Baby Boy Names in Azerbaijan

Introduction To  Azerbaijan  :

Azerbaijan is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. It is bounded by the Caspian Sea, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku, which is the largest city in the country and is located on the Caspian Sea. Azerbaijan has a mixed economic system, and its government system is a republic, with the president as the chief of state and the prime minister as the head of government. Azerbaijan is one of six independent Turkic states and is an active member of the Organization of Turkic States and the TÜRKSOY community.

Biggest and smallest town names in Azerbaijan:
  • The biggest town in Azerbaijan is Baku, the capital city, which has an area of 2,130 square kilometers and a population of approximately 2.3 million people.
  • The smallest town in Azerbaijan is Karki, which is located in the Gadabay District and has a population of around 1,000 people.
Area, population, and density:
  • Azerbaijan has a total area of 86,600 square kilometers, making it the 112th largest country in the world.
  • As of 2022, Azerbaijan has an estimated population of 10,353,296 people.
  • The population density of Azerbaijan is approximately 119 people per square kilometer.
Children born and people dying per day:

There is no specific information available on the number of children born or people dying per day in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan Baby Boy Popular Name From A To Z.

01. " A " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Abbas - lion
  • Abbud - devoted
  • Abd-El-Kader - servant of the powerful
  • Abdirahman - a form of Abdulrahman
  • Abid - worshipper
  • Abolfazl - one who has separated good from evil
  • Abubakar - noble
  • Adil - fair, just
  • Ahmad - most commendable
  • Akbar - great
  • Akif - devoted to, occupied with
  • Akram - most generous
  • Aladdin - nobility of faith
  • Ali - exalted, noble
  • Alim - learned, wise
  • Alirza - noble warrior
  • Alper - brave
  • Altay - golden moon
  • Amil - worker, effective
  • Amir - prince, commander
  • Anar - pomegranate
  • Anvar - shining, brilliant
  • Arif - knowledgeable, wise
  • Arslan - lion
  • Asad - lion
  • Asgar - small
  • Asif - gatherer, harvester
  • Asim - protector, guardian
  • Aslan - lion
  • Ata - father
  • Atakan - brave man
  • Atilla - father-like
  • Avaz - voice, sound
  • Avid - desire, longing
  • Avni - of the desire
  • Aydin - intelligent, bright
  • Ayhan - moon soul
  • Aykhan - moon ruler
  • Ayman - lucky, blessed
  • Aytekin - moon blood
  • Azad - free
  • Azamat - greatness
  • Azar - fire
  • Azat - free
  • Azim - great, powerful
  • Aziz - beloved, dear
  • Azman - time
  • Azmi - determined, resolute
  • Azrail - angel of death
  • Azri - helper, supporter

02. " B " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Babak - small father
  • Bahadur - brave, hero
  • Bahram - victorious
  • Bakhtiyar - fortunate, lucky
  • Balash - strong, powerful
  • Balta - axe
  • Baran - rain
  • Barat - purity, innocence
  • Bayram - festival, celebration
  • Behruz - fortunate, lucky
  • Bekir - firstborn
  • Berat - certificate, diploma
  • Berkan - lightning
  • Bextiyar - fortunate, lucky
  • Bilal - chosen
  • Binyamin - son of the right hand
  • Borak - lightning
  • Boulus - a form of Pablo
  • Burak - lightning
  • Burhan - proof, evidence
  • Buzurg - great, grand
  • Bülent - happy, cheerful
  • Bürhan - proof, evidence
  • Bəhram - victorious
  • Bəkir - firstborn
  • Bəxtiyar - fortunate, lucky
  • Bəyram - festival, celebration
  • Bəşir - bringer of good news
  • Bəyaz - white
  • Bəyim - my lord
  • Bəyimli - lordly
  • Bəyli - lordly
  • Bəyza - white
  • Bəzən - sometimes
  • Bəzirgan - peddler
  • Bəşər - human
  • Bəşərə - human
  • Bəşərli - human
  • Bəşirə - bringer of good news
  • Bəşkan - head of the village
  • Bəştaş - head of the stone
  • Bəşəriyyət - humanity
  • Bəşərət - humaneness
  • Bəşərlik - humanity
  • Bəşərətli - humane
  • Bəşərətçi - humanitarian
  • Bəşərətçilik - humanitarianism
  • Bəşərətliyin - of humanity
  • Bəşərətliyə - to humanity
  • Bəşərətliyim - I am humane

