Baby Girl Names In Ethiopia / የህፃናት ሴት ስሞች በኢትዮጵያ

Introduction To Ethiopia / መግቢያ ለኢትዮጵያ : 

Ethiopia, a land steeped in rich history and vibrant culture. The capital city, Addis Ababa, serves as the beating heart of this diverse nation. Sprawling across approximately 530 square kilometers, Addis Ababa stands as a melting pot of traditions, commerce, and innovation, with a population nearing 5 million inhabitants.

In Ethiopia, diversity isn't just confined to its capital. From the vast expanse of the highlands to the striking landscapes of the Rift Valley, the country encompasses a diverse range of regions. One of the largest towns in Ethiopia is Gondar, nestled amidst the stunning Semien Mountains. On the other end of the spectrum lies Bonga, a charming town known for its coffee, situated in the southwestern part of the country.

The population density varies across regions, with bustling cities contrasting with serene rural areas. In some areas, the density can surpass 1,000 people per square kilometer, while in more remote regions, it can be significantly lower.

Regarding daily demographics, Ethiopia sees a considerable number of births and deaths daily, contributing to its dynamic population. On average, hundreds of children are born each day across the country, symbolizing hope and the promise of the future. Simultaneously, a similar number of people pass away daily, marking the natural cycle of life.

This diversity in landscapes, cultures, and demographics adds layers to Ethiopia's captivating tapestry, making it a nation brimming with stories waiting to be explored and experienced.

Ethiopia Baby Girl Names With Meaning From A To Z.

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With A.


    •  Adanech - Means "she has saved" or "she has rescued."
    • Aida - Translates to "reward" or "present."
    • Alemnesh - "You are the world," denoting importance.
    • Amira - Means "princess" or "royalty."
    • Amarech - "She builds" or "she constructs."
    • Almaz - Signifies "diamond" or "precious stone."
    • Aster - Means "star," representing brightness.
    • Abeba - "Flower" or "blossom," symbolizing beauty.
    • Alula - Translates to "first-born," signifying priority.
    • Asnakech - "She has overcome" or "she has conquered."
    • Ayana - Means "beautiful flower."
    • Amal - Signifies "hope" or "aspiration."
    • Abebu - "She has flourished," representing growth.
    • Aynalem - Translates to "vision of the world."
    • Admas - Means "diamond," representing strength and resilience.
    • Amsalu - Signifies "victory" or "triumph."
    • Abezash - "She has brought light" or "she shines."
    • Atsede - Means "satisfaction" or "contentment."
    • Adina - Signifies "delicate" or "gentle."
    • Abebech - "She has flowered," symbolizing femininity.
    • Alemush - Translates to "worldly" or "earthly."
    • Aseres - Means "foundation" or "base."
    • Assegid - Signifies "worthy" or "deserving."
    • Amet - Translates to "life" or "vitality."
    • Amsal - Signifies "symbol" or "representation."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With B.


    • Birtukan - Signifies "she is blessed" or "she is fortunate."
    • Beza - Means "precious" or "treasure."
    • Bilen - Denotes "first" or "beginning."
    • Banchi - Signifies "light" or "brightness."
    • Bethelhem - Means "house of bread," symbolizing nourishment.
    • Birke - Denotes "blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Bizuayehu - Signifies "he/she has seen much."
    • Birhan - Means "light" or "clarity."
    • Bilen - Denotes "first" or "origin."
    • Birtukan - Signifies "she is blessed" or "she is fortunate."
    • Beimnet - Means "faith" or "belief."
    • Betelhem - Denotes "house of bread," symbolizing abundance.
    • Banchi - Signifies "light" or "radiance."
    • Bemnet - Means "faith" or "trust."
    • Bisrat - Denotes "good news" or "gospel."
    • Birtukan - Signifies "she is blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Birke - Means "blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Bilen - Denotes "origin" or "beginning."
    • Bethlehem - Signifies "house of bread," symbolizing provision.
    • Biniam - Means "son of my right hand," symbolizing support.
    • Banchi - Signifies "light" or "brightness."
    • Bizuayehu - Denotes "he/she has seen much."
    • Birke - Signifies "blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Bilen - Means "first" or "original."
    • Birtukan - Denotes "she is blessed" or "she is fortunate."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With C.


