Baby Boy Names In China / 男婴在中国取名

 Introduction To China / 简介是中国 :

China, a nation steeped in ancient history and brimming with modern dynamism, stands as one of the world's most influential countries. Its capital, Beijing, is a bustling metropolis that embodies China's rich heritage while embracing rapid technological advancements.

Covering an expansive area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is home to over 1.4 billion people, making it the most populous country globally. With such density, it averages around 150 people per square kilometer.

Within this vast expanse, China houses both mega-cities and small towns. Among the largest cities are Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, while one of the smallest towns is probably Jiaxing, nestled in Zhejiang province.

In terms of demographic statistics, China witnesses a considerable flux of life. On an average day, thousands of new lives begin, with around 12,000 children born per day. Conversely, the nation also experiences approximately 23,000 deaths daily, reflecting the size and complexity of its population dynamics.

China Baby Boy Names With Meaning From A To Z.

01."A" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Aiguo - Patriotic
  • Aki - Autumn or Bright
  • Akeno - Beautiful Sunrise or Dawn
  • Ambrocio - Immortal One
  • Amida - Buddha
  • An - Peaceful
  • Anfu - Peaceful and Wealthy
  • Anshun - Calm and Smooth
  • Anxi - Peaceful and Joyful
  • Anzhou - Peaceful State
  • Aoyun - Olympic Games
  • Aqing - Clear and Pure
  • Axiang - Honorable and Virtuous
  • Axiu - Elegant and Beautiful
  • Ayan - Salt
  • Aye - Strong and Brave
  • Aying - Heroic and Brave
  • Ayo - Joyful
  • Ayou - Handsome and Brave
  • Azeem - Great or Magnificent
  • Azhar - Bright or Shining
  • Azi - Strong and Powerful
  • Azim - Great or Powerful
  • Aziz - Beloved or Powerful
  • Azzam - Determined or Resolute

02."B" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Bai - Cypress; Landlord; HouseholderBao - Defend; Fortress; Protection; Gem
  • Benyamin - Jacob's Youngest Son; Son of the Right Hand
  • Bingwen - Bright and cultivated
  • Boqin - Win respect
  • Bolin - Elder brother rain
  • Bai - White
  • Bo - Wave-like
  • Bei - Add Meaning
  • Bey - Lord; Prince
  • Biu - Add Meaning
  • Bob - Bright; Form of Robert
  • Bun - Add Meaning
  • Bang - Nation
  • Bany - Kind; Cute
  • Bart - Rich in Land; From the Barley
  • Benn - Born of the Right Hand
  • Bert - Bright; Highborn; Brilliant
  • Biao - Add Meaning
  • Bill - Resolute Protector
  • Bing - Soldier; Ice
  • Bong - Mythical Bird - Phoenix
  • Boon - Good
  • Brad - Broad; From the Broad Meadow
  • Bram - Bramble; Raven; Father of Many

03."C" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Cai - Wealthy and colorful
  • Chang - Flourishing, prosperous
  • Chen - Morning, daybreak
  • Cheng - Accomplished, sincere
  • Chi - Wisdom, intellect
  • Chih - Ambition, will
  • Chong - Second, loyal
  • Chun - Spring
  • Cong - Intelligent, clever
  • Cui - Bright, emerald
  • Cung - Intelligent, clever
  • Cai - Wealthy and colorful
  • Cang - Good, honest
  • Cao - Grass, straw
  • Cen - Old, ancient
  • Chao - Distinguished, surpassing
  • Che - Vehicle, car
  • Chen - Morning, daybreak
  • Cheng - Accomplished, sincere
  • Chi - Wisdom, intellect
  • Chien - Modest, humble
  • Chih - Ambition, will
  • Chong - Second, loyal
  • Chou - Smelly, stinking
  • Chu - Gem, precious stone

04."D" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Da - Achieve, vast, high
  • Daiyu - Black jade
  • Daxia - Great Xia, representing a wealthy region in ancient China
  • De - Virtue, moral excellence
  • Dequan - Spring of virtue
  • Dewei - Highly virtuous
  • Di - Emperor
  • Dian - Bright, pure
  • Dingbang - Protect the country
  • Dingxiang - Cloves, a type of spice
  • Dong - East, winter
  • Donghai - East sea
  • Dongmei - Winter plum
  • Dongshan - Winter mountain
  • Dongwen - Cultured in the east
  • Du - Capital, metropolis
  • Duan - Short, brief
  • Duyi - Moral righteousness
  • Duyou - Moral friend
  • Da - Achieve, vast, high
  • Daiyu - Black jade
  • Daxia - Great Xia, representing a wealthy region in ancient China
  • De - Virtue, moral excellence
  • Dequan - Spring of virtue
  • Dewei - Highly virtuous

