Baby Boy Names in Austria

Introduction To  Austria :

Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordered by Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland. The country is a federation of nine federal states, with Vienna as the capital and most populous city.

Here are some key facts about Austria:
  • Area : Austria has a total area of 83,879 square kilometers.
  • Population : As of 2023, the population of Austria is approximately 8.9 million people.
  • Density : The population density of Austria is around 106 people per square kilometer.
  • Birth rate : As of 2023, there are around 200-300 children born per day in Austria.
  • Death rate : As of 2023, there are around 200-300 people who die per day in Austria.
Austria is known for its Alpine landscape, with the western and southern parts of the country located in the Alps.The country has a mixed economic system, with a variety of private freedom combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation.

Austria is a member of the European Union and has a parliamentary representative democracy with a popularly elected president as head of state and a chancellor as head of government and chief executive. Vienna is the capital of Austria and is renowned for its architecture and history as the former seat of the Holy Roman Empire.

Some of the biggest cities in Austria include Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. One of the smallest towns in Austria is Ratten, which has a population of only 400 people. One of the biggest towns in Austria is Graz, which has a population of around 300,000 people.

In terms of its social and economic institutions, Austria has been characterized by new forms and a spirit of cooperation, and although political and social problems remain, they have not erupted with the intensity evidenced in other countries of the Continent.

Austria Baby Boy Popular Name From A To Z.

01. " A " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Aaron - "mountain of strength"
  • Adam - "man"
  • Adrian - "from Hadria"
  • Albert - "noble, bright"
  • Alexander - "defender of the people"
  • Alfred - "wise counselor"
  • Alois - "famous warrior"
  • Andreas - "manly"
  • Anton - "priceless one"
  • Armin - "warrior"
  • Arnold - "eagle power"
  • Arthur - "bear"
  • August - "great, magnificent"
  • Augustin - "venerable"
  • Axel - "father of peace"
  • Axl - "father of peace"
  • Ayan - "gift of God"
  • Ayden - "fiery one"
  • Ayrton - "from the town near the river Ayr"
  • Adalbert - "bright nobility"
  • Adalhard - "noble strength"
  • Adalwin - "noble friend"
  • Adelbert - "noble and bright"
  • Adelmar - "noble and famous"
  • Ademar - "famous noble"
  • Adi - "noble and serene"
  • Adin - "attractive, handsome"
  • Adis - "sun"
  • Adnan - "settler"
  • Ado - "noble and serene"
  • Adolph - "noble wolf"
  • Adonis - "lord"
  • Adrion - "from Hadria"
  • Adryan - "dark one"
  • Aiden - "fiery one"
  • Aiko - "beloved one"
  • Aitor - "good father"
  • Akim - "God will establish"
  • Alain - "handsome"
  • Alan - "handsome"
  • Alaric - "ruler of all"
  • Alban - "from Alba"
  • Albertus - "noble, bright"
  • Albin - "white, bright"
  • Aldo - "old, wise"
  • Aleksander - "defender of the people"
  • Aleksandar - "defender of the people"
  • Alessandro - "defending men"
  • Alex - "defender of the people"
  • Alfons - "noble and ready"

02. " B " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Bastian - "venerable"
  • Benedikt - "blessed"
  • Benjamin - "son of the right hand"
  • Bernhard - "brave as a bear"
  • Bert - "bright"
  • Bertram - "bright raven"
  • Bruno - "brown"
  • Balthasar - "God protects the king"
  • Bartholomäus - "son of Talmai"
  • Benno - "bear"
  • Bern - "bear"
  • Bernd - "brave as a bear"
  • Boris - "fighter"
  • Bodo - "messenger"
  • Bonifaz - "doer of good"
  • Borislav - "glorious fighter"
  • Burkhard - "brave as a castle"
  • Baldur - "prince"
  • Balduin - "brave friend"
  • Bartosz - "son of Talmai"
  • Bastien - "venerable"
  • Ben - "son of the right hand"
  • Berthold - "bright ruler"
  • Birk - "bright"
  • Björn - "bear"
  • Blasius - "lisping"
  • Bojan - "battle"
  • Borislaw - "glorious fighter"
  • Branimir - "peaceful protector"
  • Branko - "glorious defender"
  • Brunoš - "brown"
  • Balthazar - "God protects the king"
  • Bartholomeus - "son of Talmai"
  • Basilius - "kingly"
  • Bastiaan - "venerable"
  • Bastien - "venerable"
  • Batuhan - "ruler of the wind"
  • Bayram - "festival"
  • Beda - "prayer"
  • Bela - "white"
  • Benas - "son of the right hand"
  • Benedetto - "blessed"
  • Benediktas - "blessed"
  • Beniamin - "son of the right hand"
  • Benito - "blessed"
  • Benjamín - "son of the right hand"
  • Benno - "bear"
  • Berat - "honor"
  • Berend - "brave as a bear"
  • Bernát - "brave as a bear

