored, respected
  • Mukhtar: Chosen, selected
  • Mumin: Believer
  • Munawar: Illuminated, shining
  • Muneer: Shining, bright
  • Munib: Repentant, returning to Allah
  • Munif: Exalted, high
  • Munir: Shining, bright
  • Muntasir: Victorious
  • Muntazir: Awaiting, expecting
  • Munzir: Warner, harbinger
  • Murad: Desire, purpose
  • Murshid: Guide, instructor
  • Musab: Strong, warrior
  • Mushtaq: Longing, yearning
  • Muslim: Submitting oneself to Allah
  • Mustafa: Chosen, selected
  • Mustaqeem: Straight, right
  • Mutahhar: Pure, clean
  • Mutawakkil: One who puts his trust in Allah
  • Muzaffar: Victorious
  • Muzammil: Wrapped in, enveloped

13. " N " Boy Name.


  • Nabeel: Noble, generous
  • Nabil: Noble, generous
  • Nadeem: Friend, companion
  • Nadir: Rare, precious
  • Naeem: Blessing, living an enjoyable life
  • Nafees: Precious, pure
  • Nafis: Precious, pure
  • Nageen: Precious stone
  • Nahid: Star, planet Venus
  • Naim: Comfort, ease, tranquility
  • Najeeb: Noble, distinguished
  • Najib: Noble, distinguished
  • Najm: Star
  • Nasheed: Song, poem
  • Nashit: Energetic, lively
  • Nasif: Just, equitable
  • Nasim: Fresh air, breeze
  • Nasir: Helper, supporter
  • Nasser: Helper, supporter
  • Naveed: Good news, glad tidings
  • Nawab: Nobleman, ruler
  • Nawfal: Generous, old Arabic name
  • Nawwaf: High, lofty
  • Nayef: Elevated, high
  • Nazeeh: Pure, chaste
  • Nazeer: Warner, harbinger
  • Nazih: Pure, chaste
  • Nazim: Organizer, arranger
  • Nazir: Observer, supervisor
  • Nehad: Brave, courageous
  • Nihal: Joyful, happy
  • Nihad: Height, greatness
  • Nihal: Joyful, happy
  • Nijad: Height, greatness
  • Nimat: Blessing, favor
  • Nisar: Sacrifice
  • Nizar: Old Arabic name, poet
  • Noor: Light
  • Nooruddin: Light of the faith
  • Nouman: Pleasure, comfort
  • Nuh: A Prophet's name (Noah)
  • Numair: Panther, leopard
  • Nur: Light
  • Nuruddin: Light of the faith
  • Nuri: Shining, bright
  • Nurul: Light of
  • Nusrat: Victory, help

14. " O " Boy Name.

  • Omar: Long-lived, flourishing, eloquent
  • Omer: Long-lived, flourishing, eloquent
  • Owais: A companion of the Prophet
  • Owes: A brave man
  • Omar: Long-Lived
  • Osman: The Chosen One
  • Owais: A Companion of the Prophet
  • Omaar: Life
  • Omeir: Long-Lived
  • Obaid: Small Slave
  • Osama: Lion
  • Omair: Problem Solver
  • Omer: Firstborn Son
  • Othman: Baby Bustard
  • Omarion: Gifted Speaker
  • Owaiz: Light
  • Obaadah: Worshipper
  • Obaidah: Servant of God
  • Ojain: Great
  • Owaiz: Prosperous
  • Orhan: Great Ruler
  • Orsan: Intelligent
  • Othman: Baby Bustard
  • Ozaif: Guest
  • Oasim: King
  • Omaire: Problem Solver
  • Obaidullah: Servant of Allah
  • Omran: Solid structure
  • Ovais: Helper
  • Omeir: Long-Lived
  • Othman: Baby Bustard
  • Owaisi: Brave
  • Obaydullah: Servant of Allah
  • Osaid: Lion
  • Osaid: Lion
  • Othman: Baby Bustard
  • Owes: Gifted
  • Obaidullah: Servant of Allah
  • Omais: A Person Who Inspires
  • Orfan: Thankful
  • Osayd: Lion
  • Owaiys: Strong
  • Oways: Guest
  • Omair: Problem Solver

15. " P " Boy Name.