05."F" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Fo-Hian - Buddha's grace
  • Fook - Fortune, good luck
  • Fu - Blessing, good fortune
  • Fu-chi - Lucky and prosperous
  • Fai - Beginning, brilliant light
  • Fan - Add meaning
  • Fen - Marsh, marsh settlement
  • Fox - Leader, creative, epic, awesome
  • Fang - Pleasant-smelling, from the sheep
  • Faye - Add meaning
  • Feng - Peak, summit, wind, sharp blade
  • Fong - Add meaning
  • Fred - Calm monarch, form of Frederick
  • Fahad - Panther, lynx, lion, leopard
  • Fahim - Wise, learned, prudent, sagacious
  • Felix - Fortunate, happy, name of a saint
  • Frank - Free, free landholder, javelin
  • Frans - French man, a man from France
  • Franz - A free man, French man, a man from
  • Fanfan - Add meaning
  • Felipe - Friend of horses, Spanish form of
  • Fraser - Curly hair, French town
  • Freddy - Form of Frederick, peace, counsel
  • Fabrice - Works with the hands, craftsman
  • Fischer - Fisherman

06."G" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Gang - Steel
  • Gao - Tall, high
  • Guang - Light
  • Guo - Country, nation
  • Guan - Official, to observe
  • Guoqing - National celebration
  • Guowei - National greatness
  • Guozhi - National will
  • Genghis - Just, righteous, true
  • Ghi-Cheng - Add meaning
  • Gin-Fan - Add meaning
  • Gong - Respectful, tribute
  • Gong-Sun - Add meaning
  • Gu - Ancient drum
  • Guangli - Making propriety bright
  • Gui - Honored noble
  • Gish - Add meaning
  • Gho - Add meaning
  • Gao - Tall, high
  • Gaoxin - High faith
  • Gaozhong - High and noble
  • Geling - Brother of the elder
  • Geng - More, still more
  • Genji - Add meaning
  • Guanliang - Observing good faith

07."H" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Hai - Sea, ocean
  • Han - Chinese dynasty, leader
  • Hao - Good, perfect
  • He - River, peaceful
  • Hong - Great, vast, grand
  • Hua - Flower, blossom
  • Huang - Yellow, imperial
  • Hui - Bright, intelligent
  • Huo - Fire, passion
  • Heng - Perseverance, constant
  • Huan - Happy, joyous
  • Hui - Wisdom, knowledge
  • Huan - To surround, to encircle
  • Hui - Gray, wise
  • Hui - Kind-hearted, benevolent
  • Hui - Splendid, magnificent
  • Hui - To gather, to collect
  • Hui - To return, to come back
  • Hui - To shine, to radiate
  • Hui - To draw, to paint
  • Hui - To benefit, to profit
  • Hui - To protect, to guard
  • Hui - To praise, to commend
  • Hui - To understand, to comprehend
  • Hui - To meet, to encounter

08."I" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I Ching - Book of Changes
  • I Chou - One who is brave and strong
  • I Chuan - One who is strong and powerful
  • I Heng - One who is persistent and constant
  • I Kuan - One who is strong and powerful
  • I Li - One who is powerful and strong
  • I Ming - One who is bright and intelligent
  • I Sheng - One who is victorious and successful
  • I Wei - One who is powerful and mighty
  • I Wu - One who is powerful and martial
  • I Xing - One who is prosperous and successful
  • I Yuan - One who is far-reaching and vast
  • I Zhi - One who is intelligent and wise
  • I Ching - Book of Changes
  • I Chou - One who is brave and strong
  • I Chuan - One who is strong and powerful
  • I Heng - One who is persistent and constant
  • I Kuan - One who is strong and powerful
  • I Li - One who is powerful and strong
  • I Ming - One who is bright and intelligent
  • I Sheng - One who is victorious and successful
  • I Wei - One who is powerful and mighty
  • I Wu - One who is powerful and martial
  • I Xing - One who is prosperous and successful
  • I Yuan - One who is far-reaching and vast

09."J" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Jian - Healthy, strong
  • Jia - Good, fine
  • Jun - King, ruler
  • Ji - Lucky, auspicious
  • Jin - Gold, metal
  • Jie - Outstanding, hero
  • Jiahao - Good and perfect
  • Jiaming - Good and bright
  • Jiaxin - Good heart
  • Jiaqi - Good and auspicious
  • Jiarui - Good and sharp
  • Jiaxuan - Good and mysterious
  • Jiahe - Good and harmonious
  • Jiahui - Good and splendid
  • Jialiang - Good and strong
  • Jiamin - Good and clever
  • Jianyu - Strong and resolute
  • Jiayi - Good and righteous
  • Jiawei - Great and mighty
  • Jiayang - Good and sun
  • Jiaxu - Good and orderly
  • Jiaxin - Good and trustworthy
  • Jiaxiong - Good and mighty
  • Jiaquan - Good and powerful
  • Jiajun - Good and handsome

