Baby Girl Names in Austria

Introduction To  Austria :

Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordered by Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The country is a federation of nine federal states, with Vienna as the capital and most populous city.

Here are some key facts about Austria:
  • Area : Austria has a total area of 83,879 square kilometers.
  • Population : As of 2023, the population of Austria is approximately 8.9 million people.
  • Density : The population density of Austria is around 106 people per square kilometer.
  • Birth rate : As of 2023, there are around 200-300 children born per day in Austria.
  • Death rate : As of 2023, there are around 200-300 people who die per day in Austria.
Austria is known for its Alpine landscape, with the western and southern parts of the country located in the Alps. The country has a mixed economic system, with a variety of private freedom combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation.

Austria is a member of the European Union and has a parliamentary representative democracy with a popularly elected president as head of state and a chancellor as head of government and chief executive. Vienna is the capital of Austria and is renowned for its architecture and history as the former seat of the Holy Roman Empire.

Some of the biggest cities in Austria include Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. One of the smallest towns in Austria is Ratten, which has a population of only 400 people. One of the biggest towns in Austria is Graz, which has a population of around 300,000 people.

In terms of its social and economic institutions, Austria has been characterized by new forms and a spirit of cooperation, and although political and social problems remain, they have not erupted with the intensity evidenced in other countries of the Continent.

Austria Baby Girl Popular Name From A To Z.

01. " A " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Ada - "noble"
  • Adele - "noble"
  • Adelheid - "noble kind"
  • Adina - "gentle"
  • Adriana - "from Hadria"
  • Agatha - "good"
  • Agnes - "pure"
  • Aida - "reward, present"
  • Aileen - "light bearer"
  • Aimee - "beloved"
  • Alba - "dawn"
  • Alberta - "noble, bright"
  • Albina - "white"
  • Alea - "exalted, noble"
  • Alexa - "defender of mankind"
  • Alexandra - "defender of mankind"
  • Alexia - "defender of mankind"
  • Alice - "noble"
  • Alicia - "noble"
  • Alina - "bright, beautiful"
  • Alma - "soul"
  • Alva - "elf"
  • Alyssa - "rational"
  • Amalia - "work"
  • Amanda - "worthy of love"
  • Amelia - "work"
  • Amelie - "work"
  • Anastasia - "resurrection"
  • Andrea - "manly"
  • Angelina - "angelic"
  • Angelique - "angelic"
  • Anika - "grace"
  • Anja - "gracious"
  • Ann - "gracious"
  • Anna - "gracious"
  • Annabelle - "loving"
  • Anne - "gracious"
  • Anneliese - "gracious, pledged to God"
  • Annette - "gracious"
  • Antonia - "priceless one"
  • Ariana - "most holy"
  • Ariane - "most holy"
  • Arlene - "pledge"
  • Astrid - "divinely beautiful"
  • Augusta - "majestic"
  • Aurelia - "golden"
  • Aurora - "dawn"
  • Ava - "life"
  • Aya - "colorful"
  • Aylin - "moon halo"

02. " B " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Barbara - "foreign, strange"
  • Beatrice - "she who brings happiness"
  • Bella - "beautiful"
  • Benedikta - "blessed"
  • Bernadette - "brave as a bear"
  • Bettina - "God is my oath"
  • Bianca - "white"
  • Birgit - "exalted one"
  • Blanca - "white"
  • Brigitte - "exalted one"
  • Barbara-Marie - "foreign, strange"
  • Beatrice-Marie - "she who brings happiness"
  • Bella-Marie - "beautiful"
  • Benedikta-Marie - "blessed"
  • Bernadette-Marie - "brave as a bear"
  • Bettina-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Bianca-Marie - "white"
  • Birgit-Marie - "exalted one"
  • Blanca-Marie - "white"
  • Brigitte-Marie - "exalted one"
  • Bärbel - "foreign, strange"
  • Babette - "foreign, strange"
  • Barbara-Lena - "foreign, strange"
  • Beatrice-Lena - "she who brings happiness"
  • Bella-Lena - "beautiful"
  • Benedikta-Lena - "blessed"
  • Bernadette-Lena - "brave as a bear"
  • Bettina-Lena - "God is my oath"
  • Bianca-Lena - "white"
  • Birgit-Lena - "exalted one"
  • Blanca-Lena - "white"
  • Brigitte-Lena - "exalted one"
  • Belinda - "pretty"
  • Berenice - "bringer of victory"
  • Bernice - "bringer of victory"
  • Berta - "bright"
  • Bertha - "bright"
  • Bettie - "God is my oath"
  • Beatrix - "she who brings happiness"
  • Bianka - "white"
  • Birgitta - "exalted one"
  • Blanche - "white"
  • Bonnie - "pretty"
  • Brandy - "burned wine"
  • Brenda - "sword"
  • Briana - "strong, virtuous, and honorable"
  • Bridget - "exalted one"
  • Bruna - "brown"
  • Brygida - "exalted one"
  • Brynn - "hill"