03. " C " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Cavid - Meaning "shining"
  • Cahangir - Meaning "ruling the world"
  • Cəfər - Meaning "helpful"
  • Camal - Meaning "beauty"
  • Ceyhun - Meaning "great river"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "perfect"
  • Cabir - Meaning "consoler"
  • Cəlil - Meaning "sublime"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "beautiful"
  • Cahid - Meaning "eternal"
  • Cavidan - Meaning "eternal soul"
  • Cüneyt - Meaning "brave"
  • Cəsar - Meaning "head of hair"
  • Cəlil - Meaning "great"
  • Cavid - Meaning "very valuable"
  • Camal - Meaning "mountain"
  • Cəfər - Meaning "river"
  • Cabir - Meaning "hero"
  • Cahangir - Meaning "ruler"
  • Cəlil - Meaning "honorable"
  • Ceyhun - Meaning "life"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "friend"
  • Cabir - Meaning "consolation"
  • Cahid - Meaning "eternity"
  • Cavidan - Meaning "eternal"
  • Cüneyt - Meaning "courageous"
  • Cəsar - Meaning "head"
  • Cavid - Meaning "dear"
  • Camal - Meaning "beauty"
  • Cəfər - Meaning "comforter"
  • Cahangir - Meaning "king of the world"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "perfect"
  • Cabir - Meaning "comforter"
  • Cəlil - Meaning "majestic"
  • Cavidan - Meaning "everlasting"
  • Ceyhun - Meaning "wise"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "complete"
  • Cəsar - Meaning "cutting"
  • Camal - Meaning "beauty"
  • Cəfər - Meaning "helper"
  • Cahangir - Meaning "conqueror of the world"
  • Cəlil - Meaning "greatness"
  • Cavid - Meaning "valuable"
  • Cabir - Meaning "comforting"
  • Ceyhun - Meaning "intelligent"
  • Cəsar - Meaning "head of hair"
  • Cavidan - Meaning "eternal"
  • Cüneyt - Meaning "valiant"
  • Cəmil - Meaning "whole"
  • Camal - Meaning "perfect"

04. " D " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Dadash - brotherDaler - brave
  • Damir - heart, soul
  • Danial - God is my judge
  • Davud - beloved
  • Dayanat - justice
  • Dede - grandfather
  • Delshad - happy heart
  • Deniz - sea
  • Dilara - lover of hearts
  • Dilaver - brave heart
  • Dilbar - lover of the heart
  • Dilgam - brave heart
  • Dilhan - ruler of the heart
  • Dilovar - lover of the heart
  • Dilshad - happy heart
  • Dinara - gold coin
  • Dirham - silver coin
  • Divan - poet
  • Djavid - alive, living
  • Djemal - beauty
  • Djengiz - conqueror
  • Djeyhun - river in Azerbaijan
  • Djihan - world
  • Djuma - Friday
  • Dogan - falcon
  • Dost - friend
  • Dovlet - state
  • Duran - firm, enduring
  • Durmus - steadfast
  • Dursun - steadfast
  • Dzhamal - beauty
  • Dzhamil - handsome
  • Dzhan - soul
  • Dzhangir - conqueror
  • Dzhanibek - soul of a hero
  • Dzhanpolad - soul of steel
  • Dzheykhun - river in Azerbaijan
  • Dzhemal - beauty
  • Dzhemil - handsome
  • Dzhon - God is gracious
  • Dzhuma - Friday
  • Dzhunaid - soldier
  • Dzhusup - God will add
  • Dzmitry - earth-lover
  • Dzmitryj - earth-lover
  • Dzmitryy - earth-lover
  • Dzmitryi - earth-lover
  • Dzmitryjus - earth-lover
  • Dzmitryjus - earth-lover

05. " E " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Eflatun - purple
  • Ehtiram - respect
  • Elbrus - highest mountain in Europe
  • Eldar - warrior
  • Elgun - noble, high-born
  • Elhan - ruler of the world
  • Elman - intelligent, wise
  • Elmir - famous, renowned
  • Elvin - friend of elves
  • Elxan - ruler of the world
  • Emin - honest, trustworthy
  • Emir - commander, prince
  • Emrah - love
  • Enes - friendly
  • Ensar - supporter, helper
  • Eray - moon wind
  • Erdem - virtue, morality
  • Eren - saint, holy person
  • Ertugrul - warrior, hero
  • Esad - lion
  • Esger - soldier
  • Eshgin - love
  • Eshref - noble, honorable
  • Esmail - a form of Ishmael
  • Esref - noble, honorable
  • Etibar - trust, confidence
  • Etimad - trust, faith
  • Etibar - trust, confidence
  • Eyyub - Job (biblical character)
  • Eymen - lucky, blessed
  • Eyvaz - unique, rare
  • Eyvazli - unique, rare
  • Eyyub - Job (biblical character)
  • Eyyublu - descendant of Job
  • Eyyup - Job (biblical character)
  • Eyyuplu - descendant of Job
  • Eyyubov - son of Job
  • Eyyubzade - son of Job
  • Eyyubzaman - time of Job
  • Eyyuphan - beloved of Job
  • Eyyupeli - friend of Job
  • Eyyupkhan - ruler of Job
  • Eyyupcan - soul of Job
  • Eyyupbay - lord of Job
  • Eyyubali - exalted of Job
  • Eyyubagha - warrior of Job
  • Eyyubaga - warrior of Job
  • Eyyubabat - father of Job
  • Eyyub - Job (biblical character)
  • Eyyal - brave, courageous

06. " F " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Farid - unique, precious
  • Farukh - happy, fortunate
  • Fazil - knowledgeable, virtuous
  • Fikrat - thought, idea
  • Firat - Euphrates river
  • Firuz - victorious
  • Fuad - heart, soul
  • Fuzuli - name of a famous Azerbaijani poet
  • Fərid - unique, precious
  • Fərhad - name of a famous Persian lover
  • Fərman - order, command
  • Fərrux - happy, fortunate
  • Fətəli - virtuous, righteous
  • Fəxri - honorable, noble
  • Fəzail - virtues, merits
  • Fəzil - knowledgeable, virtuous
  • Fərid - unique, precious
  • Fərhad - name of a famous Persian lover
  • Fərman - order, command
  • Fərrux - happy, fortunate
  • Fətəli - virtuous, righteous
  • Fəxri - honorable, noble
  • Fəzail - virtues, merits
  • Fəzil - knowledgeable, virtuous

