Buddhists Baby Boy Beautiful Names II Unveiling Elegance

Dive into a collection of 1,500 elegant Buddhist baby boy names, each name embracing beauty and meaning with tradition and culture, then this post is for you.

Introduction for Buddhists :

Buddhism is a major global religion with approximately 535 million followers worldwide, representing between 7% and 8% of the world's total population. Buddhism originated in India and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Gautama Buddha or simply Buddha, who lived in India from roughly 563 BCE to 480 BCE.

Buddhists believe in reincarnation and that finding enlightenment, or Nirvana, is the key to stopping the cycle of rebirth, The majority of Buddhists (nearly 99%) live in the Asia-Pacific region, with China having the largest population of Buddhists, approximately 244 million or 18.2% of its total population.

The three major branches of Buddhism in the modern world are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, and Vajrayana (sometimes described as Tibetan) Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is widely believed to be the largest branch, while Theravada.

Buddhism is the second-largest branch, and Vajrayana Buddhism is the smallest of the three major branches. The Buddhist population figures in studies also include members of other groups that identify as Buddhist, such as Soka Gakkai and Hoa Hao.

Although the majority of Buddhists live in Asia and the Pacific, only about one in eight people (12%) in that region are Buddhists, and About 1% of North Americans are Buddhists, In each of the other four regions, Buddhists make up less than 1% of the population.

1,500 Beautiful Buddhist Baby Boy Names-From A To Z

01. " A " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Ananda - Bliss or happiness
  • Ashoka - Without sorrow; name of an Indian emperor
  • Anurag - Love or attachment
  • Amitabha - Immeasurable splendor
  • Aniket - Lord of the world
  • Arjava - Straightforwardness or honesty
  • Abhaya - Fearless or without fear
  • Aditya - The sun or the son of Aditi
  • Alok - Brightness or light
  • Atulya - Incomparable or unequaled
  • Akash - The sky or open space
  • Arun - Dawn or redness of the rising sun
  • Ayan - Speed or path
  • Abhirup - Pleasing or charming
  • Aadesh - Command or message
  • Aarush - First ray of the sun
  • Akshay - Indestructible or immortal
  • Aarav - Peaceful or sound
  • Anshul - Radiant or bright
  • Amar - Immortal or forever
  • Aadi - First or beginning
  • Ahaan - Sunrise or morning glory
  • Aariz - Respectable man or intelligent
  • Arnav - Ocean or sea
  • Advik - Unique or unparalleled
  • Aryan - Noble or honorable
  • Atharv - Lord Ganesh or the first Vedas
  • Advaith - Unique or unparalleled
  • Arin - Mountain of strength or enlightened
  • Aayush - Long life or age
  • Aarush - First ray of the sun
  • Arjun - Bright or shining
  • Advay - Unique or unparalleled
  • Aayansh - Part of parents or gift of God
  • Akhil - Complete or whole
  • Aditya - The sun or the son of Aditi
  • Aaryan - Noble or honorable
  • Anay - God's gift
  • Aahil - Prince or king
  • Anvit - Absorbed or inclusive
  • Akshat - Unharmed or whole
  • Arjun - Bright or shining
  • Arush - First ray of the sun
  • Aadi - First or beginning
  • Aayansh - Part of parents or gift of God
  • Ahaan - Sunrise or morning glory
  • Aaryan - Noble or honorable
  • Anay - God's gift
  • Aahil - Prince or king
  • Anvit - Absorbed or inclusive

02. " B " Boy Name.