03. " C " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Cäcilia - "blind"
  • Camilla - "young ceremonial attendant"
  • Carina - "dear one"
  • Carla - "free woman"
  • Carmen - "song"
  • Carolina - "free woman"
  • Caroline - "free woman"
  • Cassandra - "prophetess"
  • Caterina - "pure"
  • Catharina - "pure"
  • Cäcilie - "blind"
  • Cäcilien - "blind"
  • Cäcilie-Marie - "blind"
  • Camilla-Marie - "young ceremonial attendant"
  • Carina-Marie - "dear one"
  • Carla-Marie - "free woman"
  • Carmen-Marie - "song"
  • Carolina-Marie - "free woman"
  • Caroline-Marie - "free woman"
  • Cassandra-Marie - "prophetess"
  • Caterina-Marie - "pure"
  • Catharina-Marie - "pure"
  • Cäcilie-Lena - "blind"
  • Cäcilien-Lena - "blind"
  • Cäcilie-Marie-Lena - "blind"
  • Camilla-Lena - "young ceremonial attendant"
  • Carina-Lena - "dear one"
  • Carla-Lena - "free woman"
  • Carmen-Lena - "song"
  • Carolina-Lena - "free woman"
  • Caroline-Lena - "free woman"
  • Cassandra-Lena - "prophetess"
  • Caterina-Lena - "pure"
  • Catharina-Lena - "pure"
  • Cäcilie-Sophie - "blind"
  • Camilla-Sophie - "young ceremonial attendant"
  • Carina-Sophie - "dear one"
  • Carla-Sophie - "free woman"
  • Carmen-Sophie - "song"
  • Carolina-Sophie - "free woman"
  • Caroline-Sophie - "free woman"
  • Cassandra-Sophie - "prophetess"
  • Caterina-Sophie - "pure"
  • Catharina-Sophie - "pure"
  • Cäcilie-Anna - "blind"
  • Camilla-Anna - "young ceremonial attendant"
  • Carina-Anna - "dear one"
  • Carla-Anna - "free woman"
  • Carmen-Anna - "song"
  • Carolina-Anna - "free woman"

04. " D " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Dagmar - "day's glory"
  • Daisy - "day's eye"
  • Daniela - "God is my judge"
  • Daria - "wealthy"
  • Deborah - "bee"
  • Delia - "from Delos"
  • Denise - "follower of Dionysius"
  • Diana - "divine"
  • Dina - "judged"
  • Dora - "gift"
  • Doris - "gift of the ocean"
  • Dagmar-Marie - "day's glory"
  • Daisy-Marie - "day's eye"
  • Daniela-Marie - "God is my judge"
  • Daria-Marie - "wealthy"
  • Deborah-Marie - "bee"
  • Delia-Marie - "from Delos"
  • Denise-Marie - "follower of Dionysius"
  • Diana-Marie - "divine"
  • Dina-Marie - "judged"
  • Dora-Marie - "gift"
  • Doris-Marie - "gift of the ocean"
  • Dagmar-Lena - "day's glory"
  • Daisy-Lena - "day's eye"
  • Daniela-Lena - "God is my judge"
  • Daria-Lena - "wealthy"
  • Deborah-Lena - "bee"
  • Delia-Lena - "from Delos"
  • Denise-Lena - "follower of Dionysius"
  • Diana-Lena - "divine"
  • Dina-Lena - "judged"
  • Dora-Lena - "gift"
  • Doris-Lena - "gift of the ocean"
  • Dafne - "laurel"
  • Dalia - "branch"
  • Dalila - "delicate"
  • Damiana - "to tame"
  • Danica - "morning star"
  • Danika - "morning star"
  • Danuta - "God's gift"
  • Daria-Sophie - "wealthy"
  • Deborah-Sophie - "bee"
  • Delia-Sophie - "from Delos"
  • Denise-Sophie - "follower of Dionysius"
  • Diana-Sophie - "divine"
  • Dina-Sophie - "judged"
  • Dora-Sophie - "gift"
  • Doris-Sophie - "gift of the ocean"
  • Dorothea - "gift of God"
  • Dunja - "quince"

05. " E " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Edith - "prosperous in war"
  • Edna - "pleasure"
  • Eileen - "light bearer"
  • Eira - "snow"
  • Eleanora - "light"
  • Elena - "light"
  • Eleonora - "light"
  • Elfriede - "elf of peace"
  • Eliana - "my God has answered"
  • Elisabeth - "God is my oath"
  • Elisa - "God is my oath"
  • Elise - "God is my oath"
  • Eliza - "God is my oath"
  • Ella - "all, completely"
  • Ellen - "light"
  • Elma - "will, desire"
  • Elvira - "white, fair"
  • Emilia - "rival"
  • Emilie - "rival"
  • Emma - "universal"
  • Enya - "kernel"
  • Erica - "ruler"
  • Erna - "serious"
  • Esther - "star"
  • Etta - "ruler of the home"
  • Edda - "great grandmother"
  • Edith-Marie - "prosperous in war"
  • Edna-Marie - "pleasure"
  • Eileen-Marie - "light bearer"
  • Eira-Marie - "snow"
  • Eleanora-Marie - "light"
  • Elena-Marie - "light"
  • Eleonora-Marie - "light"
  • Elfriede-Marie - "elf of peace"
  • Eliana-Marie - "my God has answered"
  • Elisabeth-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Elisa-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Elise-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Eliza-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Ella-Marie - "all, completely"
  • Ellen-Marie - "light"
  • Elma-Marie - "will, desire"
  • Elvira-Marie - "white, fair"
  • Emilia-Marie - "rival"
  • Emilie-Marie - "rival"
  • Emma-Marie - "universal"
  • Enya-Marie - "kernel"
  • Erica-Marie - "ruler"
  • Erna-Marie - "serious"
  • Esther-Marie - "star"