07. " G " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Gabil - handsome
  • Gadim - ancient
  • Gafar - stream
  • Gahraman - hero
  • Galib - victorious
  • Gamar - moon
  • Gani - wealthy, prosperous
  • Garib - stranger
  • Gassan - sword
  • Gazi - warrior, conqueror
  • Gazim - warrior, conqueror
  • Gazman - warrior, conqueror
  • Gadim - Meaning "ancient"
  • Günay - Meaning "sun moon"
  • Gəncə - Meaning "youthful"
  • Gəray - Meaning "warrior"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "rose garden"
  • Gülnar - Meaning "pomegranate flower"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "splendor"
  • Günəş - Meaning "sun"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "rose garden"
  • Gülər - Meaning "rosy"
  • Gəray - Meaning "courageous"
  • Gülməmməd - Meaning "praised one"
  • Günay - Meaning "day moon"
  • Gülşən - Meaning "flower garden"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "magnificence"
  • Günəş - Meaning "solar"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "garden of flowers"
  • Gülər - Meaning "smiley"
  • Gəray - Meaning "brave"
  • Gülməmməd - Meaning "lovable"
  • Günay - Meaning "daily moon"
  • Gülşən - Meaning "floral"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "grandeur"
  • Günəş - Meaning "sunshine"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "garden of roses"
  • Gülər - Meaning "blooming"
  • Gəray - Meaning "valiant"
  • Gülməmməd - Meaning "admired"
  • Günay - Meaning "daily sun"
  • Gülşən - Meaning "blooming"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "glory"
  • Günəş - Meaning "day"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "rose garden"
  • Gülər - Meaning "bright"
  • Gəray - Meaning "strong"
  • Gülməmməd - Meaning "praiseworthy"
  • Günay - Meaning "monthly moon"
  • Gülşən - Meaning "beautiful"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "majesty"
  • Günəş - Meaning "radiance"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "beautiful garden"
  • Gülər - Meaning "cheerful"
  • Gəray - Meaning "fearless"
  • Gülməmməd - Meaning "beloved"
  • Günay - Meaning "moon of the sky"
  • Gülşən - Meaning "charming"
  • Görkəm - Meaning "dignity"
  • Günəş - Meaning "luminosity"
  • Gülistan - Meaning "place of flowers"
  • Gülər - Meaning "joyful"

08. " H " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Habil - Meaning "able"
  • Hacı - Meaning "pilgrim"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "wisdom"
  • Həsən - Meaning "good"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "handsome"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "patience"
  • Həsən - Meaning "beautiful"
  • Həsən - Meaning "beneficent"
  • Habil - Meaning "skillful"
  • Hacı - Meaning "hajji, pilgrim to Mecca"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "prudence"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "beautiful"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "tolerance"
  • Həsən - Meaning "kind"
  • Həsən - Meaning "virtuous"
  • Habil - Meaning "competent"
  • Hacı - Meaning "elderly"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "judgment"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "admirable"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "endurance"
  • Həsən - Meaning "gentle"
  • Həsən - Meaning "generous"
  • Habil - Meaning "apt"
  • Hacı - Meaning "respected"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "sagacity"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "good-looking"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "perseverance"
  • Həsən - Meaning "kind-hearted"
  • Həsən - Meaning "benevolent"
  • Habil - Meaning "skilled"
  • Hacı - Meaning "devout"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "intelligence"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "graceful"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "forbearance"
  • Həsən - Meaning "considerate"
  • Həsən - Meaning "merciful"
  • Habil - Meaning "talented"
  • Hacı - Meaning "pious"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "knowledge"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "excellent"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "enduring"
  • Həsən - Meaning "tender"
  • Həsən - Meaning "sympathetic"
  • Habil - Meaning "proficient"
  • Hacı - Meaning "elder"
  • Hikmət - Meaning "understanding"
  • Hüseyn - Meaning "attractive"
  • Hümbət - Meaning "steadfastness"
  • Həsən - Meaning "compassionate"
  • Həsən - Meaning "gracious"

09. " I " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • İbrahim - Meaning "father of many"
  • İlham - Meaning "inspiration"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "God will hear"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "defender of men"
  • İkram - Meaning "generosity"
  • İlqar - Meaning "unique"
  • İslam - Meaning "submission to God"
  • İdris - Meaning "interpreter"
  • İmran - Meaning "prosperity"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "God will listen"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "helper of mankind"
  • İkbal - Meaning "success"
  • İlqar - Meaning "rare"
  • İslam - Meaning "peace"
  • İdris - Meaning "studious"
  • İmran - Meaning "happiness"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "he will hear"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "protector of humanity"
  • İkram - Meaning "honour"
  • İlqar - Meaning "unusual"
  • İslam - Meaning "surrender"
  • İdris - Meaning "learned"
  • İmran - Meaning "prosperous"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "he will listen"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "defender of the people"
  • İkram - Meaning "kindness"
  • İlqar - Meaning "exceptional"
  • İslam - Meaning "faith"
  • İdris - Meaning "interpreter of dreams"
  • İmran - Meaning "joy"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "listener"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "champion of mankind"
  • İkram - Meaning "favor"
  • İlqar - Meaning "extraordinary"
  • İslam - Meaning "religion of peace"
  • İdris - Meaning "scribe"
  • İmran - Meaning "blessed"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "hearkening"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "man's defender"
  • İkram - Meaning "grace"
  • İlqar - Meaning "remarkable"
  • İslam - Meaning "submission"
  • İdris - Meaning "prophet mentioned in the Quran"
  • İmran - Meaning "prosperous population"
  • İsmayıl - Meaning "God listens"
  • İsgəndər - Meaning "man's protector"
  • İkram - Meaning "hospitality"
  • İlqar - Meaning "uncommon"
  • İslam - Meaning "peace and submission to God"
  • İdris - Meaning "fiery lord"