  • Bimal - Pure or clean
  • Bodhi - Enlightenment or awakening
  • Bhaskar - Sun or light maker
  • Biren - Lord of warriors
  • Bimal - Pure or clean
  • Bhavya - Grand or splendid
  • Bhargav - Lord Shiva or descendant of Bhrigu
  • Bhavesh - Lord of the world
  • Biren - Lord of warriors
  • Bhavesh - Lord of the world
  • Bhaskar - Sun or light maker
  • Bodhi - Enlightenment or awakening
  • Bimal - Pure or clean
  • Bhavya - Grand or splendid
  • Bhargav - Lord Shiva or descendant of Bhrigu
  • Bhavishya - Future or future life
  • Brijesh - God of the land of Brij
  • Bhavishya - Future or future life
  • Bhavik - Devout or dedicated
  • Bimal - Pure or clean
  • Bhuvan - Palace or one of the worlds
  • Bhargava - Descendant of Bhrigu
  • Bhavin - Gladiator or winner
  • Bhavik - Devout or dedicated
  • Bhuvan - Palace or one of the worlds
  • Bhuvanesh - Lord of the world
  • Birendra - King of warriors
  • Bhavesh - Lord of the world
  • Bhaskar - Sun or light maker
  • Bhavya - Grand or splendid
  • Bimal - Pure or clean
  • Bhavishya - Future or future life
  • Bhuvanesh - Lord of the world
  • Brijesh - God of the land of Brij
  • Bhavin - Gladiator or winner
  • Bhargava - Descendant of Bhrigu
  • Bhuvanesh - Lord of the world
  • Bhuvik - Heaven or paradise
  • Bhupesh - King of the earth
  • Birendra - King of warriors
  • Bhavishya - Future or future life
  • Bhuvan - Palace or one of the worlds
  • Bhupesh - King of the earth
  • Brijesh - God of the land of Brij
  • Bhuvik - Heaven or paradise
  • Bhuvanesh - Lord of the world
  • Bhavin - Gladiator or winner
  • Bhuvanesh - Lord of the world
  • Bhuvik - Heaven or paradise
  • Bhupesh - King of the earth

03. " C " Boy Name.


  • Chandra - Moon or shining
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chatur - Clever or intelligent
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing
  • Chetan - Perceptive or consciousness
  • Chirag - Lamp or light
  • Chaitanya - Consciousness or life
  • Charan - Feet or one who chants
  • Chakradhar - One who carries Chakra
  • Chandan - Sandalwood or pleasing

04. " D " Boy Name.


  • Dhamma - Law or righteousness
  • Dinesh - Sun or lord of the day
  • Dipak - Lamp or light
  • Dhiraj - Patience or king
  • Dev - Divine or god-like
  • Darshan - Vision or sight
  • Divyesh - Lord of the divine
  • Dharan - Bearing or maintaining
  • Dharma - Virtue or righteousness
  • Devaj - Born of the gods
  • Dheer - Patient or wise
  • Dinesh - Sun or lord of the day
  • Dhanush - Bow or the zodiac sign Sagittarius
  • Devan - Like a god or divine
  • Dhruv - Polestar or the steadfast
  • Dinesh - Sun or lord of the day
  • Dipesh - Lord of light
  • Devang - Part of God or divine body
  • Dhyey - Aim or target
  • Dhaval - White or fair complexioned
  • Devraj - King of the gods
  • Devdan - Gift of the gods
  • Dhruv - Polestar or the steadfast
  • Darpak - Kamadeva or the god of love
  • Diptanshu - Sun or Lord Surya
  • Dhanvin - Archer or wielder of the bow
  • Dhriti - Patience or courage
  • Devank - Part of God or divine body
  • Dinkar - Sun or the sun's glow
  • Devansh - Part of God or divine body
  • Dhevan - Like a god or divine
  • Dhir - Wise or enduring
  • Dharam - Religion or righteousness
  • Devak - Divinity or brightness
  • Dharin - One who holds or maintains
  • Devam - Divine or god-like
  • Dhanush - Bow or the zodiac sign Sagittarius
  • Dharitri - The earth or mother earth
  • Devansh - Part of God or divine body
  • Dheeman - Intelligent or wise
  • Devang - Part of God or divine body
  • Dheer - Patient or wise
  • Devansh - Part of God or divine body
  • Dharmik - Religious or righteous
  • Dhruv - Polestar or the steadfast
  • Dipen - Lord of the Lamp
  • Devanshu - Part of God or divine body
  • Dhanvin - Archer or wielder of the bow
  • Dhruv - Polestar or the steadfast
  • Dharitri - The earth or mother earth

05. " E " Boy Name.