06. " F " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Fabienne - "bean grower"
  • Fanny - "free one"
  • Fatima - "to abstain"
  • Felicitas - "fortunate"
  • Felizitas - "fortunate"
  • Fernanda - "adventurous"
  • Filippa - "lover of horses"
  • Flora - "flower"
  • Florence - "flourishing"
  • Franca - "free one"
  • Francesca - "free one"
  • Franziska - "free one"
  • Frieda - "peaceful ruler"
  • Friederike - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fritzi - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fabienne-Marie - "bean grower"
  • Fanny-Marie - "free one"
  • Fatima-Marie - "to abstain"
  • Felicitas-Marie - "fortunate"
  • Felizitas-Marie - "fortunate"
  • Fernanda-Marie - "adventurous"
  • Filippa-Marie - "lover of horses"
  • Flora-Marie - "flower"
  • Florence-Marie - "flourishing"
  • Franca-Marie - "free one"
  • Francesca-Marie - "free one"
  • Franziska-Marie - "free one"
  • Frieda-Marie - "peaceful ruler"
  • Friederike-Marie - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fritzi-Marie - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fabienne-Lena - "bean grower"
  • Fanny-Lena - "free one"
  • Fatima-Lena - "to abstain"
  • Felicitas-Lena - "fortunate"
  • Felizitas-Lena - "fortunate"
  • Fernanda-Lena - "adventurous"
  • Filippa-Lena - "lover of horses"
  • Flora-Lena - "flower"
  • Florence-Lena - "flourishing"
  • Franca-Lena - "free one"
  • Francesca-Lena - "free one"
  • Franziska-Lena - "free one"
  • Frieda-Lena - "peaceful ruler"
  • Friederike-Lena - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fritzi-Lena - "peaceful ruler"
  • Felina - "like a cat"
  • Felipa - "lover of horses"
  • Fenna - "peace"
  • Fia - "dark of peace"
  • Fiona - "fair"

07. " G " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Gabi - "God is my strength"
  • Gabriela - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela - "pledge"
  • Greta - "pearl"
  • Gabi-Marie - "God is my strength"
  • Gabriela-Marie - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Marie - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Marie - "pledge"
  • Greta-Marie - "pearl"
  • Gabi-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gabriela-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Lena - "pledge"
  • Greta-Lena - "pearl"
  • Giselle - "pledge"
  • Giulia - "youthful"
  • Gloria - "glory"
  • Grace - "grace"
  • Gudrun - "battle"
  • Gunda - "war"
  • Gabriele - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Elisabeth - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Elisabeth - "pledge"
  • Greta-Elisabeth - "pearl"
  • Gabi-Sophie - "God is my strength"
  • Gabriela-Sophie - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Sophie - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Sophie - "pledge"
  • Greta-Sophie - "pearl"
  • Giselle-Marie - "pledge"
  • Giulia-Marie - "youthful"
  • Gloria-Marie - "glory"
  • Grace-Marie - "grace"
  • Gudrun-Marie - "battle"
  • Gunda-Marie - "war"
  • Gabriele-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Elisabeth-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Elisabeth-Lena - "pledge"
  • Greta-Elisabeth-Lena - "pearl"
  • Gabi-Sophie-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gabriela-Sophie-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gaby-Sophie-Lena - "God is my strength"
  • Gisela-Sophie-Lena - "pledge"
  • Greta-Sophie-Lena - "pearl"
  • Giselle-Sophie - "pledge"
  • Giulia-Sophie - "youthful"
  • Gloria-Sophie - "glory"
  • Grace-Sophie - "grace"
  • Gudrun-Sophie - "battle"

08. " H " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Hana - "flower"
  • Hanna - "gracious"
  • Hannah - "gracious"
  • Hannelore - "God is gracious"
  • Harriet - "ruler of the home"
  • Heidi - "of noble birth"
  • Helene - "torch"
  • Helga - "holy"
  • Henriette - "ruler of the home"
  • Hermine - "army man"
  • Hilda - "battle woman"
  • Hildegard - "battle guard"
  • Hana-Marie - "flower"
  • Hanna-Marie - "gracious"
  • Hannah-Marie - "gracious"
  • Hannelore-Marie - "God is gracious"
  • Harriet-Marie - "ruler of the home"
  • Heidi-Marie - "of noble birth"
  • Helene-Marie - "torch"
  • Helga-Marie - "holy"
  • Henriette-Marie - "ruler of the home"
  • Hermine-Marie - "army man"
  • Hilda-Marie - "battle woman"
  • Hildegard-Marie - "battle guard"
  • Hana-Lena - "flower"
  • Hanna-Lena - "gracious"
  • Hannah-Lena - "gracious"
  • Hannelore-Lena - "God is gracious"
  • Harriet-Lena - "ruler of the home"
  • Heidi-Lena - "of noble birth"
  • Helene-Lena - "torch"
  • Helga-Lena - "holy"
  • Henriette-Lena - "ruler of the home"
  • Hermine-Lena - "army man"
  • Hilda-Lena - "battle woman"
  • Hildegard-Lena - "battle guard"
  • Hana-Sophie - "flower"
  • Hanna-Sophie - "gracious"
  • Hannah-Sophie - "gracious"
  • Hannelore-Sophie - "God is gracious"
  • Harriet-Sophie - "ruler of the home"
  • Heidi-Sophie - "of noble birth"
  • Helene-Sophie - "torch"
  • Helga-Sophie - "holy"
  • Henriette-Sophie - "ruler of the home"
  • Hermine-Sophie - "army man"
  • Hilda-Sophie - "battle woman"
  • Hildegard-Sophie - "battle guard"
  • Hedy - "of noble birth"
  • Hertha - "earth"