    • Chaltu - Means "young girl" or "youthful."
    • Cherenet - Denotes "belief" or "faith."
    • Chimdi - Signifies "my God lives."
    • Chaltu - Means "young" or "youthful."
    • Cheru - Denotes "rain" or "downpour."
    • Chufamo - Signifies "abundance" or "plenty."
    • Chane - Means "blacksmith," representing craftsmanship.
    • Chaltu - Denotes "young lady" or "youthful woman."
    • Cheshe - Signifies "courage" or "bravery."
    • Cheru - Means "rain" or "shower."
    • Cherenet - Denotes "belief" or "faith."
    • Chimdi - Signifies "my God lives."
    • Chaltu - Denotes "young" or "youthful."
    • Cheru - Means "rainfall" or "shower."
    • Chufamo - Signifies "abundance" or "plenty."
    • Chane - Denotes "blacksmith," representing skill.
    • Cheshe - Signifies "courage" or "bravery."
    • Chaltu - Means "young girl" or "youthful woman."
    • Cherenet - Denotes "belief" or "faith."
    • Cheru - Means "rain" or "downpour."
    • Chufamo - Signifies "abundance" or "plenty."
    • Chane - Denotes "metalworker" or "blacksmith."
    • Cheshe - Signifies "courage" or "bravery."
    • Chaltu - Means "young" or "youthful."
    • Cherenet - Denotes "belief" or "faith."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With D.


    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "joy."
    • Dina - Denotes "judgment" or "justice."
    • Dagmawi - Means "royal" or "kingly."
    • Dagim - Denotes "river" or "stream."
    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "enjoyment."
    • Dawit - Means "beloved" or "darling."
    • Daba - Denotes "time" or "season."
    • Dagnew - Signifies "new" or "fresh."
    • Dereje - Means "joyous" or "happy."
    • Dejen - Denotes "rejoicing" or "celebration."
    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "joy."
    • Dina - Denotes "judgment" or "justice."
    • Dagmawi - Means "royal" or "queenly."
    • Dagim - Denotes "river" or "flowing water."
    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "enjoyment."
    • Dawit - Means "beloved" or "dear one."
    • Daba - Denotes "time" or "occasion."
    • Dagnew - Signifies "new" or "fresh."
    • Dereje - Means "joyous" or "cheerful."
    • Dejen - Denotes "rejoicing" or "celebration."
    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "joy."
    • Dina - Denotes "judgment" or "justice."
    • Dagmawi - Means "royal" or "kingly."
    • Dagim - Denotes "river" or "stream."
    • Desta - Signifies "happiness" or "enjoyment."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With E.


    • Eleni - Means "light" or "brightness."
    • Ezra - Denotes "help" or "helper."
    • Eskedar - Signifies "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Enat - Means "mother" or "matriarch."
    • Eyerusalem - Denotes "Jerusalem," symbolizing holiness.
    • Emenet - Signifies "faith" or "belief."
    • Eden - Means "paradise" or "delight."
    • Elshaday - Denotes "almighty" or "all-powerful."
    • Eskedar - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Eleni - Signifies "light" or "brightness."
    • Ezra - Denotes "help" or "aid."
    • Eskedar - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Enat - Signifies "mother" or "matriarch."
    • Eyerusalem - Denotes "Jerusalem," symbolizing holiness.
    • Emenet - Means "faith" or "belief."
    • Eden - Signifies "paradise" or "delight."
    • Elshaday - Denotes "almighty" or "all-powerful."
    • Eskedar - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Eleni - Signifies "light" or "brightness."
    • Ezra - Denotes "help" or "aid."
    • Eskedar - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Enat - Signifies "mother" or "matriarch."
    • Eyerusalem - Denotes "Jerusalem," symbolizing holiness.
    • Emenet - Means "faith" or "belief."
    • Eden - Signifies "paradise" or "delight."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With F.