03. " C " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Carl - "free man"
  • Caspar - "treasurer"
  • Christian - "follower of Christ"
  • Christoph - "bearer of Christ"
  • Clemens - "merciful"
  • Constantin - "steadfast"
  • Cornelius - "horn"
  • Cyrus - "sun"
  • Caius - "rejoice"
  • Calix - "chalice"
  • Calvin - "bald"
  • Camillo - "attendant at a religious service"
  • Can - "soul"
  • Caner - "beloved"
  • Canisius - "of Canossa"
  • Carl-Heinz - "free man and home ruler"
  • Carlo - "free man"
  • Carlos - "free man"
  • Carmelo - "garden"
  • Carolus - "free man"
  • Casimir - "proclaimer of peace"
  • Cato - "wise"
  • Cedric - "bounty"
  • Cem - "ruler"
  • Cemal - "beauty"
  • Cemil - "perfect"
  • Cengiz - "conqueror"
  • Cenk - "war"
  • Cesar - "hairy"
  • Cesare - "long-haired"
  • Chaim - "life"
  • Charbel - "beautiful"
  • Charles - "free man"
  • Charlie - "free man"
  • Chico - "boy"
  • Chris - "bearer of Christ"
  • Christiano - "follower of Christ"
  • Christof - "bearer of Christ"
  • Christoffer - "bearer of Christ"
  • Christos - "anointed"
  • Cian - "ancient"
  • Cillian - "war"
  • Ciro - "sun"
  • Claas - "victorious people"
  • Claude - "lame"
  • Claus - "victorious people"
  • Clemens-Maria - "merciful and bitter"
  • Clément - "merciful"
  • Colin - "pup"
  • Conrad - "brave counsel"

04. " D " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Daniel - "God is my judge"
  • David - "beloved"
  • Dominik - "of the Lord"
  • Damian - "to tame, subdue"
  • Dennis - "wild, frenzied"
  • Dario - "kingly"
  • Diego - "supplanter"
  • Dieter - "ruler of the people"
  • Dietmar - "famous ruler"
  • Dirk - "ruler of the people"
  • Domenico - "of the Lord"
  • Donat - "gift"
  • Dylan - "son of the sea"
  • Dacian - "from Dacia"
  • Dalmat - "from Dalmatia"
  • Damir - "to give peace"
  • Dan - "God is my judge"
  • Danilo - "God is my judge"
  • Dante - "enduring"
  • Darian - "upholder of the good"
  • Dario - "kingly"
  • Darius - "kingly"
  • Dariano - "upholder of the good"
  • Darioš - "kingly"
  • Dastin - "brave warrior"
  • Davide - "beloved"
  • Davin - "beloved"
  • Davit - "beloved"
  • Dayan - "judge"
  • Dean - "valley"
  • Dejan - "god of light"
  • Delian - "from Delos"
  • Demian - "to tame, subdue"
  • Demir - "iron"
  • Deni - "wild, frenzied"
  • Deniz - "sea"
  • Denzel - "from the high stronghold"
  • Derin - "deep"
  • Derk - "ruler of the people"
  • Deron - "gift"
  • Desiderio - "longing"
  • Desmond - "gracious defender"
  • Detlef - "people's heritage"
  • Detlev - "people's heritage"
  • Devin - "poet"
  • Dexter - "right-handed"
  • Diamant - "diamond"
  • Didier - "desired"
  • Diego - "supplanter"
  • Dimitri - "earth-lover"