09. " I " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Ida - "hardworking"
  • Ilse - "pledged to God"
  • Ina - "strong water"
  • Ines - "pure"
  • Ingrid - "beautiful"
  • Irene - "peace"
  • Iris - "rainbow"
  • Isabella - "pledged to God"
  • Isabelle - "pledged to God"
  • Isadora - "gift of Isis"
  • Ida-Marie - "hardworking"
  • Ilse-Marie - "pledged to God"
  • Ina-Marie - "strong water"
  • Ines-Marie - "pure"
  • Ingrid-Marie - "beautiful"
  • Irene-Marie - "peace"
  • Iris-Marie - "rainbow"
  • Isabella-Marie - "pledged to God"
  • Isabelle-Marie - "pledged to God"
  • Isadora-Marie - "gift of Isis"
  • Ida-Lena - "hardworking"
  • Ilse-Lena - "pledged to God"
  • Ina-Lena - "strong water"
  • Ines-Lena - "pure"
  • Ingrid-Lena - "beautiful"
  • Irene-Lena - "peace"
  • Iris-Lena - "rainbow"
  • Isabella-Lena - "pledged to God"
  • Isabelle-Lena - "pledged to God"
  • Isadora-Lena - "gift of Isis"
  • Ida-Sophie - "hardworking"
  • Ilse-Sophie - "pledged to God"
  • Ina-Sophie - "strong water"
  • Ines-Sophie - "pure"
  • Ingrid-Sophie - "beautiful"
  • Irene-Sophie - "peace"
  • Iris-Sophie - "rainbow"
  • Isabella-Sophie - "pledged to God"
  • Isabelle-Sophie - "pledged to God"
  • Isadora-Sophie - "gift of Isis"
  • Iliana - "bright"
  • Ilona - "torch"
  • Imelda - "universal battle"
  • Imogen - "maiden"
  • Ina-Elisabeth - "strong water"
  • Ines-Elisabeth - "pure"
  • Ingrid-Elisabeth - "beautiful"
  • Irene-Elisabeth - "peace"
  • Iris-Elisabeth - "rainbow"
  • Isabella-Elisabeth - "pledged to God"

10. " J " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Jana - "God is gracious"
  • Janina - "God is gracious"
  • Jasmin - "flower"
  • Jeanette - "God is gracious"
  • Jennifer - "white wave"
  • Jessica - "God beholds"
  • Johanna - "God is gracious"
  • Josefa - "God will add"
  • Josephine - "God will add"
  • Judith - "woman from Judea"
  • Jana-Marie - "God is gracious"
  • Janina-Marie - "God is gracious"
  • Jasmin-Marie - "flower"
  • Jeanette-Marie - "God is gracious"
  • Jennifer-Marie - "white wave"
  • Jessica-Marie - "God beholds"
  • Johanna-Marie - "God is gracious"
  • Josefa-Marie - "God will add"
  • Josephine-Marie - "God will add"
  • Judith-Marie - "woman from Judea"
  • Jana-Lena - "God is gracious"
  • Janina-Lena - "God is gracious"
  • Jasmin-Lena - "flower"
  • Jeanette-Lena - "God is gracious"
  • Jennifer-Lena - "white wave"
  • Jessica-Lena - "God beholds"
  • Johanna-Lena - "God is gracious"
  • Josefa-Lena - "God will add"
  • Josephine-Lena - "God will add"
  • Judith-Lena - "woman from Judea"
  • Jana-Sophie - "God is gracious"
  • Janina-Sophie - "God is gracious"
  • Jasmin-Sophie - "flower"
  • Jeanette-Sophie - "God is gracious"
  • Jennifer-Sophie - "white wave"
  • Jessica-Sophie - "God beholds"
  • Johanna-Sophie - "God is gracious"
  • Josefa-Sophie - "God will add"
  • Josephine-Sophie - "God will add"
  • Judith-Sophie - "woman from Judea"
  • Jara - "tribe"
  • Jelena - "bright"
  • Jette - "home ruler"
  • Jil - "youthful"
  • Jolina - "pretty"
  • Jolanda - "violet flower"
  • Jolene - "pretty"
  • Jona - "dove"
  • Jonna - "God is gracious"
  • Josefine - "God will add"

11. " K " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Karin - "pure"
  • Karina - "pure"
  • Karla - "free woman"
  • Katarina - "pure"
  • Katharina - "pure"
  • Katrin - "pure"
  • Kira - "throne"
  • Klara - "bright"
  • Kristina - "follower of Christ"
  • Karin-Marie - "pure"
  • Karina-Marie - "pure"
  • Karla-Marie - "free woman"
  • Katarina-Marie - "pure"
  • Katharina-Marie - "pure"
  • Katrin-Marie - "pure"
  • Kira-Marie - "throne"
  • Klara-Marie - "bright"
  • Kristina-Marie - "follower of Christ"
  • Karin-Lena - "pure"
  • Karina-Lena - "pure"
  • Karla-Lena - "free woman"
  • Katarina-Lena - "pure"
  • Katharina-Lena - "pure"
  • Katrin-Lena - "pure"
  • Kira-Lena - "throne"
  • Klara-Lena - "bright"
  • Kristina-Lena - "follower of Christ"
  • Karin-Sophie - "pure"
  • Karina-Sophie - "pure"
  • Karla-Sophie - "free woman"
  • Katarina-Sophie - "pure"
  • Katharina-Sophie - "pure"
  • Katrin-Sophie - "pure"
  • Kira-Sophie - "throne"
  • Klara-Sophie - "bright"
  • Kristina-Sophie - "follower of Christ"
  • Kaja - "echo"
  • Käthe - "pure"
  • Kiana - "divine"
  • Kim - "brave warrior"
  • Kira-Elisabeth - "throne"
  • Klara-Elisabeth - "bright"
  • Kristina-Elisabeth - "follower of Christ"
  • Kaja-Marie - "echo"
  • Käthe-Marie - "pure"
  • Kiana-Marie - "divine"
  • Kim-Marie - "brave warrior"
  • Kira-Elisabeth-Lena - "throne"
  • Klara-Elisabeth-Lena - "bright"
  • Kristina-Elisabeth-Lena - "follower of Christ"