    • Fikir - Denotes "love" or "affection."
    • Faven - Means "light" or "brightness."
    • Fasika - Signifies "Easter," symbolizing resurrection.
    • Fetlework - Denotes "miracle" or "wonder."
    • Frey - Means "free" or "liberated."
    • Fikir - Denotes "love" or "affection."
    • Faven - Means "light" or "brightness."
    • Fasika - Signifies "Easter," symbolizing resurrection.
    • Fetlework - Denotes "miracle" or "wonder."
    • Frey - Means "free" or "liberated."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With G.


    • Ginbot - Denotes "spring" or "blossom."
    • Gelila - Means "my joy" or "my happiness."
    • Genet - Signifies "paradise" or "bliss."
    • Gashawork - Denotes "leader" or "ruler."
    • Gize - Means "fire" or "flame."
    • Ginbot - Denotes "spring" or "blossoming."
    • Gelila - Means "my joy" or "my happiness."
    • Genet - Signifies "paradise" or "heaven."
    • Gashawork - Denotes "leader" or "headship."
    • Gize - Means "fire" or "flame."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With H.


    • Helina - Denotes "shining light" or "bright."
    • Hana - Means "flower" or "blossom."
    • Hirut - Signifies "freedom" or "liberty."
    • Hewan - Denotes "graciousness" or "kindness."
    • Hadiya - Means "gift" or "present."
    • Helina - Denotes "shining light" or "radiance."
    • Hana - Means "flower" or "blossom."
    • Hirut - Signifies "freedom" or "independence."
    • Hewan - Denotes "grace" or "kindness."
    • Hadiya - Means "gifted" or "blessed."
    • Helina - Denotes "shining light" or "brightness."
    • Hana - Means "flower" or "blossom."
    • Hirut - Signifies "freedom" or "liberation."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With I.


    • Irene - Denotes "peace."
    • Ivy - Means "faithfulness" or "fidelity."
    • Ida - Signifies "industrious" or "hardworking."
    • Ibukun - Denotes "blessing."
    • Itab - Means "grace" or "kindness."
    • Ire - Signifies "goodness" or "excellence."
    • Ismene - Denotes "knowledge" or "wisdom."
    • Izara - Means "star."
    • Irene - Denotes "peace."
    • Ivy - Means "faithfulness" or "loyalty."
    • Ida - Signifies "industrious" or "hardworking."
    • Ibukun - Denotes "blessing."
    • Itab - Means "grace" or "kindness."
    • Ire - Signifies "goodness" or "excellence."
    • Ismene - Denotes "knowledge" or "wisdom."
    • Izara - Means "star."
    • Irene - Denotes "peace."
    • Ivy - Means "faithfulness" or "fidelity."
    • Ida - Signifies "industrious" or "hardworking."
    • Ibukun - Denotes "blessing."
    • Itab - Means "grace" or "kindness."
    • Ire - Signifies "goodness" or "excellence."
    • Ismene - Denotes "knowledge" or "wisdom."
    • Izara - Means "star."
    • Irene - Denotes "peace."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With J.


    • Jasmine - Denotes a fragrant flower.
    • Jemila - Means "beautiful" or "elegant."
    • Jani - Signifies "harvest" or "crop."
    • Jabena - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Jahdiel - Means "God's jewel" or "God's adornment."
    • Jasmine - Denotes a fragrant flower.
    • Jemila - Means "beautiful" or "elegant."
    • Jani - Signifies "harvest" or "crop."
    • Jabena - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Jahdiel - Means "God's jewel" or "God's adornment."
    • Jasmine - Denotes a fragrant flower.
    • Jemila - Means "beautiful" or "elegant."
    • Jani - Signifies "harvest" or "crop."
    • Jabena - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Jahdiel - Means "God's jewel" or "God's adornment."
    • Jasmine - Denotes a fragrant flower.
    • Jemila - Means "beautiful" or "elegant."
    • Jani - Signifies "harvest" or "crop."
    • Jabena - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Jahdiel - Means "God's jewel" or "God's adornment."
    • Jasmine - Denotes a fragrant flower.
    • Jemila - Means "beautiful" or "elegant."
    • Jani - Signifies "harvest" or "crop."
    • Jabena - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Jahdiel - Means "God's jewel" or "God's adornment."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With K.