10. " J " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Jabbar - mighty, powerful
  • Jafar - stream
  • Jahangir - world conqueror
  • Jalal - greatness, glory
  • Jalil - great, revered
  • Jamil - beautiful
  • Janan - soul, heart
  • Javid - alive, living
  • Javon - youth
  • Javidan - eternal
  • Jahan - world
  • Jahanbakhsh - gift of the world
  • Jahandar - world holder
  • Jahangir - world conqueror
  • Jahid - hardworking, diligent
  • Jahir - clear, evident
  • Jahanzeb - ornament of the world
  • Jaleel - great, revered
  • Jalil - great, revered
  • Jamshid - sun
  • Jangir - warrior
  • Jannat - paradise
  • Jashar - brave
  • Jasur - brave
  • Javad - alive, living
  • Javahir - jewels
  • Javidan - eternal
  • Javlon - youth
  • Javohir - jewels
  • Javon - youth

11. " K " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Kamal - perfection
  • Kamran - successful
  • Karim - generous, noble
  • Kasim - distributor
  • Kaveh - ancient Persian king
  • Kazim - restrainer
  • Kerim - generous, noble
  • Khalid - eternal
  • Khalil - friend
  • Khanlar - brave
  • Khayyam - tent maker
  • Khurshid - sun
  • Kifayat - sufficiency
  • Kiyam - resurrection
  • Kudrat - power, nature
  • Kursad - fortune, luck
  • Kuzey - north
  • Kənan - righteous
  • Kərim - generous, noble
  • Kəvər - name of a river in Azerbaijan

12. " L " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Lala - tulip
  • Lami - shining
  • Latif - gentle, kind
  • Leman - faithful
  • Lutfi - kind, gentle
  • Ləman - faithful
  • Lətif - gentle, kind
  • Lətifə - kindness
  • Ləmanət - trust
  • Ləmanat - trust
  • Lətifə - kindness
  • Lətifət - kindness
  • Lətifətə - kindness
  • Lətifəli - kind, gentle
  • Lətifəxan - house of kindness
  • Lətifəyar - kind-hearted
  • Lətifəcan - soul of kindness
  • Lətifəbay - lord of kindness
  • Lətifəali - exalted of kindness
  • Lətifəaga - warrior of kindness
  • Lətifəaga - warrior of kindness
  • Lətifəabat - father of kindness
  • Ləman - faithful
  • Lətif - gentle, kind
  • Ləmanət - trust
  • Ləmanat - trust
  • Lətifə - kindness
  • Lətifət - kindness
  • Lətifətə - kindness
  • Lətifəli - kind, gentle
  • Lətifəxan - house of kindness

13. " M " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Mahammad - praised
  • Mahir - skilled, expert
  • Majid - glorious
  • Malik - king
  • Mansur - victorious
  • Mardan - warrior
  • Marif - knowledge
  • Maruf - known, recognized
  • Masim - great
  • Masud - happy, fortunate
  • Matin - strong, powerful
  • Mazahir - prominent, famous
  • Mazhar - manifestation
  • Mehdi - guided to the right path
  • Mehemmed - praised
  • Mehti - guided to the right path
  • Melik - king
  • Memmed - praised
  • Mert - brave
  • Mesud - happy, fortunate
  • Metin - strong, powerful
  • Mikayil - a form of Michael
  • Mir - prince
  • Mirza - prince
  • Misir - Egypt
  • Mubariz - warrior
  • Muharrem - forbidden month in Islamic calendar
  • Muhammed - praised
  • Mujtaba - chosen one
  • Mukhtar - chosen
  • Murad - desired
  • Musa - a form of Moses
  • Mustafa - chosen one
  • Muzaffar - victorious
  • Məhəmməd - praised
  • Məhəmmət - praised
  • Məhət - guided to the right path
  • Məlik - king
  • Məmməd - praised
  • Mərdan - warrior
  • Məsum - innocent
  • Mətanət - mercy
  • Mətin - strong, powerful
  • Məzahir - prominent, famous
  • Məzahirə - prominent, famous
  • Məzahirli - prominent, famous
  • Məzahirxan - house of the famous
  • Məzahirbay - lord of the famous
  • Məzahirali - exalted of the famous
  • Məzahiraga - warrior of the famous

14. " N " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Nabi - prophet
  • Nadir - rare, precious
  • Namiq - intelligent, clever
  • Nəcəf - clean, pure
  • Nəcət - salvation
  • Nəfəs - breath
  • Nərmin - delicate, gentle
  • Nəsib - fate, destiny
  • Nəsimi - name of a famous Azerbaijani poet
  • Nəsir - helper, supporter
  • Nəsirov - son of a helper
  • Nəsiroğlu - son of a helper
  • Nəsirov - son of a helper
  • Nəsiroğlu - son of a helper
  • Nəsiq - pure, clean
  • Nəsrət - victory
  • Nəvəl - prophet
  • Nəvruz - name of a holiday in Azerbaijan
  • Nəzir - observer, supervisor
  • Nəzirə - observation
  • Nəzirli - from the Nəzir family
  • Nəzirxan - house of the observer
  • Nəzirbay - lord of the observer
  • Nəzirali - exalted of the observer
  • Nəziraga - warrior of the observer
  • Nəziraga - warrior of the observer
  • Nəzirabat - father of the observer
  • Nəzir - observer, supervisor
  • Nəzirə - observation
  • Nəzirli - from the Nəzir family
  • Nəzərə - observation
  • Nəzərli - from the Nəzər family