12. " L " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Lara - "cheerful"
  • Laura - "bay laurel"
  • Lea - "weary"
  • Lena - "light"
  • Leonie - "lioness"
  • Liane - "youthful"
  • Lili - "pure"
  • Lilly - "pure"
  • Lina - "tender"
  • Linda - "pretty"
  • Lisa - "God is my oath"
  • Livia - "blue"
  • Lorena - "crowned with laurel"
  • Lorelei - "alluring enchantress"
  • Lotta - "free man"
  • Louisa - "renowned warrior"
  • Lucia - "light"
  • Lucie - "light"
  • Luisa - "renowned warrior"
  • Luna - "moon"
  • Lara-Marie - "cheerful"
  • Laura-Marie - "bay laurel"
  • Lea-Marie - "weary"
  • Lena-Marie - "light"
  • Leonie-Marie - "lioness"
  • Liane-Marie - "youthful"
  • Lili-Marie - "pure"
  • Lilly-Marie - "pure"
  • Lina-Marie - "tender"
  • Linda-Marie - "pretty"
  • Lisa-Marie - "God is my oath"
  • Livia-Marie - "blue"
  • Lorena-Marie - "crowned with laurel"
  • Lorelei-Marie - "alluring enchantress"
  • Lotta-Marie - "free man"
  • Louisa-Marie - "renowned warrior"
  • Lucia-Marie - "light"
  • Lucie-Marie - "light"
  • Luisa-Marie - "renowned warrior"
  • Luna-Marie - "moon"
  • Lara-Lena - "cheerful"
  • Laura-Lena - "bay laurel"
  • Lea-Lena - "weary"
  • Lena-Lena - "light"
  • Leonie-Lena - "lioness"
  • Liane-Lena - "youthful"
  • Lili-Lena - "pure"
  • Lilly-Lena - "pure"
  • Lina-Lena - "tender"
  • Linda-Lena - "pretty"

13. " M " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Magdalena - "of Magdala"
  • Manuela - "God is with us"
  • Mara - "bitter"
  • Marcella - "warlike"
  • Margareta - "pearl"
  • Margit - "pearl"
  • Maria - "bitter"
  • Marianne - "bitter grace"
  • Mariella - "bitter"
  • Marietta - "bitter"
  • Marina - "of the sea"
  • Marlene - "bitter"
  • Martina - "warlike"
  • Mathilda - "mighty in battle"
  • Matilda - "mighty in battle"
  • Maxima - "greatest"
  • Melanie - "dark"
  • Melissa - "bee"
  • Michaela - "who is like God?"
  • Mila - "gracious"
  • Milena - "gracious"
  • Miriam - "wished-for child"
  • Mirjam - "wished-for child"
  • Mona - "noble"
  • Monika - "advisor"
  • Magdalena-Marie - "of Magdala"
  • Manuela-Marie - "God is with us"
  • Mara-Marie - "bitter"
  • Marcella-Marie - "warlike"
  • Margareta-Marie - "pearl"
  • Margit-Marie - "pearl"
  • Maria-Marie - "bitter"
  • Marianne-Marie - "bitter grace"
  • Mariella-Marie - "bitter"
  • Marietta-Marie - "bitter"
  • Marina-Marie - "of the sea"
  • Marlene-Marie - "bitter"
  • Martina-Marie - "warlike"
  • Mathilda-Marie - "mighty in battle"
  • Matilda-Marie - "mighty in battle"
  • Maxima-Marie - "greatest"
  • Melanie-Marie - "dark"
  • Melissa-Marie - "bee"
  • Michaela-Marie - "who is like God?"
  • Mila-Marie - "gracious"
  • Milena-Marie - "gracious"
  • Miriam-Marie - "wished-for child"
  • Mirjam-Marie - "wished-for child"
  • Mona-Marie - "noble"
  • Monika-Marie - "advisor"

14. " N " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Nadia - "hope"
  • Nadine - "hope"
  • Naomi - "pleasantness"
  • Natascha - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nathalie - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nele - "horn"
  • Nelli - "shining light"
  • Nelly - "shining light"
  • Neva - "snowy"
  • Nicole - "victorious people"
  • Nina - "grace"
  • Noemi - "pleasantness"
  • Nora - "honor"
  • Nadia-Marie - "hope"
  • Nadine-Marie - "hope"
  • Naomi-Marie - "pleasantness"
  • Natascha-Marie - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nathalie-Marie - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nele-Marie - "horn"
  • Nelli-Marie - "shining light"
  • Nelly-Marie - "shining light"
  • Neva-Marie - "snowy"
  • Nicole-Marie - "victorious people"
  • Nina-Marie - "grace"
  • Noemi-Marie - "pleasantness"
  • Nora-Marie - "honor"
  • Nadia-Lena - "hope"
  • Nadine-Lena - "hope"
  • Naomi-Lena - "pleasantness"
  • Natascha-Lena - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nathalie-Lena - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nele-Lena - "horn"
  • Nelli-Lena - "shining light"
  • Nelly-Lena - "shining light"
  • Neva-Lena - "snowy"
  • Nicole-Lena - "victorious people"
  • Nina-Lena - "grace"
  • Noemi-Lena - "pleasantness"
  • Nora-Lena - "honor"
  • Nadia-Sophie - "hope"
  • Nadine-Sophie - "hope"
  • Naomi-Sophie - "pleasantness"
  • Natascha-Sophie - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nathalie-Sophie - "birthday of the Lord"
  • Nele-Sophie - "horn"
  • Nelli-Sophie - "shining light"
  • Nelly-Sophie - "shining light"
  • Neva-Sophie - "snowy"
  • Nicole-Sophie - "victorious people"
  • Nina-Sophie - "grace"

