baby girl names in angola

Dear reader, are you interested in baby girl names in angola? Then you have clicked at the right place. Because of this, you will get all the important information in this post. Which will benefit you a lot.

So if you have yet to learn about baby girl names in angola, this post is for you. So without further delay, it is important to read this post carefully to get your problem solved and know the important information about this baby girl names in angola.
Dear reader, many of you search the internet to solve various problems. So that you can get the right information to solve the problem. Today's baby girl names in angola article is written thinking about your situation.

Introduction To Angola :

Angola is a country located in southwestern Africa, bordered by the Republic of the Congo to the northwest, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north and northeast, Zambia to the southeast, Namibia to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
Here are some key facts about Angola:
  • Capital : Luanda.
  • Area : 1,246,700 square kilometers (481,400 square miles).
  • Population : 25,789,024 inhabitants.
  • Density : 20.7 people per square kilometer.
  • Children born per day : Angola has a fertility rate of more than 5 children per woman.
  • People death per day : Angola has a high maternal and child mortality rate, with almost 1 in 5 children dying before the age of 5.
Angola has a diverse landscape, including the semidesert Atlantic littoral bordering Namibia’s “Skeleton Coast,” the sparsely populated rainforest interior, the rugged highlands of the south, the Cabinda exclave in the north, and the densely settled towns and cities of the northern coast and north-central river valleys. Luanda is the capital city of Angola, and it is one of the largest cities in the country. One of the smallest towns in Angola is Calandula, located in the province of Malanje.

Angola Baby Girls Popular Name From A To Z.

01. " A " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Adelaide - Noble kind
  • Adelia - Of the nobility
  • Adelina - Noble kind
  • Adelinda - Noble serpent
  • Adelisa - Of the nobility
  • Adelita - Noble
  • Adina - Noble, gentle
  • Adonai - Lord
  • Adora - Adored one
  • Adriana - Dark
  • Afonso - Noble and ready
  • Agatha - Good
  • Agostinha - TBD
  • Aida - Reward, present
  • Aisha - Living, life
  • Aitana - Glory
  • Aixa - TBD
  • Alba - Dawn
  • Alberta - Noble and bright
  • Alda - Old, wise
  • Aldonza - TBD
  • Alejandra - Defender of mankind
  • Alexandra - Defender of mankind
  • Alexandrina - Defender of mankind
  • Alice - Noble kind
  • Alicia - Noble kind
  • Alina - Noble, kind
  • Alisa - Of the nobility
  • Alisha - Noble kind
  • Alita - Winged
  • Almira - Princess
  • Alva - Brightness
  • Alzira - TBD
  • Amada - Beloved
  • Amanda - Lovable
  • Amara - Eternal beauty
  • Amélia - Work
  • Amélina - Hardworking
  • Amélinda - Hardworking
  • Amélita - Hardworking
  • Amélia - Work
  • Amélina - Hardworking
  • Amélinda - Hardworking
  • Amélita - Hardworking
  • Amélia - Work
  • Amélina - Hardworking
  • Amélinda - Hardworking
  • Amélita - Hardworking
  • Amélia - Work
  • Amélina - Hardworking

02. " B " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Baldina - Fearless, bold
  • Bearrocscir - From Berkshire
  • Beatriz - Brings happiness, brings joy
  • Beliana - TBD
  • Belinda - Beautiful snake
  • Belmira - TBD
  • Benedita - Blessed
  • Benilde - Good and soft
  • Benita - Blessed
  • Bernadete - Brave as a bear
  • Bernadette - Brave as a bear
  • Bernardo - Brave as a bear
  • Berta - Bright
  • Bertha - Bright
  • Bia - God is my oath
  • Bianca - White
  • Bibiana - Lively
  • Blandina - Mild, gentle
  • Blanca - White
  • Branca - White
  • Brígida - Strong
  • Bruna - Brown-haired
  • Brunilda - Armored warrior
  • Bárbara - Foreign woman
  • Bélgica - TBD
  • Bénédicte - Blessed
  • Béria - TBD
  • Bérnia - TBD
  • Bérnice - Brings victory