15. " O " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Oktay - brave
  • Orkhan - king's son
  • Orxan - happiness
  • Osman - founder of the Ottoman Empire
  • Oktayhan - brave khan
  • Orxanbəy - lord of happiness
  • Orxanlı - from the Orxan family
  • Orxanxan - house of happiness
  • Orxanbay - lord of happiness
  • Orxanali - exalted of happiness
  • Orxanaga - warrior of happiness
  • Orxanabat - father of happiness
  • Orxan - happiness
  • Oruc - fasting
  • Orxun - happiness

16. " P " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Parviz - Meaning "fortunate"
  • Pərviz - Meaning "lucky"
  • Pirəhməd - Meaning "generous"
  • Pərvin - Meaning "cluster of stars"
  • Pənah - Meaning "shelter"
  • Pərviz - Meaning "successful"
  • Parviz - Meaning "victorious"
  • Pərviz - Meaning "triumphant"
  • Pirəhməd - Meaning "benevolent"
  • Pərvin - Meaning "astral"
  • Pənah - Meaning "haven"
  • Pərviz - Meaning "triumphant"
  • Parviz - Meaning "victorious"
  • Pərviz - Meaning "fortunate"

17. " Q " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Qələndər - meaning "wanderer, dervish"
  • Qurban - meaning "sacrifice"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "hero"
  • Qasım - meaning "divider"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "fearless"
  • Qutb - meaning "pivot, axis"
  • Qurban - meaning "offering"
  • Qələndər - meaning "mystic"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "brave"
  • Qasım - meaning "distributor"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "brave"
  • Qutb - meaning "saint, spiritual leader"
  • Qurban - meaning "devoted"
  • Qələndər - meaning "ascetic"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "courageous"
  • Qasım - meaning "divider, distributor"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "fearless"
  • Qutb - meaning "celestial"
  • Qurban - meaning "sacrificial"
  • Qələndər - meaning "itinerant, nomadic"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "valiant"
  • Qasım - meaning "apportioner"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "undaunted"
  • Qutb - meaning "highest point, polestar"
  • Qurban - meaning "victim"
  • Qələndər - meaning "rover, wayfarer"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "gallant"
  • Qasım - meaning "divider, distributor"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "courageous"
  • Qutb - meaning "axis, pole"
  • Qurban - meaning "sacrificer"
  • Qələndər - meaning "wandering dervish"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "bold"
  • Qasım - meaning "allotter"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "brave"
  • Qutb - meaning "axis, center"
  • Qurban - meaning "devotee"
  • Qələndər - meaning "nomad, wanderer"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "courageous, heroic"
  • Qasım - meaning "divider, distributor"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "fearless"
  • Qutb - meaning "pivotal, central"
  • Qurban - meaning "dedicated"
  • Qələndər - meaning "traveler, pilgrim"
  • Qəhrəman - meaning "brave, valiant"
  • Qasım - meaning "distributor, divider"
  • Qorxmaz - meaning "unafraid"
  • Qutb - meaning "leader, chief"
  • Qurban - meaning "offered"
  • Qələndər - meaning "roaming, wandering"