15. " O " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Olivia - "olive tree"
  • Ophelia - "help"
  • Ottilie - "wealthy"
  • Olivia-Marie - "olive tree"
  • Ophelia-Marie - "help"
  • Ottilie-Marie - "wealthy"
  • Olivia-Lena - "olive tree"
  • Ophelia-Lena - "help"
  • Ottilie-Lena - "wealthy"
  • Olivia-Sophie - "olive tree"
  • Ophelia-Sophie - "help"
  • Ottilie-Sophie - "wealthy"
  • Oda - "wealth"
  • Odette - "wealth"
  • Oksana - "praise be to God"
  • Olga - "holy"
  • Olena - "light"
  • Olimpia - "from Mount Olympus"
  • Oda-Marie - "wealth"
  • Odette-Marie - "wealth"
  • Oksana-Marie - "praise be to God"
  • Olga-Marie - "holy"
  • Olena-Marie - "light"
  • Olimpia-Marie - "from Mount Olympus"
  • Oda-Lena - "wealth"
  • Odette-Lena - "wealth"
  • Oksana-Lena - "praise be to God"
  • Olga-Lena - "holy"
  • Olena-Lena - "light"
  • Olimpia-Lena - "from Mount Olympus"
  • Oda-Sophie - "wealth"
  • Odette-Sophie - "wealth"
  • Oksana-Sophie - "praise be to God"
  • Olga-Sophie - "holy"
  • Olena-Sophie - "light"
  • Olimpia-Sophie - "from Mount Olympus"
  • Octavia - "eighth"
  • Oda-Elisabeth - "wealth"
  • Odette-Elisabeth - "wealth"
  • Oksana-Elisabeth - "praise be to God"
  • Olga-Elisabeth - "holy"
  • Olena-Elisabeth - "light"
  • Olimpia-Elisabeth - "from Mount Olympus"
  • Octavia-Marie - "eighth"
  • Octavia-Lena - "eighth"
  • Octavia-Sophie - "eighth"
  • Ophira - "gold"
  • Orla - "golden princess"
  • Orsola - "little she-bear"
  • Ottilia - "wealthy"

16. " P " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Paula - "small"
  • Paulina - "small"
  • Petra - "rock"
  • Pia - "pious"
  • Polina - "small"
  • Priska - "ancient"
  • Paulina-Marie - "small"
  • Petra-Marie - "rock"
  • Pia-Marie - "pious"
  • Polina-Marie - "small"
  • Priska-Marie - "ancient"
  • Paulina-Lena - "small"
  • Petra-Lena - "rock"
  • Pia-Lena - "pious"
  • Polina-Lena - "small"
  • Priska-Lena - "ancient"
  • Paulina-Sophie - "small"
  • Petra-Sophie - "rock"
  • Pia-Sophie - "pious"
  • Polina-Sophie - "small"
  • Priska-Sophie - "ancient"
  • Paloma - "dove"
  • Pamela - "honey"
  • Patrizia - "noble"
  • Pauline - "small"
  • Penelope - "weaver"
  • Perla - "pearl"
  • Petra-Elisabeth - "rock"
  • Pia-Elisabeth - "pious"
  • Polina-Elisabeth - "small"
  • Priska-Elisabeth - "ancient"
  • Paloma-Marie - "dove"
  • Pamela-Marie - "honey"
  • Patrizia-Marie - "noble"
  • Pauline-Marie - "small"
  • Penelope-Marie - "weaver"
  • Perla-Marie - "pearl"
  • Petra-Louise - "rock"
  • Pia-Louise - "pious"
  • Polina-Louise - "small"
  • Priska-Louise - "ancient"
  • Paloma-Lena - "dove"
  • Pamela-Lena - "honey"
  • Patrizia-Lena - "noble"
  • Pauline-Lena - "small"
  • Penelope-Lena - "weaver"
  • Perla-Lena - "pearl"
  • Petra-Sofia - "rock"
  • Pia-Sofia - "pious"
  • Polina-Sofia - "small"

17. " Q " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Qadira - Arabic origin, meaning "powerful" or "capable."
  • Qamra - Arabic origin, meaning "moonlight."
  • Qiana - American origin, meaning "silky."
  • Qiana - American origin, meaning "soft" or "silky."
  • Qiturah - Arabic origin, meaning "fragrant."
  • Quanda - African origin, meaning "companion" or "close friend."
  • Quenby - Scandinavian origin, meaning "womanly."
  • Querida - Spanish origin, meaning "beloved" or "darling."
  • Quilla - Quechua origin, meaning "moon."
  • Quirina - Latin origin, feminine form of Quirinus, possibly meaning "spear."
  • Quenby - Scandinavian origin, meaning "woman's estate."
  • Quiterie - French origin, meaning "quiet."
  • Quanda - African origin, meaning "companion" or "close friend."
  • Quenby - Scandinavian origin, meaning "womanly."

18. " R " Girl Name With Meaning.