05. " E " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Elias - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Emil - "rival"
  • Emanuel - "God is with us"
  • Erik - "eternal ruler"
  • Ernst - "serious"
  • Eduard - "wealthy guardian"
  • Egon - "edge of a sword"
  • Elia - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Eliah - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Eliahoo - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Eliahua - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Elian - "my God has answered"
  • Eliano - "my God has answered"
  • Elijah - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Eliot - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Eliseo - "my God is salvation"
  • Eljas - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Elmar - "famous noble"
  • Elmer - "noble and famous"
  • Elvin - "friend of elves"
  • Emanuelo - "God is with us"
  • Emilian - "rival"
  • Emiliano - "rival"
  • Emilio - "rival"
  • Emir - "commander"
  • Emirhan - "ruler of the emirs"
  • Emre - "friendship"
  • Endrit - "light"
  • Engelbert - "bright angel"
  • Enis - "friendly"
  • Ennio - "year"
  • Enrico - "ruler of the household"
  • Enver - "luminous"
  • Eray - "moonlight"
  • Erden - "jewel"
  • Erdem - "virtue"
  • Erdi - "valuable"
  • Erdinç - "valuable"
  • Erdmann - "man of the earth"
  • Eric - "eternal ruler"
  • Erikson - "son of Erik"
  • Erion - "peace"
  • Erkan - "firstborn"
  • Erman - "beloved"
  • Ermin - "universal"
  • Erminio - "universal"
  • Ernani - "resolute"
  • Ernst-August - "serious and majestic"
  • Ervin - "friend of the sea"
  • Ewald - "law of the land"

06. " F " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Fabian - "bean grower"
  • Falk - "falcon"
  • Felix - "happy, fortunate"
  • Ferdinand - "bold voyager"
  • Finn - "fair"
  • Florian - "flowering"
  • Franz - "free man"
  • Fred - "peaceful ruler"
  • Freddie - "peaceful ruler"
  • Frederic - "peaceful ruler"
  • Friedrich - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fridolin - "peace, protection"
  • Fritz - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fabio - "bean grower"
  • Fabius - "bean grower"
  • Fabrizio - "craftsman"
  • Fabron - "bean grower"
  • Fadi - "savior"
  • Fadil - "generous"
  • Faisal - "decisive"
  • Falco - "falcon"
  • Farid - "unique, precious"
  • Faruk - "differentiator"
  • Fatih - "conqueror"
  • Faton - "fate"
  • Fausto - "fortunate"
  • Favian - "bean grower"
  • Fazil - "knowledgeable"
  • Federico - "peaceful ruler"
  • Fedor - "gift of God"
  • Felician - "happy, fortunate"
  • Feliks - "happy, fortunate"
  • Felix-Anton - "happy, fortunate and priceless"
  • Ferdi - "bold voyager"
  • Ferenc - "free man"
  • Ferhat - "joy"
  • Ferid - "unique, precious"
  • Ferit - "unique, precious"
  • Ferris - "rock"
  • Fidel - "faithful"
  • Filip - "lover of horses"
  • Filippo - "lover of horses"
  • Finnian - "fair"
  • Fionn - "fair"
  • Flavio - "blond"
  • Florentin - "flowering"
  • Florianus - "flowering"
  • Floyd - "gray"
  • Flynn - "son of the red-haired one"
  • Franz-Josef - "free man and God will add"