18. " R " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Ramin - loving
  • Raminə - loving
  • Rəhim - merciful
  • Rəhimə - merciful
  • Rəhimli - from the Rəhim family
  • Rəhimxan - house of mercy
  • Rəhimbay - lord of mercy
  • Rəhimali - exalted of mercy
  • Rəhimaga - warrior of mercy
  • Rəhimabat - father of mercy
  • Rəsul - messenger
  • Rəsulbəy - lord of the messenger
  • Rəsullu - messenger
  • Rəsulxan - house of the messenger
  • Rəsulbay - lord of the messenger
  • Rəsulali - exalted of the messenger
  • Rəsulaga - warrior of the messenger
  • Rəsulabat - father of the messenger
  • Rəşad - righteous
  • Rəşadət - righteousness
  • Rəşadli - from the Rəşad family
  • Rəşadxan - house of righteousness
  • Rəşadbay - lord of righteousness
  • Rəşadali - exalted of righteousness
  • Rəşadaga - warrior of righteousness
  • Rəşadabat - father of righteousness
  • Rəşid - wise, mature
  • Rəşidət - wisdom, maturity
  • Rəşidli - from the Rəşid family
  • Rəşidxan - house of wisdom
  • Rəşidbay - lord of wisdom
  • Rəşidali - exalted of wisdom
  • Rəşidaga - warrior of wisdom
  • Rəşidabat - father of wisdom
  • Rəşəd - guidance
  • Rəşədət - guidance
  • Rəşədli - from the Rəşəd family
  • Rəşədxan - house of guidance
  • Rəşədbay - lord of guidance
  • Rəşədali - exalted of guidance
  • Rəşədaga - warrior of guidance
  • Rəşədabat - father of guidance
  • Rəvad - servant
  • Rəvadbəy - lord of the servant
  • Rəvadli - from the Rəvad family
  • Rəvadxan - house of the servant
  • Rəvadbay - lord of the servant
  • Rəvadali - exalted of the servant
  • Rəvadaga - warrior of the servant
  • Rəvadabat - father of the servant
  • Rahib - meaning "monk"
  • Rahim - meaning "kind"
  • Rafiq - meaning "companion"
  • Ramin - meaning "loving"
  • Ravan - meaning "soul"
  • Rauf - meaning "compassionate"
  • Rovshan - meaning "light-hearted"
  • Rahib - meaning "hermit"
  • Rahim - meaning "merciful"
  • Rafiq - meaning "friend"
  • Ramin - meaning "affectionate"
  • Ravan - meaning "spirit"
  • Rauf - meaning "kind"
  • Rovshan - meaning "cheerful"
  • Rahib - meaning "ascetic"
  • Rahim - meaning "gracious"
  • Rafiq - meaning "buddy"
  • Ramin - meaning "tender"
  • Ravan - meaning "being"
  • Rauf - meaning "caring"
  • Rovshan - meaning "joyful"
  • Rahib - meaning "devout"
  • Rahim - meaning "kind-hearted"
  • Rafiq - meaning "pal"
  • Ramin - meaning "gentle"
  • Ravan - meaning "person"
  • Rauf - meaning "sympathetic"
  • Rovshan - meaning "merry"
  • Rahib - meaning "religious"
  • Rahim - meaning "merciful"
  • Rafiq - meaning "amigo"
  • Ramin - meaning "loving"
  • Ravan - meaning "individual"
  • Rauf - meaning "compassionate"
  • Rovshan - meaning "cheerful"
  • Rahib - meaning "devotee"
  • Rahim - meaning "benevolent"
  • Rafiq - meaning "mate"
  • Ramin - meaning "affectionate"
  • Ravan - meaning "self"
  • Rauf - meaning "benevolent"
  • Rovshan - meaning "happy"
  • Rahib - meaning "saint"
  • Rahim - meaning "forgiving"
  • Rafiq - meaning "comrade"
  • Ramin - meaning "tender-hearted"
  • Ravan - meaning "creature"
  • Rauf - meaning "merciful"
  • Rovshan - meaning "jovial"

19. " S " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Sabir - meaning "patient"
  • Sadiq - meaning "true"
  • Sahib - meaning "owner"
  • Samir - meaning "companion in evening talk"
  • Sarkhan - meaning "king's soul"
  • Selim - meaning "safe"
  • Serdar - meaning "commander"
  • Shahin - meaning "falcon"
  • Siyavush - meaning "possessing black juice"
  • Suleyman - meaning "peace"
  • Sabir - meaning "enduring"
  • Sadiq - meaning "faithful"
  • Sahib - meaning "master"
  • Samir - meaning "jovial"
  • Sarkhan - meaning "king's soul"
  • Selim - meaning "unharmed"
  • Serdar - meaning "leader"
  • Shahin - meaning "hawk"
  • Siyavush - meaning "having dark juice"
  • Suleyman - meaning "man of peace"
  • Sabir - meaning "tolerant"
  • Sadiq - meaning "sincere"
  • Sahib - meaning "possessor"
  • Samir - meaning "pleasant companion"
  • Sarkhan - meaning "king's soul"
  • Selim - meaning "whole"
  • Serdar - meaning "commander"
  • Shahin - meaning "royal falcon"
  • Siyavush - meaning "having black juice"
  • Suleyman - meaning "peaceful"
  • Sabir - meaning "patient one"
  • Sadiq - meaning "loyal"
  • Sahib - meaning "proprietor"
  • Samir - meaning "wind that brings cool evening air"
  • Sarkhan - meaning "king's soul"
  • Selim - meaning "secure"
  • Serdar - meaning "chief"
  • Shahin - meaning "noble falcon"
  • Siyavush - meaning "black juice"
  • Suleyman - meaning "peacemaker"
  • Sabir - meaning "calm"
  • Sadiq - meaning "trustworthy"
  • Sahib - meaning "owner"
  • Samir - meaning "entertainer"
  • Sarkhan - meaning "king's soul"
  • Selim - meaning "peaceful"
  • Serdar - meaning "ruler"
  • Shahin - meaning "falcon, royal bird"
  • Siyavush - meaning "dark juice"
  • Suleyman - meaning "man of peace"

20. " T " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Tahir - pure, clean
  • Tair - bird
  • Talat - appearance, countenance
  • Taleh - sword
  • Talib - seeker, student
  • Tamir - rich, abundant
  • Tariq - morning star
  • Tawfiq - success, good fortune
  • Tayyib - good, pure
  • Teymur - iron
  • Tofiq - success, good fortune
  • Tofig - success, good fortune
  • Togrul - eagle
  • Toghrul - eagle
  • Tural - to be strong
  • Turan - name of a region in Central Asia
  • Turanbəy - lord of Turan
  • Turanlı - from the Turan family
  • Turanxan - house of Turan
  • Turanbay - lord of Turan
  • Turanali - exalted of Turan
  • Turanaga - warrior of Turan
  • Turanabat - father of Turan
  • Turan - name of a region in Central Asia
  • Turanbəy - lord of Turan
  • Turanlı - from the Turan family
  • Turanxan - house of Turan
  • Turanbay - lord of Turan
  • Turanali - exalted of Turan
  • Turanaga - warrior of Turan
  • Turanabat - father of Turan
  • Turxan - strong, powerful
  • Turali - exalted of strength
  • Turalaga - warrior of strength
  • Turalabat - father of strength
  • Tural - to be strong
  • Turgay - name of a river in Central Asia
  • Turhan - strong, powerful
  • Turkan - strong, powerful
  • Turkel - strong, powerful
  • Turker - strong, powerful
  • Turku - strong, powerful
  • Turkuhan - strong khan
  • Turkuş - strong, powerful
  • Turkuşbay - lord of the strong
  • Turkuşali - exalted of the strong
  • Turkuşaga - warrior of the strong
  • Turkuşabat - father of the strong
  • Tuygun - good omen
  • Tükel - strong, powerful