  • Raphaela - "God has healed"
  • Rebekka - "to tie firmly"
  • Regina - "queen"
  • Renate - "reborn"
  • Ricarda - "strong ruler"
  • Rita - "pearl"
  • Rosalind - "gentle horse"
  • Rosalinde - "gentle horse"
  • Rose - "flower"
  • Rosi - "rose"
  • Roxana - "dawn"
  • Romy - "rosemary"
  • Ronja - "God's joyful song"
  • Rosa - "rose"
  • Raphaela-Marie - "God has healed"
  • Rebekka-Marie - "to tie firmly"
  • Regina-Marie - "queen"
  • Renate-Marie - "reborn"
  • Ricarda-Marie - "strong ruler"
  • Rita-Marie - "pearl"
  • Rosalind-Marie - "gentle horse"
  • Rosalinde-Marie - "gentle horse"
  • Rose-Marie - "flower"
  • Rosi-Marie - "rose"
  • Roxana-Marie - "dawn"
  • Romy-Marie - "rosemary"
  • Ronja-Marie - "God's joyful song"
  • Rosa-Marie - "rose"
  • Raphaela-Lena - "God has healed"
  • Rebekka-Lena - "to tie firmly"
  • Regina-Lena - "queen"
  • Renate-Lena - "reborn"
  • Ricarda-Lena - "strong ruler"
  • Rita-Lena - "pearl"
  • Rosalind-Lena - "gentle horse"
  • Rosalinde-Lena - "gentle horse"
  • Rose-Lena - "flower"
  • Rosi-Lena - "rose"
  • Roxana-Lena - "dawn"
  • Romy-Lena - "rosemary"
  • Ronja-Lena - "God's joyful song"
  • Rosa-Lena - "rose"
  • Raphaela-Sophie - "God has healed"
  • Rebekka-Sophie - "to tie firmly"
  • Regina-Sophie - "queen"
  • Renate-Sophie - "reborn"
  • Ricarda-Sophie - "strong ruler"
  • Rita-Sophie - "pearl"
  • Rosalind-Sophie - "gentle horse"
  • Rosalinde-Sophie - "gentle horse"

19. " S " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Sabine - "Sabine woman"
  • Salome - "peaceful"
  • Samantha - "listener"
  • Sandra - "defender of mankind"
  • Sara - "princess"
  • Sarah - "princess"
  • Saskia - "Saxon woman"
  • Selina - "moon goddess"
  • Selma - "divinely protected"
  • Seraphina - "fiery ones"
  • Sibylle - "prophetess"
  • Sigrid - "beautiful victory"
  • Silke - "blind"
  • Silvia - "from the forest"
  • Simone - "hearkening"
  • Sina - "treasure"
  • Sofia - "wisdom"
  • Sonja - "wisdom"
  • Sophia - "wisdom"
  • Sophie - "wisdom"
  • Stefanie - "crown"
  • Stella - "star"
  • Stephanie - "crown"
  • Susanna - "lily"
  • Sabine-Marie - "Sabine woman"
  • Salome-Marie - "peaceful"
  • Samantha-Marie - "listener"
  • Sandra-Marie - "defender of mankind"
  • Sara-Marie - "princess"
  • Sarah-Marie - "princess"
  • Saskia-Marie - "Saxon woman"
  • Selina-Marie - "moon goddess"
  • Selma-Marie - "divinely protected"
  • Seraphina-Marie - "fiery ones"
  • Sibylle-Marie - "prophetess"
  • Sigrid-Marie - "beautiful victory"
  • Silke-Marie - "blind"
  • Silvia-Marie - "from the forest"
  • Simone-Marie - "hearkening"
  • Sina-Marie - "treasure"
  • Sofia-Marie - "wisdom"
  • Sonja-Marie - "wisdom"
  • Sophia-Marie - "wisdom"
  • Sophie-Marie - "wisdom"
  • Stefanie-Marie - "crown"
  • Stella-Marie - "star"
  • Stephanie-Marie - "crown"
  • Susanna-Marie - "lily"
  • Sabine-Lena - "Sabine woman"
  • Salome-Lena - "peaceful"

20. " T " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Tamara - "palm tree"
  • Tania - "fairy queen"
  • Tatiana - "fairy queen"
  • Teresa - "harvester"
  • Thalia - "to blossom"
  • Thea - "goddess"
  • Theresia - "harvester"
  • Tina - "follower of Christ"
  • Tiziana - "follower of Christ"
  • Traudl - "strong"
  • Traudel - "strong"
  • Traute - "strong"
  • Tamara-Marie - "palm tree"
  • Tania-Marie - "fairy queen"
  • Tatiana-Marie - "fairy queen"
  • Teresa-Marie - "harvester"
  • Thalia-Marie - "to blossom"
  • Thea-Marie - "goddess"
  • Theresia-Marie - "harvester"
  • Tina-Marie - "follower of Christ"
  • Tiziana-Marie - "follower of Christ"
  • Traudl-Marie - "strong"
  • Traudel-Marie - "strong"
  • Traute-Marie - "strong"
  • Tamara-Lena - "palm tree"
  • Tania-Lena - "fairy queen"
  • Tatiana-Lena - "fairy queen"
  • Teresa-Lena - "harvester"
  • Thalia-Lena - "to blossom"
  • Thea-Lena - "goddess"
  • Theresia-Lena - "harvester"
  • Tina-Lena - "follower of Christ"
  • Tiziana-Lena - "follower of Christ"
  • Traudl-Lena - "strong"
  • Traudel-Lena - "strong"
  • Traute-Lena - "strong"
  • Tamara-Sophie - "palm tree"
  • Tania-Sophie - "fairy queen"
  • Tatiana-Sophie - "fairy queen"
  • Teresa-Sophie - "harvester"
  • Thalia-Sophie - "to blossom"
  • Thea-Sophie - "goddess"
  • Theresia-Sophie - "harvester"
  • Tina-Sophie - "follower of Christ"
  • Tiziana-Sophie - "follower of Christ"
  • Traudl-Sophie - "strong"
  • Traudel-Sophie - "strong"
  • Traute-Sophie - "strong"
  • Thalia-Elisabeth - "to blossom"
  • Thea-Elisabeth - "goddess"

21. " U " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Ulrika - Scandinavian origin, meaning "power of the wolf."
  • Uma - Sanskrit origin, meaning "tranquility" or "flax."
  • Una - Irish origin, meaning "one" or "lamb."
  • Ulla - Scandinavian origin, meaning "will" or "determination."
  • Uliana - Russian origin, meaning "youthful" or "downy-bearded."
  • Ursa - Latin origin, meaning "little bear."
  • Ulani - Hawaiian origin, meaning "cheerful."
  • Ulva - Scottish origin, meaning "wolf."
  • Ulyssa - Greek origin, meaning "wrathful" or "hateful."
  • Unity - English word name, meaning "oneness" or "wholeness."
  • Ume - Japanese origin, meaning "plum."
  • Umay - Turkish origin, meaning "hope."
  • Ulva - Scottish origin, meaning "wolf."
  • Uma - Sanskrit origin, meaning "tranquility" or "flax."