07. " G " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Gabriel - "God is my strength"
  • Georg - "farmer"
  • Gerhard - "brave spearman"
  • Gernot - "strong"
  • Gilbert - "bright pledge"
  • Gino - "well-born"
  • Giovanni - "God is gracious"
  • Gisbert - "bright pledge"
  • Giselbert - "bright hostage"
  • Gislenus - "pledge"
  • Goffredo - "God's peace"
  • Gottfried - "God's peace"
  • Gregor - "watchful, alert"
  • Gudrun - "battle, secret lore"
  • Gunther - "warrior"
  • Gustav - "staff of the Goths"
  • Gabor - "God is my strength"
  • Gadiel - "God is my fortune"
  • Galen - "calm"
  • Galileo - "from Galilee"
  • Garret - "spear strength"
  • Gaspar - "treasurer"
  • Gaspard - "treasurer"
  • Gavino - "white hawk"
  • Gebhard - "gift of God"
  • Gene - "well-born"
  • Geno - "well-born"
  • Gennaro - "January"
  • Geoff - "peaceful gift"
  • Geoffrey - "peaceful gift"
  • Gerardo - "brave spearman"
  • Geremia - "God will uplift"
  • Gerhart - "brave spearman"
  • Gerold - "spear ruler"
  • Geronimo - "sacred name"
  • Gervais - "spear servant"
  • Gervasius - "spear servant"
  • Gideon - "hewer, feller"
  • Gilberto - "bright pledge"
  • Gildo - "pledge"
  • Gino - "well-born"
  • Giorgio - "farmer"
  • Giovanni - "God is gracious"
  • Giuliano - "youthful"
  • Giuseppe - "God will add"
  • Glen - "valley"
  • Godfrey - "God's peace"
  • Godwin - "friend of God"
  • Gonzalo - "battle genius"
  • Gordon - "spacious fort"

08. " H " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Hannes - "God is gracious"
  • Harald - "ruler of an army"
  • Hartmut - "brave mind"
  • Heiko - "ruler of the household"
  • Heinrich - "ruler of the household"
  • Helmut - "brave protector"
  • Hendrik - "ruler of the household"
  • Herbert - "bright army"
  • Hermann - "army man"
  • Hieronymus - "sacred name"
  • Hikmet - "wisdom"
  • Hildebrand - "battle sword"
  • Hinnerk - "ruler of the household"
  • Holger - "island spear"
  • Horst - "wooded hill"
  • Hubert - "bright mind"
  • Hugo - "mind, intellect"
  • Hakan - "ruler"
  • Halil - "dear"
  • Haluk - "good natured"
  • Hamza - "lion"
  • Han - "gracious"
  • Hanan - "compassionate"
  • Hanif - "true believer"
  • Hanno - "God is gracious"
  • Haris - "protector"
  • Haroon - "hope"
  • Harun - "hope"
  • Hasan - "handsome"
  • Hasim - "decisive"
  • Hatem - "decisive"
  • Haydar - "lion"
  • Hayri - "goodness"
  • Hazar - "thousand"
  • Hazim - "determined"
  • Heinz - "ruler of the household"
  • Helge - "holy"
  • Helmer - "famous warrior"
  • Hendrikus - "ruler of the household"
  • Henning - "ruler of the household"
  • Herbertus - "bright army"
  • Heribert - "bright army"
  • Hermenegild - "complete sacrifice"
  • Hermilo - "army man"
  • Hermippus - "horse thief"
  • Herold - "army ruler"
  • Herve - "battle worthy"
  • Hesekiel - "God strengthens"
  • Hikaru - "light"
  • Hilario - "cheerful"

09. " I " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Ignaz - "fiery one"
  • Ilias - "my God is Yahweh"
  • Immanuel - "God is with us"
  • Ingo - "protected by Yngvi"
  • Ingolf - "wolf of Yngvi"
  • Ingomar - "famous son of Yngvi"
  • Ingrid - "Ing's beauty"
  • Irenäus - "peaceful"
  • Isidor - "gift of Isis"
  • Ivan - "God is gracious"
  • Ivo - "yew"
  • Ilhan - "ruler"
  • Ilker - "first man"
  • Ilkka - "air"
  • Ilmar - "famous noble"
  • Ilmari - "famous noble"
  • Ilpo - "God will add"
  • Imad - "pillar"
  • Immanuelo - "God is with us"
  • Imre - "home ruler"
  • Imrich - "home ruler"
  • Inan - "resolute"
  • Ince - "thin"
  • Indrek - "ruler of the home"
  • Ingbert - "bright angel"
  • Ingemar - "famous son of Yngvi"
  • Inghard - "brave son of Yngvi"
  • Ingober - "spear of Yngvi"
  • Ingolfur - "wolf of Yngvi"
  • Ingomar - "famous son of Yngvi"
  • Ingvar - "warrior of Yngvi"
  • Inigo - "fiery one"
  • Inka - "famous ruler"
  • Innocent - "innocent"
  • Ioan - "God is gracious"
  • Irenaeus - "peaceful"
  • Irvin - "friend of the sea"
  • Isaac - "laughter"
  • Isak - "laughter"
  • Isidorus - "gift of Isis"
  • Ismael - "God will hear"
  • Istvan - "crown"
  • Italo - "of Italy"
  • Ivanhoe - "yew tree estate"
  • Ivar - "yew archer"
  • Ives - "yew"
  • Ivor - "yew"
  • Iwan - "God is gracious"
  • Iwo - "yew"
  • Izan - "obedient"