  • Pal : Tiny, petite, humble, witness
  • Pau : Unique
  • Padma : Baby lotus
  • Papu : Little, small boy
  • Pari: Charitable prince, angel
  • Piku: Smart, honest
  • Pran: Life, love, alive
  • Prem: Love, bonding, compassion
  • Prit: Love
  • Puja: To worship
  • Paban: Purifier, air
  • Pabel: Little one
  • Pablo: Tiny, petite, little
  • Pabok: Fire
  • Palak: Eyelash
  • Pamir: Helper, perfect, mountain range
  • Parag: Pollen grains, sweet fragrance
  • Parakram: Strength, valor
  • Parash: Touchstone
  • Parvez: Fortunate
  • Parvin: Capable, skilful, efficient
  • Pasha: Lord
  • Pashmak: Cotton candy
  • Pashupati: Lord of all creatures
  • Patag: Sun
  • Path: Road, the way
  • Pavan: Wind, air
  • Pawan: Wind, air
  • Payam: Message, news
  • Payman: Promise, covenant
  • Payton: Village warrior
  • PirMohammed: Holy Prophet
  • Pirzada: A son of Pir (Sufi)
  • Polash: Ocean, name of a king, leaf
  • Ponnada: TBD
  • Pabitra: Clean, pure
  • Pablo: Tiny, petite, little
  • Pabok: Fire
  • Pachai: Youthful, resourceful
  • Parvez: Success, fortunate
  • Pasha: Honorific title, noble
  • Pir : Spiritual guide, saint
  • Pirzada : Son of a saint

16. " Q " Boy Name.

Baby Boy
  • Qabil: Able, capable
  • Qadeer: Powerful, able, capable
  • Qais: Firm, strong
  • Qamar: Moon
  • Qani: Satisfied, content
  • Qari: Reciter, reader
  • Qasim: Distributor, divider
  • Qatadah: Tree with hard wood
  • Qayyum: Self-sustaining, eternal
  • Qazi: Judge, justice
  • Qudrat: Power, ability
  • Qurban: Sacrifice, offering
  • Qusay: Distant, far

17. " R " Boy Name.


  • Rafi: Exalted, noble
  • Rahat: Rest, comfort
  • Rahim: Merciful, compassionate
  • Raihan: Sweet basil, fragrance
  • Rais: Leader, chief
  • Raja: Hope, wish
  • Rajib: Glorious, magnificent
  • Rakib: Watchful, vigilant
  • Rashad: Integrity, guidance
  • Rashid: Rightly guided, wise
  • Rauf: Compassionate, kind
  • Raza: Contentment, pleasure
  • Razak: Provider, sustainer
  • Rehan: Fragrant, sweet-smelling
  • Reza: Pleasure, contentment
  • Ridwan: Pleasure, contentment
  • Rifat: High, lofty
  • Rizwan: Pleasure, contentment
  • Ruhul: Spirit of

18. " S " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Saad: Good fortune, success
  • Saadi: Happy, fortunate
  • Sabir: Patient, persevering
  • Sadiq: Truthful, sincere
  • Saeed: Happy, fortunate
  • Safdar: Brave, courageous
  • Safi: Pure, clean
  • Sahil: Guide, leader
  • Saif: Sword
  • Sajid: Prostrate in worship
  • Salah: Righteousness, piety
  • Salim: Safe, secure
  • Salman: Safe, secure
  • Samad: Eternal, absolute
  • Sami: High, lofty
  • Samir: Entertaining companion
  • Sana: Brilliance, radiance
  • Saqib: Shining star
  • Sarwar: Chief, leader
  • Saud: Fortunate, happy
  • Sayed: Leader, chief
  • Shafi: Healer, intercessor
  • Shahid: Witness, martyr
  • Shahin: Falcon
  • Shahzad: Prince, son of a king
  • Shakeel: Handsome, comely
  • Shakil: Handsome, comely
  • Shams: Sun
  • Sharif: Noble, distinguished
  • Shaukat: Dignity, honor
  • Shoaib: A Prophet's name
  • Siddiq: Truthful, sincere
  • Sikandar: Alexander the Great
  • Siraj: Lamp, light
  • Sohail: Moon-glow
  • Suhail: Gentle, easy-going
  • Sultan: Ruler, king
  • Sulaiman: A Prophet's name (Solomon)
  • Suleman: A Prophet's name (Solomon)
  • Sultan: Ruler, king
  • Sumon: Quiet, silent
  • Suraj: Sun
  • Suyash: Good reputation

19. " T " Boy Name.