03. " C " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Camila - Free-born noble
  • Carianne - Yahweh is gracious
  • Carla - Means the same as guy
  • Carlota - Free woman
  • Carmela - Garden
  • Carolina - Free woman
  • Catarina - Pure
  • Cecília - Blind
  • Celeste - Heavenly
  • Célia - Heaven
  • Celina - Heaven
  • Celine - Heaven
  • Cenira - TBD

04. " D " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Daena - From Denmark, also a variant of Daniel
  • Daenerys - TBD
  • Dahana - A Rudra
  • Dajana - God is reconciling
  • Dalila - Delicate
  • Damiana - Tame

05. " E " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Edite - Happy warfare
  • Edna - Pleasure
  • Eduarda - Wealthy guardian
  • Elba - Island
  • Eleonora - Light
  • Elis - Yahweh is my God
  • Elizeth - TBD
  • Ellenweorc - Famous courage
  • Ellette - Little elf
  • Elvira - True to all
  • Elza - God is my oath
  • Emília - Rival

06. " F " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Feliciana: Happy
  • Felisbela: TBD
  • Ferna: TBD
  • Fernanda: AdventurousFatoumata: TBD
  • Felicidade: Energetic, with joy
  • Freya: Queen of the godsElis: Yahweh is my God
  • Elizeth: TBD
  • Ellenweorc: Famous courage
  • Ellette: Little elf
  • Felisberto - Meaning "bright, famous"
  • Fernando - Meaning "ardent for peace"
  • Faustino - Meaning "fortunate"
  • Francisco - Meaning "Frenchman" or "free one"
  • Filipe - Meaning "lover of horses"
  • Florêncio - Meaning "prosperous"
  • Firmino - Meaning "strong"
  • Fidel - Meaning "faithful"
  • Feliciano - Meaning "lucky"
  • Fortunato - Meaning "fortunate" or "lucky"

07. " G " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Gabriela: God is my strength
  • Genoveva: White wave
  • Germana: Brotherly
  • Gertrude: Spear of strength
  • Garmangahis: A goddess worshippe
  • Gilsia: Child
  • Graciete: TBD

08. " H " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Hélder - Meaning "bright, shining"
  • Hermenegildo - Meaning "complete sacrifice"
  • Horácio - Meaning "hour, time"
  • Henrique - Meaning "ruler of the home"
  • Hugo - Meaning "mind, intellect"
  • Higino - Meaning "healthy"
  • Hortêncio - Meaning "garden"
  • Hermínio - Meaning "of the earth"
  • Higino - Meaning "healthy"
  • Herculano - Meaning "glory of Hera"

09. " I " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Isidro - Meaning "gift of Isis"
  • Isaías - Meaning "God is salvation"
  • Isidoro - Meaning "gift of Isis"
  • Inácio - Meaning "fiery"
  • Ícaro - Meaning "follower"
  • Ivo - Meaning "archer" or "yew wood"
  • Ilídio - Meaning "from Mount Ilium"
  • Inocêncio - Meaning "innocent"
  • Irineu - Meaning "peace"
  • Ismael - Meaning "God will hear"
  • Imani: Faith
  • Indira: Bestower of wealth
  • Inga: Alternative name for the Nordic god Freyr
  • Ires: Rainbow

10. " J " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Jacy - Moon
  • Jael - Mountain goat
  • Jana - God is gracious
  • Jandira - TBD