10. " J " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Jesper - Treasure holder
  • Jew - The praise of the Lord confession
  • Johann - Yahweh is gracious
  • Jonas - Dove
  • Jorg - Farmer
  • Josef - May the Lord add
  • Jovan - God is with us
  • Judas - Praised
  • Justus - Righteous
  • Janik - God is gracious

11. " K " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Karl - "free man"
  • Kaspar - "treasurer"
  • Kilian - "warrior"
  • Klaus - "victorious people"
  • Konrad - "brave counsel"
  • Kurt - "counselor"
  • Kajetan - "rejoice"
  • Kamil - "perfect"
  • Karim - "generous"
  • Karol - "free man"
  • Keanu - "cool breeze over the mountains"
  • Kenan - "possession"
  • Kenzo - "wise"
  • Kerem - "generosity"
  • Kevin - "handsome"
  • Kian - "grace of God"
  • Kieran - "little dark one"
  • Kilian - "warrior"
  • Kim - "brave warrior"
  • Klemens - "merciful"
  • Koda - "friend"
  • Koen - "bold advisor"
  • Konstantin - "steadfast"
  • Kornel - "horn"
  • Kostya - "steadfast"
  • Kristian - "follower of Christ"
  • Kristof - "bearer of Christ"
  • Kristoffer - "bearer of Christ"
  • Krunoslav - "crown of glory"
  • Kuzey - "north"
  • Kyrill - "lordly"

12. " L " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Lasse - "defender of the people"
  • Laurenz - "laurel"
  • Leander - "lion man"
  • Leif - "heir"
  • Leifur - "heir"
  • Leifur - "heir"
  • Leopold - meaning "bold people"
  • Lukas - meaning "from Lucania"
  • Ludwig - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Lorenz - meaning "laurel"
  • Leander - meaning "lion man"
  • Leon - meaning "lion"
  • Lennard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Luka - meaning "light"
  • Luis - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Laurin - meaning "from Laurentum"
  • Leonard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Lukas - meaning "from Lucania"
  • Ludwig - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Lorenz - meaning "laurel"
  • Leopold - meaning "bold people"
  • Leander - meaning "lion man"
  • Leon - meaning "lion"
  • Lennard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Luka - meaning "light"
  • Luis - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Laurin - meaning "from Laurentum"
  • Leonard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Lukas - meaning "from Lucania"
  • Ludwig - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Lorenz - meaning "laurel"
  • Leopold - meaning "bold people"
  • Leander - meaning "lion man"
  • Leon - meaning "lion"
  • Lennard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Luka - meaning "light"
  • Luis - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Laurin - meaning "from Laurentum"
  • Leonard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Lukas - meaning "from Lucania"
  • Ludwig - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Lorenz - meaning "laurel"
  • Leopold - meaning "bold people"
  • Leander - meaning "lion man"
  • Leon - meaning "lion"
  • Lennard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Luka - meaning "light"
  • Luis - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Laurin - meaning "from Laurentum"
  • Leonard - meaning "brave lion"
  • Lukas - meaning "from Lucania"
  • Ludwig - meaning "famous warrior"
  • Lorenz - meaning "laurel"
  • Leopold - meaning "bold people"
  • Leander - meaning "lion man"
  • Leon - meaning "lion"