    • Kidist - Denotes "holy" or "sacred."
    • Kalkidan - Means "promise" or "oath."
    • Kidan - Signifies "dedication" or "commitment."
    • Kidanemariam - Denotes "promise of Mary."
    • Kidanit - Means "promise" or "covenant."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With L.


    • Lulit - Means "beautiful" or "pretty."
    • Lemlem - Denotes "floral" or "blossom."
    • Liyana - Signifies "light" or "radiance."
    • Letay - Means "sweet" or "delicious."
    • Lulit - Denotes "charming" or "lovely."
    • Lemlem - Signifies "blossoming" or "flourishing."
    • Liyana - Means "illumination" or "brightness."
    • Letay - Denotes "tasty" or "appetizing."
    • Lulit - Means "beautiful" or "pretty."
    • Lemlem - Denotes "floral" or "flower."
    • Liyana - Signifies "light" or "radiance."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With M.


    • Makeda - Denotes "beautiful" or "greatness."
    • Mihret - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Meskerem - Signifies "September," the first month of the Ethiopian calendar.
    • Mahlet - Denotes "queen" or "royalty."
    • Mekdes - Means "holy" or "sacred."
    • Makeda - Denotes "beautiful" or "greatness."
    • Mihret - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Meskerem - Signifies "September," the first month of the Ethiopian calendar.
    • Mahlet - Denotes "queen" or "royalty."
    • Mekdes - Means "holy" or "sacred."
    • Makeda - Denotes "beautiful" or "greatness."
    • Mihret - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Meskerem - Signifies "September," the first month of the Ethiopian calendar.
    • Mahlet - Denotes "queen" or "royalty."
    • Mekdes - Means "holy" or "sacred."
    • Makeda - Denotes "beautiful" or "greatness."
    • Mihret - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Meskerem - Signifies "September," the first month of the Ethiopian calendar.
    • Mahlet - Denotes "queen" or "royalty."
    • Mekdes - Means "holy" or "sacred."
    • Makeda - Denotes "beautiful" or "greatness."
    • Mihret - Means "mercy" or "compassion."
    • Meskerem - Signifies "September," the first month of the Ethiopian calendar.
    • Mahlet - Denotes "queen" or "royalty."
    • Mekdes - Means "holy" or "sacred."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With N.


    • Nahla - Denotes "honey" or "sweetness."
    • Nigisti - Means "queen" or "royalty."
    • Nardos - Signifies "rose."
    • Nitsuh - Denotes "victory."
    • Nini - Means "butterfly."
    • Nahla - Denotes "sweet" or "pleasant."
    • Nigisti - Means "queen" or "royalty."
    • Nardos - Signifies "rose."
    • Nitsuh - Denotes "victory."
    • Nini - Means "butterfly."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With O.


    • Odetta - Denotes "wealthy" or "prosperous."
    • Orsina - Means "little bear" or "brave like a bear."
    • Osana - Signifies "deliverance" or "salvation."
    • Oliya - Means "blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Ona - Denotes "grace" or "favor."
    • Odetta - Denotes "wealthy" or "prosperous."
    • Orsina - Means "little bear" or "courageous."
    • Osana - Signifies "redemption" or "rescue."
    • Oliya - Means "blessed" or "fortunate."
    • Ona - Denotes "grace" or "favor."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With P.


    • Priya - Means "beloved" or "dear."
    • Petronella - Denotes "rock" or "stone."
    • Phoebe - Signifies "radiant" or "bright."
    • Penda - Means "love" or "affection."
    • Purity - Denotes "innocence" or "purity."
    • Priya - Means "beloved" or "dear."
    • Petronella - Denotes "rock" or "stone."
    • Phoebe - Signifies "radiant" or "bright."
    • Penda - Means "love" or "affection."
    • Purity - Denotes "innocence" or "purity."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With Q.