11. " K " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Kamila - Perfect
  • Kassia - Variant of Katherine, pure
  • Katiana - Combination name
  • Kendra - Son
  • Kiana - Living with grace
  • Kiera - Little dark one
  • Kierra - Little dark one
  • Kiki - TBD
  • Kim - Brave warrior
  • Kimberly - From the wood of the royal forest
  • Kira - Dark lady
  • Kirsten - Follower of Christ
  • Kisha - Favorite
  • Kizzy - Cinnamon-like bark
  • Kourtney - Court attendant
  • Kyla - Victorious
  • Kylie - Boomerang
  • Kyra - Sun
  • Kátia - Pure
  • Kizito - Meaning "born after twins"
  • Kito - Meaning "precious"
  • Kiala - Meaning "a thing of beauty"
  • Kipaku - Meaning "warrior"
  • Kifuno - Meaning "peacemaker"

12. " L " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Ladislau - Meaning "rule with glory"
  • Laurindo - Meaning "crowned with laurel"
  • Lázaro - Meaning "God has helped"
  • Leonel - Meaning "young lion"
  • Luciano - Meaning "light"
  • Ludovico - Meaning "famous warrior"
  • Luís - Meaning "renowned warrior"
  • Lutero - Meaning "fighter"
  • Lopo - Meaning "wolf"
  • Lino - Meaning "flax"

13. " M " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Manuel - Meaning "God is with us"
  • Mateus - Meaning "gift of God"
  • Marcelino - Meaning "young warrior"
  • Mariano - Meaning "of the sea" or "bitter"
  • Mário - Meaning "manly" or "virile"
  • Miguel - Meaning "who is like God?"
  • Moisés - Meaning "drawn out"
  • Martinho - Meaning "of Mars, the god of war"
  • Matias - Meaning "gift of God"
  • Maximiano - Meaning "greatest"

14. " N " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Nascimento - Meaning "birth"
  • Narciso - Meaning "daffodil"
  • Nelo - Meaning "to aim or strive"
  • Nuno - Meaning "ninth"
  • Narciso - Meaning "daffodil"
  • Natanael - Meaning "gift of God"
  • Norberto - Meaning "bright north"
  • Nazário - Meaning "from Nazareth"
  • Nelo - Meaning "to aim or strive"
  • Nito - Meaning "peanut"

15. " O " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Octávio - Meaning "eighth"
  • Osvaldo - Meaning "power of God"
  • Otávio - Meaning "eighth"
  • Orlando - Meaning "famous throughout the land"
  • Odair - Meaning "wealthy spear"

16. " Q " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Quim - Meaning "he will establish"
  • Quirino - Meaning "spear"

17. " T " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Tadeu - Meaning "heart"
  • Teodoro - Meaning "gift of God"
  • Tomás - Meaning "twin"
  • Tito - Meaning "honored"
  • Tavares - Meaning "son of Tava"
  • Tânia - Fairy queen
  • Tatiana - Fairy queen
  • Telma - Will, desire, helmet
  • Teresa - Harvester
  • Thaís - Beloved
  • Thalita - Little girl
  • Thamara - Palm tree
  • Thayná - TBD

18. " U " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Uíge - Uíge is the name of a province in Angola and does not have a specific meaning.
  • Uli - Uli is a short name and its meaning may vary depending on the cultural context.

19. " V " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Valéria - To be strong
  • Vanessa - Butterfly
  • Vânia - God is gracious
  • Vera - Faith
  • Verónica - True image
  • Victória - Victory
  • Vilma - Will, desire, helmet
  • Vírginia - Pure
  • Vitória - Victory
  • Viviana - Full of lifeValentim - Meaning "strong, healthy"
  • Vando - Meaning "one who is good"
  • Vasco - Meaning "crow"
  • Vital - Meaning "life"
  • Vítor - Meaning "conqueror"
23. " W " Girl Name With Meaning.

  • Unfortunately, there are no names listed on the websites searched that start with the letter W for Angolan baby girls.

24. " X " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Unfortunately, there are no names listed on the websites searched that start with the letter X for Angolan baby girls.

25. " Y " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Yakini - Truth
  • Yakir - Expensive, precious, scarce

26. " Z " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Zinaida - Noble nobility
  • Zuriela - Rock God


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