  • Eshan - Lord Shiva
  • Eka - Matchless, alone
  • Edha - Sacred
  • Eshar - Blessed
  • Ekansh - Whole, complete
  • Ehimay - All pervasive
  • Ekaling - Lord Shiva
  • Ekaksh - One-eyed
  • Ekansh - Whole, complete
  • Eashan - Lord Vishnu
  • Ehan - Expected
  • Eeshit - Desired
  • Eshwar - God, supreme being
  • Ekapad - Lord Shiva
  • Eashav - Special
  • Esh - God
  • Eknath - One lord
  • Eshwar - God, supreme being
  • Eklavya - Renowned for his devotion to his guru
  • Eknath - One lord
  • Ekavir - Bravest of the brave
  • Ekram - Honor, glory
  • Eashta - Beloved
  • Ekapad - Lord Shiva
  • Ekan - One
  • Eshwar - God, supreme being
  • Eklavya - Renowned for his devotion to his guru
  • Ekansh - Whole, complete
  • Eshan - Lord Shiva
  • Ekaling - Lord Shiva
  • Ehimay - All pervasive
  • Ekaaksh - One-eyed
  • Ekaksh - One-eyed
  • Ekansh - Whole, complete
  • Eshar - Blessed
  • Eashan - Lord Vishnu
  • Ehan - Expected
  • Eka - Matchless, alone
  • Ekapad - Lord Shiva
  • Esh - God
  • Eshwar - God, supreme being
  • Eashav - Special
  • Eeshit - Desired
  • Ekram - Honor, glory
  • Eashta - Beloved
  • Ekan - One
  • Eknath - One lord
  • Ekavir - Bravest of the brave
  • Eklavya - Renowned for his devotion to his guru
  • Ekapad - Lord Shiva

06. " F " Boy Name.


  • Fa Di - Flowering branch
  • Fa Hai - Law of the sea
  • Fan Shu - Peaceful and calm
  • Fang - Fragrant
  • Fu Sheng - Growing and developing
  • Fung - Maple, phoenix
  • Fushen - Informed and enlightened

07. " G " Boy Name.


  • Ganak - Mathematician
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed
  • Gaurav - Honor or pride
  • Gautam - Lord Buddha's name
  • Gyan - Knowledge
  • Gopal - Krishna, the cowherd
  • Gulshan - Garden
  • Gunjan - Buzzing of a bee
  • Ganak - Mathematician
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed
  • Gaurav - Honor or pride
  • Gautam - Lord Buddha's name
  • Gyan - Knowledge
  • Gopal - Krishna, the cowherd
  • Gulshan - Garden
  • Gunjan - Buzzing of a bee
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed
  • Gaurav - Honor or pride
  • Gautam - Lord Buddha's name
  • Gyan - Knowledge
  • Gopal - Krishna, the cowherd
  • Gulshan - Garden
  • Gunjan - Buzzing of a bee
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed
  • Gaurav - Honor or pride
  • Gautam - Lord Buddha's name
  • Gyan - Knowledge
  • Gopal - Krishna, the cowherd
  • Gulshan - Garden
  • Gunjan - Buzzing of a bee
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed
  • Gaurav - Honor or pride
  • Gautam - Lord Buddha's name
  • Gyan - Knowledge
  • Gopal - Krishna, the cowherd
  • Gulshan - Garden
  • Gunjan - Buzzing of a bee
  • Gagan - Sky
  • Gajendra - Elephant king
  • Gati - Speed

08. " H " Boy Name.