  • Tahir: Pure, clean
  • Talha: Kind of tree, fruit
  • Talib: Sender, student
  • Tamim: Perfect
  • Tariq: Morning star, night visitor
  • Tasnim: Fountain in paradise
  • Tawfiq: Success, good fortune
  • Tayyab: Pure, clean
  • Thaqib: Shooting star
  • Tufail: Small, little

20. " U " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Ubaid: Faithful, obedient
  • Ubay: Old Arabic name
  • Umar: Long-lived, flourishing, eloquent
  • Umran: Prosperity, civilization
  • Usman: Baby bustard bird
  • Uthman: Baby bustard bird

21. " V " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Vahid: Unique
  • Vaseem: Handsome
  • Vakil: Lawyer
  • Vaqas: Falcon
  • Vafi: Faithful
  • Vahdat: Unity
  • Vakalat: Advocacy
  • Vahhab: Generous
  • Vahidullah: Unique to Allah
  • Vaseemullah: Handsome like Allah
  • Victory : success

21. " W " Boy Name.

Boy Baby

  • Wadee: Calm, peaceful
  • Wadi: Calm, peaceful
  • Wafiq: Successful, prosperous
  • Wahab: Giving, generous
  • Wahid: Unique, singular
  • Wajid: Finder, lover
  • Waleed: Newborn child
  • Wali: Friend, protector
  • Waqar: Dignity, sobriety
  • Wasim: Handsome, good-looking
  • Wasiq: Confident, secure
  • Wazir: Minister, advisor

22. " Y " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Yaman: Good tidings
  • Yaqoob: Prophet Jacob
  • Yasir: Wealthy
  • Yasin: A chapter from the Quran
  • Yunus: Prophet Jonah
  • Yusuf: Prophet Joseph

23. " Z " Boy Name.

Baby Boy

  • Zaaef: One who is sociable and gracious
  • Zaafer: One who is helpful and a great partner
  • Zaafir: Victorious, conqueror
  • Zaahid: Abstinent, one who has no mundane ambitions
  • Zaahir: A blooming flower, a bright and shining color, lofty
  • Zaair: Pilgrim
  • Zaakir: One who remembers and praises Allah
  • Zaamin: Reliable, responsible
  • Zaheen: Intelligent, intellectual
  • Zaheer: Blooming, shining, luminous
  • Zahi: A brilliant man
  • Zahid: Devout, ascetic
  • Zahin: Intelligent, bright
  • Zahoor: Appearance, manifestation
  • Zaid: Abundance, growth, success
  • Zain: Beauty, grace
  • Zair: Pilgrim
  • Zakariya: Helped by God
  • Zaki: Pure, virtuous
  • Zakir: One who remembers and praises Allah
  • Zaman: Time, age
  • Zameer: Conscience, heart
  • Zamir: Conscience, heart
  • Zarar: Courageous, brave
  • Zarif: Elegant, graceful
  • Zaroon: Visitor
  • Zaryab: Rich, wealthy
  • Zaumar: Lion
  • Zaun: Kind of tree
  • Zawar: Pilgrim
  • Zayan: Bright, shining
  • Zayd: Abundance, growth, success
  • Zayn: Beauty, grace
  • Zia: Light, splendor
  • Ziad: Abundance, growth, success
  • Zikri: Remembrance of Allah
  • Zishan: Decoration, adornment
  • Ziya: Splendor, light
  • Zohaib: Leader, king
  • Zubair: Strong, firm
  • Zuhair: Bright, shining
  • Zulfiqar: Sword of Ali, a symbol of strength and bravery.

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