13. " M " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Maximilian - "greatest"
  • Matthias - "gift of God"
  • Martin - "of Mars, the god of war"
  • Markus - "of Mars, the god of war"
  • Mario - "bitter"
  • Marcel - "young warrior"
  • Michael - "who is like God?"
  • Moritz - "dark-skinned"
  • Milan - "gracious"
  • Manuel - "God is with us"
  • Mathias - "gift of God"
  • Marek - "warrior"
  • Marius - "male"
  • Marco - "warlike"
  • Maurice - "dark-skinned"
  • Malte - "mighty in battle"
  • Magnus - "great"
  • Marcello - "young warrior"
  • Marcellus - "young warrior"
  • Matteo - "gift of God"
  • Mattias - "gift of God"
  • Matthias - "gift of God"
  • Max - "greatest"
  • Maxim - "greatest"
  • Maximus - "greatest"
  • Melchior - "king of light"
  • Merlin - "sea fortress"
  • Michaelangelo - "who is like God?"
  • Miguel - "who is like God?"
  • Mikael - "who is like God?"
  • Milan - "gracious"
  • Milos - "lover of glory"
  • Mirko - "peaceful ruler"
  • Moritz - "dark-skinned"
  • Moses - "drawn out of the water"
  • Mustafa - "chosen one"
  • Myles - "soldier"
  • Manfred - "man of peace"
  • Markus - "of Mars, the god of war"
  • Martinus - "of Mars, the god of war"
  • Matthias - "gift of God"
  • Maurus - "dark-skinned"
  • Maxence - "greatest"
  • Maximiliano - "greatest"
  • Maximilianus - "greatest"
  • Mehmet - "praised"
  • Merlin - "sea fortress"
  • Michaelangelo - "who is like God?"
  • Miguel - "who is like God?"
  • Mikael - "who is like God?"

14. " N " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Niklas - "victorious people"
  • Noah - "rest, comfort"
  • Norbert - "bright north"
  • Nils - "victorious people"
  • Nathan - "gift from God"
  • Nando - "daring"
  • Natan - "gift from God"
  • Naveen - "new"
  • Neal - "champion"
  • Neil - "champion"
  • Nemo - "nobody"
  • Neo - "new"
  • Nestor - "traveler"
  • Niccolo - "victorious people"
  • Nicholas - "victorious people"
  • Nico - "victorious people"
  • Nils - "victorious people"
  • Nino - "God is gracious"
  • Nizar - "to cut"
  • Noam - "pleasantness"
  • Noel - "Christmas"
  • Nolan - "champion"
  • Nour - "light"
  • Nuri - "my fire"
  • Nuriel - "my fire is God"
  • Nusret - "victory"
  • Nils - "victorious people"
  • Naim - "tranquil"
  • Nandor - "bold wanderer"
  • Natan - "gift from God"
  • Naveen - "new"
  • Neal - "champion"
  • Neil - "champion"
  • Nemo - "nobody"
  • Neo - "new"
  • Nestor - "traveler"
  • Niccolo - "victorious people"
  • Nicholas - "victorious people"
  • Nico - "victorious people"
  • Nils - "victorious people"
  • Nino - "God is gracious"
  • Nizar - "to cut"
  • Noam - "pleasantness"
  • Noel - "Christmas"
  • Nolan - "champion"
  • Nour - "light"
  • Nuri - "my fire"
  • Nuriel - "my fire is God"
  • Nusret - "victory"
  • Naim - "tranquil"

15. " O " Boy Name With Meaning.

  • Oliver - "olive tree"
  • Oskar - "spear of the gods"
  • Otto - "wealth, fortune"
  • Oswald - "god of power"
  • Orson - "bear cub"
  • Orlando - "famous throughout the land"
  • Othmar - "famous warrior"
  • Odin - "inspiration"
  • Omer - "flourishing"
  • Onur - "honor"
  • Orhan - "ruler of the army"
  • Osman - "protection"
  • Ovid - "sheep herder"
  • Ozan - "bard"
  • Oktay - "brave"
  • Orville - "golden city"
  • Omero - "flourishing"
  • Orestes - "mountain dweller"
  • Oskari - "spear of the gods"
  • Ossi - "divine spear"
  • Othniel - "lion of God"
  • Ovidio - "sheep herder"
  • Ozias - "salvation of God"
  • Ozzie - "divine power"

16. " P " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Paul - "small"
  • Pascal - "Easter"
  • Patrick - "nobleman"
  • Peter - "rock"
  • Philipp - "lover of horses"
  • Pietro - "rock"
  • Pius - "pious"
  • Pol - "small"
  • Primož - "first"
  • Prosper - "fortunate"
  • Paul - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"
  • Pascal - meaning "Easter"
  • Peter - meaning "rock"
  • Philipp - meaning "lover of horses"
  • Paulus - meaning "small"
  • Pius - meaning "pious"
  • Petr - meaning "rock"
  • Patrick - meaning "nobleman"
  • Paulin - meaning "small"

17. " Q " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Quentin - meaning "fifth" in Latin

18. " R " Boy Name With Meaning.

