Different Name Of Allah

Allah is known by many names in Islam, and the most well-known are the 99 Names of Allah, also known as Asma-ul-Husna. These names are considered to be the beautiful and powerful attributes of Allah in Islam, and each name describes a unique characteristic of Allah. Reciting these names is considered a form of worship and a way to connect with Allah.

Different Name For Allah

Different Name For Allah :

  • Al-Rahmaan : The Beneficent
  • Al-Raheem : The Merciful
  • Al-Malik : The Eternal Lord
  • Al-Quddus : The Most Sacred
  • As-Salam : The embodiment of Peace
  • Al-Mu’min : The Infuser of Faith
  • Al-Muhaymin : The Preserver of Safety
  • Al-Aziz : The Mighty
  • Al-Jabbar : The Compeller, The Restorer
  • Al-Wahhab: The Supreme Bestower
  • Al-Razzaq: The Provider
  • Al-Fattah: The Opener
  • Al-Adl: The Just
  • Al-Latif: The Subtle One
  • Al-Khaliq: The Creator
  • Al-Bari: The Evolver
  • Al-Musawwir: The Fashioner
  • Al-Ghaffar: The Great Forgiver
  • Al-Qahhar: The All-Prevailing One
  • Al-Wadud: The Loving One
  • Al-Majeed: The Glorious
  • Al-Basir: The All-Seeing
  • Al-Hakim: The Wise
  • Al-Wali: The Guardian
  • Al-Muta’ali: The Most Exalted
  • Al-Barr: The Source of All Goodness
  • Al-Tawwab: The Acceptor of Repentance
  • Al-Hafiz: The Protector
  • Al-Muhsi: The Reckoner
  • Al-Mubdi: The Originator
  • Al-Muhyi: The Giver of Life
  • Al-Mumit: The Bringer of Death
  • Al-Hadi: The Guide
  • Al-Badi: The Incomparable
  • Al-Warith: The Inheritor
  • Al-Raqib: The Watchful
  • Al-Mujib: The Responsive
  • Al-Wasi: The All-Encompassing
  • Al-Hakam: The Judge
  • Al-Adheem: The Magnificent
  • Al-Ghani: The Self-Sufficient
  • Al-Mughni: The Enricher
  • Al-Shakur: The Appreciative
  • Al-Ali: The Most High
  • Al-Kabeer: The Most Great
  • Al-Haleem: The Forbearing
  • Al-Afuw: The Forgiver
  • Al-Qawi: The Most Strong
  • Al-Matin: The Firm
  • Al-Basit: The Expander
  • Al-Khafid: The Abaser
  • Al-Rafi: The Exalter
  • Al-Mu’izz: The Giver of Honour
  • Al-Mudhill: The Giver of Dishonour
  • Al-Sami: The All-Hearing
  • Al-Basir: The All-Seeing
  • Al-Hakim: The Wise
  • Al-Wali: The Guardian
  • Al-Muta’ali: The Most Exalted
  • Al-Barr: The Source of All Goodness
  • Al-Tawwab: The Acceptor of Repentance
  • Al-Hafiz: The Protector
  • Al-Muhsi: The Reckoner
  • Al-Mubdi: The Originator
  • Al-Muhyi: The Giver of Life
  • Al-Mumit: The Bringer of Death
  • Al-Hadi: The Guide
  • Al-Badi: The Incomparable
  • Al-Warith: The Inheritor
  • Al-Raqib: The Watchful
  • Al-Mujib: The Responsive
  • Al-Wasi: The All-Encompassing
  • Al-Hakam: The Judge
  • Al-Adheem: The Magnificent
  • Al-Ghani: The Self-Sufficient
  • Al-Mughni: The Enricher
  • Al-Shakur: The Appreciative
  • Al-Ali: The Most High
  • Al-Kabeer: The Most Great
  • Al-Haleem: The Forbearing
  • Al-Afuw: The Forgiver
  • Al-Qawi: The Most Strong
  • Al-Matin: The Firm
  • Al-Basit: The Expander
  • Al-Khafid: The Abaser
  • Al-Rafi: The Exalter
  • Al-Mu’izz: The Giver of Honur
  • Al-Mudhill: The Giver of Dishonur
  • Al-Sami : The All-Hearing
  • Al-Basir : The All-Seeing

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