10."K" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Kai - Victory
  • Kang - Health, peace
  • Keung - Strong, powerful
  • Kuan - Broad, wide
  • Kun - Earth
  • Kuo - Wide, extensive
  • Kwan - Broad, wide
  • Kwok - Nation, country
  • Kaiming - Victory and brightness
  • Kefeng - Branches of the wind
  • Kexin - Branches of the heart
  • Kewei - Branches of greatness
  • Kuan-yin - Observing the cries of the world
  • Kung - Respectful, tribute
  • Kuo - Wide, extensive
  • Kwan - Broad, wide
  • Kwok - Nation, country
  • Kaiming - Victory and brightness
  • Kefeng - Branches of the wind
  • Kexin - Branches of the heart
  • Kewei - Branches of greatness
  • Kuan-yin - Observing the cries of the world
  • Kung - Respectful, tribute
  • Kuo - Wide, extensive
  • Kwan - Broad, wide

11."L" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Liang - Bright, good
  • Lei - Thunder
  • Long - Dragon
  • Lin - Forest
  • Lu - Road, path
  • Lian - Lotus
  • Li - Strength, power
  • Ling - Intelligent, clever
  • Liao - To chat, to converse
  • Lifu - Gifted and prosperous
  • Lijuan - Beautiful and graceful
  • Lihua - Beautiful and elegant
  • Lifen - Beautiful fragrance
  • Liling - Beautiful and delicate
  • Lirong - Beautiful and glorious
  • Lixue - Beautiful snow
  • Liwei - Beautiful and extraordinary
  • Liyan - Beautiful and colorful
  • Liying - Beautiful and clever
  • Liyuan - Beautiful and graceful
  • Liang - Bright, good
  • Lei - Thunder
  • Long - Dragon
  • Lin - Forest
  • Lu - Road, path

12."M" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Ming - Bright, clear
  • Min - Quick, clever
  • Mao - Hair, fur
  • Man - Full, satisfied
  • Mu - Wood, tree
  • Miao - Marvelous, wonderful
  • Meng - Dream
  • Minzhe - Civil and wise
  • Mingli - Bright and powerful
  • Mingyu - Bright and precious
  • Minghui - Bright and splendid
  • Mingzhe - Bright and wise
  • Mingxuan - Bright and mysterious
  • Mingcheng - Bright and accomplished
  • Mingjie - Bright and outstanding
  • Mingkai - Bright and triumphant
  • Mingquan - Bright and powerful
  • Mingrui - Bright and sharp
  • Mingxiao - Bright and filial
  • Mingyang - Bright and positive
  • Mingzhi - Bright and intelligent
  • Mingwei - Bright and great
  • Mingxiong - Bright and brave
  • Mingyuan - Bright and far-reaching
  • Mingzhe - Bright and virtuous

13."N" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Nan - South
  • Ning - Peaceful, tranquil
  • Nuo - Promise, pledge
  • Nian - Year
  • Neng - Ability, capability
  • Nai - Patient, enduring
  • Nuo - Strong, powerful
  • Nianzu - Yearly increase
  • Nianli - Yearly strength
  • Nianqing - Youthful
  • Nianzu - Yearly increase
  • Nianli - Yearly strength
  • Nianqing - Youthful
  • Nianci - Yearly prosperity
  • Nianfu - Yearly blessings
  • Nianhao - Yearly good fortune
  • Nianjian - Yearly health
  • Nianliang - Yearly prosperity
  • Nianming - Yearly brightness
  • Nianqiang - Yearly strength
  • Niansong - Yearly pine tree
  • Nianwen - Yearly culture
  • Nianwu - Yearly martial arts
  • Nianxi - Yearly happiness
  • Nianyi - Yearly benefit

14."O" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Ou - Eagle
  • Ouyang - Bright and sunny
  • Oulan - Orchid orchard
  • Ouyang - Bright and sunny

15."P" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Ping - Peaceful
  • Peng - Roc, great
  • Pan - Hope
  • Pu - Simple, unadorned
  • Piao - Elegant, refined
  • Pong - Peaceful, tranquil
  • Puyi - Universal peace
  • Piaoliang - Beautiful
  • Ping - Peaceful
  • Peng - Roc, great
  • Pan - Hope
  • Pu - Simple, unadorned
  • Piao - Elegant, refined
  • Pong - Peaceful, tranquil
  • Puyi - Universal peace
  • Piaoliang - Beautiful
  • Ping - Peaceful
  • Peng - Roc, great
  • Pan - Hope
  • Pu - Simple, unadorned
  • Piao - Elegant, refined
  • Pong - Peaceful, tranquil
  • Puyi - Universal peace
  • Piaoliang - Beautiful
  • Ping - Peaceful

16."R" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I currently do not have the information for Chinese baby names starting with the letter "R".