  • Raphael - "God has healed"
  • Rainer - "wise army"
  • Ralph - "wolf counsel"
  • Ramon - "wise protector"
  • Raoul - "wolf counsel"
  • Rayan - "gates of paradise"
  • Reinhard - "brave counsel"
  • Remo - "oarsman"
  • René - "reborn"
  • Richard - "brave ruler"
  • Rico - "strong ruler"
  • Robert - "bright fame"
  • Robin - "bright fame"
  • Rocco - "rest"
  • Roman - "citizen of Rome"
  • Romeo - "pilgrim to Rome"
  • Ronald - "ruler's counselor"
  • Ronan - "little seal"
  • Rudolf - "famous wolf"
  • Rupert - "bright fame"
  • Ryan - "little king"
  • Ryszard - "strong ruler"
  • Radomir - "happy peace"
  • Ragnar - "warrior"
  • Raimund - "wise protector"
  • Ralf - "wolf counsel"
  • Ramazan - "month of fasting"
  • Ramiro - "wise protector"
  • Randolf - "shield wolf"
  • Randolph - "shield wolf"
  • Rasmus - "beloved"
  • Ray - "wise protector"
  • Raymond - "wise protector"
  • Redmond - "wise protector"
  • Reginald - "ruler's advisor"
  • Reinhold - "ruler of the army"
  • Remigius - "oarsman"
  • Renatus - "reborn"
  • Renzo - "ruler's advisor"
  • Reuben - "behold, a son"
  • Ricardo - "brave ruler"
  • Rick - "ruler, powerful"
  • Ricky - "ruler, powerful"
  • Rikard - "ruler, powerful"
  • Rinaldo - "wise ruler"
  • Ringo - "apple"
  • Roan - "little seal"
  • Rob - "bright fame"
  • Robbie - "bright fame"
  • Robin - "bright fame"

19. " S " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Samuel - "asked of God"
  • Sebastian - "venerable"
  • Simon - "he has heard"
  • Stefan - "crown"
  • Silas - "of the forest"
  • Simeon - "he has heard"
  • Stanislaus - "glorious government"
  • Samuel - "asked of God"
  • Sascha - "defender of mankind"
  • Sava - "shepherd"
  • Selim - "safe"
  • Sem - "name"
  • Serkan - "brave"
  • Severin - "stern"
  • Siegfried - "victorious peace"
  • Sigurd - "victorious guardian"
  • Silvan - "of the forest"
  • Silvester - "of the forest"
  • Simon - "he has heard"
  • Sören - "stern"
  • Stanislaus - "glorious government"
  • Stefan - "crown"
  • Steffen - "crown"
  • Stephan - "crown"
  • Sven - "young warrior"
  • Samir - "entertaining companion"
  • Sandro - "defender of mankind"
  • Santiago - "Saint James"
  • Santos - "saints"
  • Saul - "asked for"
  • Savio - "clever"
  • Scott - "from Scotland"
  • Sean - "God is gracious"
  • Selim - "safe"
  • Semih - "name"
  • Serkan - "brave"
  • Severin - "stern"
  • Shayan - "worthy"
  • Siegfried - "victorious peace"
  • Sigurd - "victorious guardian"
  • Silas - "of the forest"
  • Silvan - "of the forest"
  • Silvester - "of the forest"
  • Simon - "he has heard"
  • Sören - "stern"
  • Stanislaus - "glorious government"
  • Stefan - "crown"
  • Steffen - "crown"
  • Stephan - "crown"
  • Sven - "young warrior"