  • Harit - Green or nature lover
  • Hridyansh - Part of the heart
  • Hiranmay - Golden or made of gold
  • Hitesh - Lord of goodness
  • Hemant - Early winter
  • Harsh - Joy or happiness
  • Hrithik - From the heart
  • Hriday - Heart or affection
  • Hansen - The universal soul
  • Himanshu - The moon
  • Harit - Green or nature lover
  • Hridyansh - Part of the heart
  • Hiranmay - Golden or made of gold
  • Hitesh - Lord of goodness
  • Hemant - Early winter
  • Harsh - Joy or happiness
  • Hrithik - From the heart
  • Hriday - Heart or affection
  • Hansen - The universal soul
  • Himanshu - The moon
  • Harit - Green or nature lover
  • Hridyansh - Part of the heart
  • Hiranmay - Golden or made of gold
  • Hitesh - Lord of goodness
  • Hemant - Early winter
  • Harsh - Joy or happiness
  • Hrithik - From the heart
  • Hriday - Heart or affection
  • Hansen - The universal soul
  • Himanshu - The moon
  • Harit - Green or nature lover
  • Hridyansh - Part of the heart
  • Hiranmay - Golden or made of gold
  • Hitesh - Lord of goodness
  • Hemant - Early winter
  • Harsh - Joy or happiness
  • Hrithik - From the heart
  • Hriday - Heart or affection
  • Hansen - The universal soul
  • Himanshu - The moon
  • Harit - Green or nature lover
  • Hridyansh - Part of the heart
  • Hiranmay - Golden or made of gold
  • Hitesh - Lord of goodness
  • Hemant - Early winter
  • Harsh - Joy or happiness
  • Hrithik - From the heart
  • Hriday - Heart or affection
  • Hansen - The universal soul
  • Himanshu - The moon

09. " I " Boy Name.


  • Ishan - Lord Shiva
  • Ishat - Superior or eminent
  • Ishaan - The sun
  • Ikshan - Sight or perception
  • Ijay - Lord Vishnu
  • Idaspati - Lord of the Clouds
  • Inesh - King of kings

10. " J " Boy Name.


  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jagat - World
  • Jashan - Celebration
  • Jeevan - Life
  • Jayant - Victorious
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jagat - World
  • Jashan - Celebration
  • Jeevan - Life
  • Jayant - Victorious
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jagat - World
  • Jashan - Celebration
  • Jeevan - Life
  • Jayant - Victorious
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jagat - World
  • Jashan - Celebration
  • Jeevan - Life
  • Jayant - Victorious
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jivan - Life
  • Jayan - Victorious
  • Jigme - Fearless
  • Jagat - World
  • Jashan - Celebration
  • Jeevan - Life
  • Jayant - Victorious

11. " K " Boy Name.


  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Kirti - Fame or Glory
  • Kishore - Young or youthful
  • Kripa - Grace or kindness
  • Kushal - Skillful or proficient
  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Kirti - Fame or Glory
  • Kishore - Young or youthful
  • Kripa - Grace or kindness
  • Kushal - Skillful or proficient
  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Kirti - Fame or Glory
  • Kishore - Young or youthful
  • Kripa - Grace or kindness
  • Kushal - Skillful or proficient
  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Kirti - Fame or Glory
  • Kishore - Young or youthful
  • Kripa - Grace or kindness
  • Kushal - Skillful or proficient
  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Kirti - Fame or Glory
  • Kishore - Young or youthful
  • Kripa - Grace or kindness
  • Kushal - Skillful or proficient
  • Kavi - Poet or wise man
  • Kalyan - Fortunate or auspicious
  • Karan - Clever or intelligent
  • Karun - Compassionate or merciful
  • Keshav - Another name for Lord Krishna

12. " L " Boy Name.


  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate
  • Lalit - Beautiful or charming
  • Luv - Rama's son
  • Lakshan - Aim or objective
  • Lochan - The eye
  • Lokesh - Lord of the world
  • Lakshman - Prosperous or fortunate

13. " M " Boy Name.


  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human
  • Mohan - Charming or fascinating
  • Madhav - Another name for Lord Krishna
  • Manish - Wise or lord of the mind
  • Mukul - Bud or a new beginning
  • Mahesh - Another name for Lord Shiva
  • Manav - Man or human

14. " N " Boy Name.