21. " U " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Umid - hope
  • Uzeyir - name of a famous Azerbaijani composer
  • Urfan - wise, knowledgeable
  • Urfət - happiness, good fortune
  • Urfanə - wise, knowledgeable
  • Urfanlı - from the Urfan family
  • Urfanxan - house of the wise
  • Urfanbay - lord of the wise
  • Urfanali - exalted of the wise
  • Urfanaga - warrior of the wise
  • Urfanabat - father of the wise
  • Urfan - wise, knowledgeable
  • Urfət - happiness, good fortune
  • Uzeyir - name of a famous Azerbaijani composer
  • Umid - hope
  • Umidbəy - lord of hope
  • Umidli - from the Umid family
  • Umidxan - house of hope
  • Umidbay - lord of hope
  • Umidali - exalted of hope
  • Umidaga - warrior of hope
  • Umidabat - father of hope
  • Umit - hope
  • Umitbəy - lord of hope
  • Umitli - from the Umit family
  • Umitxan - house of hope
  • Umitbay - lord of hope
  • Umitali - exalted of hope
  • Umitaga - warrior of hope
  • Umitabat - father of hope
  • Uzair - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Uzeyir - name of a famous Azerbaijani composer
  • Uzma - greatness
  • Uzmağ - greatness
  • Uzun - tall, long
  • Uzunbəy - lord of the tall
  • Uzunli - from the Uzun family
  • Uzunxan - house of the tall
  • Uzunbay - lord of the tall
  • Uzunali - exalted of the tall
  • Uzunaga - warrior of the tall
  • Uzunabat - father of the tall
  • Uzun - tall, long
  • Uzunbəy - lord of the tall
  • Uzunli - from the Uzun family
  • Uzunxan - house of the tall
  • Uzunbay - lord of the tall
  • Uzunali - exalted of the tall
  • Uzunaga - warrior of the tall
  • Uzunabat - father of the tall

22. " V " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Vaqif - devoted, dedicated
  • Vahab - gift, grant
  • Vahid - unique, singular
  • Vahidə - unique, singular
  • Vahidli - from the Vahid family
  • Vahidxan - house of the unique
  • Vahidbay - lord of the unique
  • Vahidali - exalted of the unique
  • Vahidaga - warrior of the unique
  • Vahidabat - father of the unique
  • Vahit - alone, solitary
  • Vahidbəy - lord of the unique
  • Vahitli - from the Vahit family
  • Vahitxan - house of the unique
  • Vahitbay - lord of the unique
  • Vahitali - exalted of the unique
  • Vahitaga - warrior of the unique
  • Vahitabat - father of the unique
  • Vakil - representative, agent
  • Vakilbəy - lord of the representative
  • Vakilli - from the Vakil family
  • Vakilxan - house of the representative
  • Vakilbay - lord of the representative
  • Vakilali - exalted of the representative
  • Vakilaga - warrior of the representative
  • Vakilabat - father of the representative
  • Vakur - respectful, reverent
  • Vali - governor, ruler
  • Valibəy - lord of the governor
  • Valili - from the Vali family
  • Valixan - house of the governor
  • Valibay - lord of the governor
  • Valiali - exalted of the governor
  • Valiaga - warrior of the governor
  • Valiabat - father of the governor
  • Veli - friend, companion
  • Velibəy - lord of the friend
  • Velili - from the Veli family
  • Velixan - house of the friend
  • Velibay - lord of the friend
  • Veliali - exalted of the friend
  • Veliaga - warrior of the friend
  • Veliabat - father of the friend
  • Veliyev - son of Veli
  • Veliyəv - son of Veli
  • Vezir - minister, vizier
  • Vezirbəy - lord of the minister
  • Vezirli - from the Vezir family
  • Vezirxan - house of the minister
  • Vezirbay - lord of the minister

23. " W " Boy Name With Meaning.


Unfortunately, there are no Azerbaijani baby boy names starting with W in the search results.