    • Qetsiyah - Means "fragrant" or "perfumed."
    • Qenat - Denotes "brightness" or "radiance."
    • Qeshi - Signifies "grace" or "elegance."
    • Qetsiyah - Means "fragrant" or "sweet-smelling."
    • Qendresa - Denotes "resilience" or "determination."
    • Qetsiyah - Means "fragrant" or "perfumed."
    • Qenat - Denotes "brightness" or "radiance."
    • Qeshi - Signifies "graceful" or "elegant."
    • Qetsiyah - Means "fragrant" or "sweet-smelling."
    • Qendresa - Denotes "resilience" or "determination."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With R.


    • Rahel - Means "ewe" or "female sheep."
    • Ruwaida - Denotes "gentle" or "soft-spoken."
    • Ruth - Signifies "friendship" or "companionship."
    • Rahel - Means "ewe" or "female sheep."
    • Ruwaida - Denotes "gentle" or "soft-spoken."
    • Ruth - Signifies "friendship" or "companionship."
    • Rahel - Means "ewe" or "female sheep."
    • Ruwaida - Denotes "gentle" or "soft-spoken."
    • Ruth - Signifies "friendship" or "companionship."
    • Rahel - Means "ewe" or "female sheep."
    • Ruwaida - Denotes "gentle" or "soft-spoken."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With S.


    • Sara - Means "princess" or "noblewoman."
    • Selamawit - Denotes "bringer of peace."
    • Saba - Signifies "morning" or "dawn."
    • Samrawit - Means "fruitful" or "productive."
    • Senait - Denotes "gift" or "blessing."
    • Sara - Means "princess" or "noblewoman."
    • Selamawit - Denotes "bringer of peace."
    • Saba - Signifies "morning" or "dawn."
    • Samrawit - Means "fruitful" or "productive."
    • Senait - Denotes "gift" or "blessing."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With T.


    • Tsion - Means "Zion" or "a sign."
    • Tiru - Denotes "lucky" or "blessed."
    • Tihut - Signifies "light" or "illumination."
    • Tsion - Means "Zion" or "a sign."
    • Tiru - Denotes "lucky" or "blessed."
    • Tihut - Signifies "light" or "illumination."
    • Tsion - Means "Zion" or "a sign."
    • Tiru - Denotes "lucky" or "blessed."
    • Tihut - Signifies "light" or "illumination."
    • Tsion - Means "Zion" or "a sign."
    • Tiru - Denotes "lucky" or "blessed."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With U.


    • Ula - Denotes "gem of the sea" or "jewel."
    • Ume - Means "plum blossom."
    • Unity - Signifies "harmony" or "oneness."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With V.


    • Viola - Means "violet" or "flower."
    • Vivienne - Denotes "lively" or "full of life."
    • Valentina - Signifies "strong" or "healthy."
    • Victoria - Means "victory" or "conqueror."
    • Vera - Denotes "truth" or "faith."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With W.


    • Willow - Denotes "graceful" or "slender."
    • Wendy - Means "friend" or "blessed ring."
    • Winona - Signifies "firstborn daughter" or "eldest daughter."
    • Willa - Means "resolute protector" or "determined guardian."
    • Wren - Denotes "small bird" or "songbird."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With X.


    • Xanthe - Means "golden" or "yellow."
    • Xiomara - Denotes "famous in battle."
    • Xena - Signifies "hospitable" or "welcoming."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With Y.


    • Yodit - Means "preeminent" or "queenly."
    • Yara - Denotes "small butterfly" or "butterfly."

    Top Baby Girl Names That Start With Z.


    • Zara - Means "princess" or "flower."
    • Zoe - Denotes "life" or "vitality."
    • Zahara - Signifies "flower" or "bright."
    • Zelda - Means "gray fighting maid."

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