  • Nirav - Quiet or silent
  • Nihal - Gratified or happy
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Nishant - Dawn or end of night
  • Nimit - Destiny or fixed upon
  • Navin - New or novel
  • Niral - Unique or calm
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Neel - Blue or sapphire
  • Nitesh - Lord of the day
  • Nirav - Quiet or silent
  • Nihal - Gratified or happy
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Nishant - Dawn or end of night
  • Nimit - Destiny or fixed upon
  • Navin - New or novel
  • Niral - Unique or calm
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Neel - Blue or sapphire
  • Nitesh - Lord of the day
  • Nirav - Quiet or silent
  • Nihal - Gratified or happy
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Nishant - Dawn or end of night
  • Nimit - Destiny or fixed upon
  • Navin - New or novel
  • Niral - Unique or calm
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Neel - Blue or sapphire
  • Nitesh - Lord of the day
  • Nirav - Quiet or silent
  • Nihal - Gratified or happy
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Nishant - Dawn or end of night
  • Nimit - Destiny or fixed upon
  • Navin - New or novel
  • Niral - Unique or calm
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Neel - Blue or sapphire
  • Nitesh - Lord of the day
  • Nirav - Quiet or silent
  • Nihal - Gratified or happy
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Nishant - Dawn or end of night
  • Nimit - Destiny or fixed upon
  • Navin - New or novel
  • Niral - Unique or calm
  • Naman - Salutation or respect
  • Neel - Blue or sapphire
  • Nitesh - Lord of the day

15. " O " Boy Name.

  • Omkar - The sound of the sacred syllable "Om"
  • Ojas - Strength or energy
  • Oorjit - Powerful or energetic
  • Ojasvin - Energetic or strong
  • Ojaswi - Energetic or bright
  • Omi - Sacred

16. " P " Boy Name.


  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om
  • Pranay - Romance or love
  • Prabal - Strong or powerful
  • Parth - King or warrior
  • Parthiv - Earthly or prince
  • Prasad - Blessing or gift
  • Pradeep - Lamp or light
  • Pranav - Sacred syllable Om

17. " Q " Boy Name.


  • Qadim - Ancient or antique
  • Qawi - Strong or powerful

18. " R " Boy Name.


  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint
  • Rahul - Efficient or conqueror of miseries
  • Ravi - Sun
  • Rohit - Red or the first rays of the sun
  • Rajan - King or royalty
  • Rupak - Sign or feature
  • Ranjit - Victorious
  • Rishi - Sage or saint

19. " S " Boy Name.


  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind
  • Surya - The sun
  • Suman - Flower or one who has a good mind
  • Subhash - Soft-spoken
  • Sagar - Ocean or sea
  • Sahil - Guide or leader
  • Sudhir - Resolute or brave
  • Siddhartha - One who has achieved his aim
  • Samir - Breeze or gentle wind

20. " T " Boy Name.


  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost
  • Tarun - Young or youth
  • Tejas - Sharpness or brilliance
  • Tanish - Ambition
  • Tirtha - Holy place
  • Tapan - Sun
  • Trilok - Three worlds
  • Tenzin - Protector of Dharma
  • Tushar - Frost

21. " U " Boy Name.


  • Ujjwal - Bright or radiant
  • Utsav - Festival or celebration

22. " V " Boy Name.


  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage
  • Vivek - Wisdom or knowledge
  • Vinay - Humble or modesty
  • Vihan - Dawn
  • Vipul - Abundant or plenty
  • Viraj - Resplendent
  • Vedant - Vedic method of self-realization
  • Vimal - Pure or clean
  • Vikram - Courage

23. " W " Boy Name.

  • Wajid - One who finds contentment in God
  • Waris - Inheritor or heir

24. " X " Boy Name.


  • Xian - Refers to an enlightened person

25. " Y " Boy Name.


  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee
  • Yash - Success or fame
  • Yogesh - God of Yoga
  • Yuvan - Youthful or young
  • Yashas - Fame or Glory
  • Yatin - Devotee

26. " Z " Boy Name.


  • Zen - Meditation
  • Zayyan - Beautiful or graceful.

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