24. " X " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Xalid - eternal, immortal
  • Xan - khan, ruler
  • Xanbəy - lord of the khan
  • Xanlı - from the Xan family
  • Xanxan - house of the khan
  • Xanbay - lord of the khan
  • Xanali - exalted of the khan
  • Xanaga - warrior of the khan
  • Xanabat - father of the khan
  • Xanlar - khans
  • Xaqani - name of a famous Azerbaijani poet
  • Xatir - memory, remembrance
  • Xatirə - memory, remembrance
  • Xatirli - from the Xatir family
  • Xatirxan - house of memory
  • Xatirbay - lord of memory
  • Xatirali - exalted of memory
  • Xatiraga - warrior of memory
  • Xatirabat - father of memory
  • Xəlil - friend, companion
  • Xəlilbəy - lord of the friend
  • Xəlilli - from the Xəlil family
  • Xəlilxan - house of the friend
  • Xəlilbay - lord of the friend
  • Xəlilali - exalted of the friend
  • Xəlilaga - warrior of the friend
  • Xəlilabat - father of the friend
  • Xəzər - name of a sea in Azerbaijan
  • Xidir - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Xiləfət - caliphate
  • Xiləfətbəy - lord of the caliphate
  • Xiləfətli - from the Xiləfət family
  • Xiləfətxan - house of the caliphate
  • Xiləfətbay - lord of the caliphate
  • Xiləfətali - exalted of the caliphate
  • Xiləfətaga - warrior of the caliphate
  • Xiləfətabat - father of the caliphate
  • Xudayar - name of a famous Azerbaijani poet
  • Xudayarlı - from the Xudayar family
  • Xudayarxan - house of Xudayar
  • Xudayarbay - lord of Xudayar
  • Xudayarali - exalted of Xudayar
  • Xudayaraga - warrior of Xudayar
  • Xudayarabat - father of Xudayar
  • Xurşid - sun, sunshine
  • Xurşidbəy - lord of the sun
  • Xurşidli - from the Xurşid family
  • Xurşidxan - house of the sun
  • Xurşidbay - lord of the sun
  • Xurşidali - exalted of the sun

25. " Y " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Yaqub - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Yar - friend, companion
  • Yaqoob - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Yashar - just, righteous
  • Yasin - name of a chapter in the Quran
  • Yaqut - ruby
  • Yaqubali - exalted of Yaqub
  • Yaqubaga - warrior of Yaqub
  • Yaqubabat - father of Yaqub
  • Yaqubbay - lord of Yaqub
  • Yaqubli - from the Yaqub family
  • Yaqubxan - house of Yaqub
  • Yaqub - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Yar - friend, companion
  • Yarali - exalted of the friend
  • Yaraga - warrior of the friend
  • Yarabat - father of the friend
  • Yarbəy - lord of the friend
  • Yarlı - from the Yar family
  • Yarxan - house of the friend
  • Yarbay - lord of the friend
  • Yarali - exalted of the friend
  • Yaraga - warrior of the friend
  • Yarabat - father of the friend
  • Yar - friend, companion
  • Yarali - exalted of the friend
  • Yaraga - warrior of the friend
  • Yarabat - father of the friend
  • Yarbəy - lord of the friend
  • Yarlı - from the Yar family
  • Yarxan - house of the friend
  • Yarbay - lord of the friend
  • Yarali - exalted of the friend
  • Yaraga - warrior of the friend
  • Yarabat - father of the friend
  • Yashar - just, righteous
  • Yasin - name of a chapter in the Quran
  • Yaqut - ruby
  • Yaqubali - exalted of Yaqub
  • Yaqubaga - warrior of Yaqub
  • Yaqubabat - father of Yaqub
  • Yaqubbay - lord of Yaqub
  • Yaqubli - from the Yaqub family
  • Yaqubxan - house of Yaqub
  • Yaqub - name of a prophet in Islam
  • Yar - friend, companion
  • Yarali - exalted of the friend
  • Yaraga - warrior of the friend
  • Yarabat - father of the friend
  • Yarbəy - lord of the friend

26. " Z " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Zaabit - clever man; one who remembers
  • Zaad - victory; success
  • Zaaef - hospitable
  • Zaafir - victorious
  • Zaahid - abstemious; ascetic; saintly; diligent; hardworking
  • Zaid - increase, growth, abundance
  • Zaidan - growth and increase
  • Zaiden - fiery; sower of seeds
  • Zaifullah - God's guest
  • Zaigham - lion; king of the jungle
  • Zaighum - lion powerful
  • Zaim - leader; chief
  • Zaimuddin - leader of the religion
  • Zakariya - a prophet's name
  • Zakawan - from the old town
  • Zaki - intelligent, pure
  • Zakir - rememberer of God
  • Zaman - time, age
  • Zameer - conscience, heart
  • Zamin - earth, land
  • Zan - woman
  • Zaqir - intelligent, bright
  • Zaquf - tree
  • Zarif - elegant, graceful
  • Zaur - lion
  • Zayd - abundance, growth
  • Zayn - beauty, grace
  • Zaynal - adornment, decoration
  • Zaynali - exalted of Zayn
  • Zaynaga - warrior of Zayn
  • Zaynab - fragrant flower
  • Zaynabə - fragrant flower
  • Zaynabli - from the Zaynab family
  • Zaynabxan - house of Zaynab
  • Zaynabbay - lord of Zaynab
  • Zaynabali - exalted of Zaynab
  • Zaynabaga - warrior of Zaynab
  • Zaynababat - father of Zaynab
  • Zaynalabdin - adornment of the religion
  • Zaynalabidin - adornment of the religion
  • Zaynalbay - lord of the adornment
  • Zaynalali - exalted of the adornment
  • Zaynalaga - warrior of the adornment
  • Zaynalabat - father of the adornment
  • Zaynalxan - house of the adornment
  • Zaynalbəy - lord of the adornment
  • Zaynalədin - adornment of the religion
  • Zaynaləli - exalted of the adornment
  • Zaynaləga - warrior of the adornment
  • Zaynaləbat - father of the adornment

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