20. " T " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Theo - "gift of God"
  • Theodor - "gift of God"
  • Thomas - "twin"
  • Tim - "to honor God"
  • Tobias - "God is good"
  • Toni - "priceless"
  • Torben - "thunder bear"
  • Tristan - "sorrowful"
  • Tadej - "courageous"
  • Tadeo - "praise"
  • Tahir - "pure"
  • Talha - "fruitful tree"
  • Tamás - "twin"
  • Tarek - "morning star"
  • Tarik - "morning star"
  • Tassilo - "stone destroyer"
  • Teo - "gift of God"
  • Terence - "tender"
  • Thaddeus - "courageous heart"
  • Theophil - "friend of God"
  • Thorben - "thunder bear"
  • Thorsten - "thunder stone"
  • Tibor - "of the Tiber river"
  • Till - "ruler of the people"
  • Timo - "to honor God"
  • Titus - "honorable"
  • Tobias - "God is good"
  • Tom - "twin"
  • Tomáš - "twin"
  • Toni - "priceless"
  • Torben - "thunder bear"
  • Tristan - "sorrowful"
  • Tadej - "courageous"
  • Tadeo - "praise"
  • Tahir - "pure"
  • Talha - "fruitful tree"
  • Tamás - "twin"
  • Tarek - "morning star"
  • Tarik - "morning star"
  • Tassilo - "stone destroyer"
  • Teo - "gift of God"
  • Terence - "tender"
  • Thaddeus - "courageous heart"
  • Theophil - "friend of God"
  • Thorben - "thunder bear"
  • Thorsten - "thunder stone"
  • Tibor - "of the Tiber river"
  • Till - "ruler of the people"
  • Timo - "to honor God"
  • Titus - "honorable"

21. " U " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Ulrich - meaning "prosperity and power" in German
  • Udo - meaning "wealthy" in German

22. " V " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Valentin - "strong, healthy"
  • Viktor - "conqueror"
  • Vincent - "conquering"
  • Valerian - "strength"
  • Valerio - "strength"
  • Valery - "strength"
  • Valtteri - "ruler of all"
  • Vassilios - "royal"
  • Veit - "victorious"
  • Veikko - "little hero"
  • Veit - "victorious"
  • Veli - "brother"
  • Veniamin - "son of the right hand"
  • Verner - "defending army"
  • Vernon - "place of alder trees"
  • Vespasian - "waspy"
  • Vico - "victory"
  • Victor - "conqueror"
  • Viggo - "war"
  • Viktor - "conqueror"
  • Vilhelm - "will, desire"
  • Viljami - "will, desire"
  • Ville - "will, desire"
  • Vincent - "conquering"
  • Vincenzo - "conquering"
  • Vinzenz - "conquering"
  • Virgil - "staff bearer"
  • Vitali - "life"
  • Vitalis - "life"
  • Vitus - "life"
  • Vlad - "ruler"
  • Vladimir - "ruler of the world"
  • Vojtech - "soldier of comfort"
  • Volker - "people's guard"
  • Volkmar - "people's guard"
  • Vuk - "wolf"
  • Václav - "more glory"
  • Vítek - "victorious"
  • Vítězslav - "glorious victory"
  • Václav - "more glory"
  • Václava - "more glory"
  • Václavka - "more glory"
  • Václavko - "more glory"
  • Václavík - "more glory"
  • Václavín - "more glory"
  • Václavíček - "more glory"
  • Václavík - "more glory"
  • Václavíček - "more glory"
  • Václavín - "more glory"
  • Václavský - "more glory"

23. " W " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Wolfgang - "traveling wolf"
  • Wilfried - "desiring peace"
  • Wendelin - "wanderer"
  • Wenzel - "more glory"
  • Werner - "defending army"
  • Willi - "resolute protector"
  • William - "resolute protector"
  • Winfried - "friend of peace"
  • Wolf - "wolf"
  • Wulf - "wolf"

24. " X " Boy Name With Meaning.


There are no popular Austrian baby boy names starting with the letter X.

25. " Y " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Yoichi - "sunshine, one"
  • Yubi - "finger"
  • Yael - "mountain goat"
  • Yusuf - "God increases in piety, power, and influences"
  • Yuri - "farmer"
  • Yale - "fertile upland"

26. " Z " Boy Name With Meaning.


  • Zacharias - "God remembers"
  • Zeno - "gift of Zeus"
  • Zoltan - "sultan"
  • Zoran - "dawn"
  • Zsigmond - "victorious protector".

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