22. " V " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Valentina - "strong, healthy"
  • Vanessa - "butterfly"
  • Vera - "faith"
  • Verena - "protector"
  • Veronika - "true image"
  • Victoria - "victory"
  • Viktoria - "victory"
  • Vilma - "determined protector"
  • Vincenza - "conquering"
  • Viola - "violet"
  • Virginia - "pure"
  • Vittoria - "victory"
  • Valentina-Marie - "strong, healthy"
  • Vanessa-Marie - "butterfly"
  • Vera-Marie - "faith"
  • Verena-Marie - "protector"
  • Veronika-Marie - "true image"
  • Victoria-Marie - "victory"
  • Viktoria-Marie - "victory"
  • Vilma-Marie - "determined protector"
  • Vincenza-Marie - "conquering"
  • Viola-Marie - "violet"
  • Virginia-Marie - "pure"
  • Vittoria-Marie - "victory"
  • Valentina-Lena - "strong, healthy"
  • Vanessa-Lena - "butterfly"
  • Vera-Lena - "faith"
  • Verena-Lena - "protector"
  • Veronika-Lena - "true image"
  • Victoria-Lena - "victory"
  • Viktoria-Lena - "victory"
  • Vilma-Lena - "determined protector"
  • Vincenza-Lena - "conquering"
  • Viola-Lena - "violet"
  • Virginia-Lena - "pure"
  • Vittoria-Lena - "victory"
  • Valentina-Sophie - "strong, healthy"
  • Vanessa-Sophie - "butterfly"
  • Vera-Sophie - "faith"
  • Verena-Sophie - "protector"
  • Veronika-Sophie - "true image"
  • Victoria-Sophie - "victory"
  • Viktoria-Sophie - "victory"
  • Vilma-Sophie - "determined protector"
  • Vincenza-Sophie - "conquering"
  • Viola-Sophie - "violet"
  • Virginia-Sophie - "pure"
  • Vittoria-Sophie - "victory"
  • Vienna - "from Wine Country"
  • Velden - "from the field"

23. " W " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Wendy - English origin, possibly meaning "friend" or "blessed ring."
  • Willow - English origin, after the willow tree.
  • Winona - Native American origin, meaning "firstborn daughter."
  • Whitney - English origin, meaning "white island."
  • Waverly - English origin, meaning "meadow of quivering aspens."
  • Winifred - Welsh origin, meaning "blessed peace."
  • Wren - English origin, after the bird name.
  • Wanda - Slavic origin, meaning "wanderer" or "the tribe of the Vandals."
  • Winter - English word name, representing the season.
  • Wanda - Slavic origin, meaning "wanderer" or "the tribe of the Vandals."

24. " X " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Xanthe - Greek origin, meaning "golden" or "yellow."
  • Xenia - Greek origin, meaning "hospitality" or "welcoming."
  • Xena - Greek origin, meaning "hospitable" or "welcoming."
  • Ximena - Spanish origin, possibly meaning "listener."
  • Xochitl - Nahuatl origin, meaning "flower."
  • Xandra - Greek origin, meaning "defending men."
  • Xiomara - Spanish origin, meaning "famous in battle."
  • Xabrina - Basque origin, meaning "protector of mankind."
  • Xara - Greek origin, meaning "princess" or "queen."
  • Xyla - Greek origin, meaning "woodland" or "wood-dweller."

25. " Y " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Yara - Arabic origin, meaning "small butterfly."
  • Yasmin - Persian origin, meaning "jasmine flower."
  • Yelena - Russian origin, variant of Helen, meaning "bright, shining one."
  • Yesenia - Arabic origin, meaning "flower" or "palm tree."
  • Ysabel - Spanish origin, variant of Isabel, meaning "pledged to God."
  • Yelizaveta - Russian origin, variant of Elizabeth, meaning "my God is abundance."
  • Yvonne - French origin, meaning "yew wood" or "archer."
  • Yolanda - Greek origin, meaning "violet flower."
  • Yuliana - Latin origin, variant of Juliana, meaning "youthful" or "downy-bearded."
  • Yael - Hebrew origin, meaning "mountain goat" or "ibex."
  • Yasmin - Persian origin, meaning "jasmine flower."
  • Yelena - Russian origin, variant of Helen, meaning "bright, shining one."

26. " Z " Girl Name With Meaning.


  • Zara - Arabic origin, meaning "princess" or "radiance."
  • Zoe - Greek origin, meaning "life" or "alive."
  • Zuri - Swahili origin, meaning "beautiful" or "good."
  • Zahra - Arabic origin, meaning "flower" or "blooming."
  • Zaina - Arabic origin, meaning "beauty" or "grace."
  • Zella - German origin, meaning "gray-haired" or "blessed."
  • Zephyra - Greek origin, meaning "west wind."
  • Zoya - Russian origin, meaning "life" or "alive."
  • Zelina - Greek origin, meaning "sunshine."
  • Zenobia - Greek origin, meaning "life of Zeus."
  • Zuri - Swahili origin, meaning "beautiful" or "good."

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