17."S" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Sheng - Victory
  • Shu - Kind, gentle
  • Shan - Mountain
  • Shuai - Handsome, good-looking
  • Sen - Forest
  • Song - Pine tree
  • Si - Thinker, thoughtful
  • Sun - Grandson
  • Shun - Smooth, obedient
  • Shuo - Speak, explain
  • Sheng - Victory
  • Shu - Kind, gentle
  • Shan - Mountain
  • Shuai - Handsome, good-looking
  • Sen - Forest
  • Song - Pine tree
  • Si - Thinker, thoughtful
  • Sun - Grandson
  • Shun - Smooth, obedient
  • Shuo - Speak, explain
  • Sheng - Victory
  • Shu - Kind, gentle
  • Shan - Mountain
  • Shuai - Handsome, good-looking
  • Sen - Forest

18."T" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Tao - Peach
  • Tian - Sky, heaven
  • Teng - Soar, rise
  • Tong - Unite, connect
  • Tai - Great, supreme
  • Tang - Dynasty, sugar
  • Teo - Virtuous, moral
  • Tuan - Group, regiment
  • Tuo - Expand, extend
  • Tengfei - Soaring and flying
  • Tengyue - Soaring and outstanding
  • Tianbao - Treasure of the heavens
  • Tiancheng - Heavenly city
  • Tianhao - Heavenly good fortune
  • Tianlei - Heavenly thunder
  • Tianlong - Heavenly dragon
  • Tianming - Heavenly brightness
  • Tianqi - Heavenly energy
  • Tianrui - Heavenly wisdom
  • Tianshu - Heavenly book
  • Tianxiang - Heavenly fragrance
  • Tianyuan - Heavenly origin
  • Tianzhu - Heavenly pillar
  • Tiancheng - Heavenly success
  • Tianyi - Heavenly justice

21."U" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I currently do not have the information for Chinese baby names starting with the letter "U".

22."V" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I currently do not have the information for Chinese baby names starting with the letter "V".

23."W" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I currently do not have the information for Chinese baby names starting with the letter "W".

24."X" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • I currently do not have the information for Chinese baby names starting with the letter "X".

25."Y" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Yi - One
  • Yu - Jade
  • Yang - Sun, positive
  • Yuan - Original, first
  • Yong - Brave, eternal
  • Yue - Moon
  • Yiwen - Cultured and refined
  • Yifan - Artistic and romantic
  • Yiming - Clear and bright
  • Yitong - Unite and communicate
  • Yixuan - Deep and mysterious
  • Yizhou - Righteous and just
  • Yuchen - Jade morning
  • Yufeng - Jade peak
  • Yuhang - Jade sail
  • Yulin - Jade forest
  • Yuming - Jade brightness
  • Yun - Cloud
  • Yunchen - Cloud morning
  • Yungui - Cloud valley
  • Yuntao - Cloud peach
  • Yuxuan - Jade mystery
  • Yuzhe - Jade wisdom
  • Yuzhou - Jade continent
  • Yuzhong - Jade center

26."Z" Baby Name With Meaning.


  • Zhi - Will, ambition
  • Zheng - Right, upright
  • Zhong - Loyalty, faithful
  • Zhen - Genuine, true
  • Zhan - War, fight
  • Zhu - Master, owner
  • Ziyi - Second son
  • Zihao - Son's good, son's hero
  • Zixin - Self-restrained and virtuous
  • Ziyang - Aspirations of the sun
  • Zirui - Aspirations of sharpness
  • Zitong - Aspirations of communication
  • Zitao - Aspirations of peach
  • Ziyu - Aspirations of the universe
  • Zihao - Son's good, son's hero
  • Zixin - Self-restrained and virtuous
  • Ziyang - Aspirations of the sun
  • Zirui - Aspirations of sharpness
  • Zitong - Aspirations of communication
  • Zitao - Aspirations of peach
  • Ziyu - Aspirations of the universe
  • Zihao - Son's good, son's hero
  • Zixin - Self-restrained and virtuous
  • Ziyang - Aspirations of the sun
  • Zirui - Aspirations of sharpness

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